UPDATE: Taco Bell Corporate Owner's Banh Shop Near SMU Has Won't Have Commie Logo

Hey Yum! Brands: Just slap a sickle and hammer on that star, and maybe you can offend Russians too.

Update, 1:32 p.m.: Yum! Brands said Thursday that it plans to take down the commie-inspired logo from its new "Vietnamese-style" Banh Shop near SMU. A corporate spokeswoman sent us the following email from Yum! Brands Senior Vice President Jonathan Blum to Mr. Thanh Cung, president of the Vietnamese-American Community of Greater Dallas:

Dear Mr. Cung, Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us this morning.  We appreciate your time.

First, on behalf of all of us at YUM, please accept our sincere apology to you and to the Vietnamese community for unintentionally offending you with the logo of Banh Shop.  We have the greatest respect for the Vietnamese people and culture.  It was never our intent to offend anyone, but we see we have made a mistake and in hindsight, we should have recognized this logo could be offensive.  Therefore, and effective immediately, we are changing the logo and removing the red star from all materials and signage at the restaurant.  That will happen by end of day today.  We will design a new logo, and would greatly appreciate your reviewing it, along with other aspects of this restaurant, before we make a final decision.  We hope that you can let us know if there are any other elements in the new logo or aspects of the restaurant that could be perceived poorly. 

We want you to know we have heard the issues raised by you and others in the community, and we are addressing those right away.  It is important to us that our restaurant is enjoyed by all, and we hope you can let others know of our sincere apology for the mistake we have made and the actions we are taking to address it.

Christophe Poirier, who heads up new concepts for YUM, will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time for the two of you to meet to review new logo designs within the next 24 hours.  We hope you'll accept our apology on behalf of the Vietnamese community, and that you will feel free to contact either Christophe or me directly with any additional concerns or questions.

Thank you again for your understanding and consideration.

Jonathan Blum
Senior Vice President
YUM Brands, Inc.

Original story: Banh Shop's theme is apparently as red as the tomato slabs on their overpriced sandwiches. The fast food joint, owned by the Taco Bell parent company Yum! Brands, opened three days ago as a pilot restaurant near SMU. But visitors may have noticed more than awkward guacamole and sour cream on their sandwiches. Looking around, the place is rife with underhanded Vietnam War references.

First, visitors are greeted by the shop's red, five-pointed star logo, the symbol for communism. Their motto is "Saigon Street Food" -- which sounds catchier than Ho Chi Minh City Street Food, but gives the creeping impression that the red star, looming overbearingly above the motto, might soon encroach on former Saigon. And there's the overpoweringly red and black website, which lists sandwich choices such as "Grilled Steak," "Grilled Tofu," "Grilled Chicken Breast," "Grilled Pork Meatball," and then, oddly, "The American."

And visitors so far are not happy. The shop's Facebook page has exploded with furious commenters, many of them Vietnamese-American. On the plus side, the Dallas store is just the pilot run. Although the second Banh Shop is slated to open at DFW later this month, the company still has time to turn around the negative image.

Banh Shop Facebook

Banh Shop Facebook

Banh Shop Facebook

Banh Shop Facebook

Look, we get that Vietnam is a communist nation, and maybe Yum! Brands wants to convey that in their theme. But reminders of Saigon on both the menu and motto, combined with their own communist manifesto, just feel like some shadow of the fall of Saigon, war, and death. Mmm. Yummy.

My Voice Nation Help

Pretty great response from YUM, involving the complainant(s) in approving a new logo. Hat-in-hand is rare for a big corporation.


The power of social media.  This would have taken months, if at all, before the age of Facebook, Twitter and Blogs.  Now on to the next step--don't do stupid shit like this in the first place!

bvckvs topcommenter

It was a wise decision.  The star would be too much of a temptation to Republicans to go in and murder the staff and customers.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

"Mr. Blum tear down this star!

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Community action at work again.  Good to see Yum acknowledge this and change the logo

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Myrna does not expect YUM! Brands CEO, who pulls in $25 mil a year and pays his employees minwage, to be any more sensitive about the logo than he is about paying starvation wages. 


Meh. Roll n' Go isn't that far. By the same respect, neither is Richardson.


not that i'd go for some fast food version of something when i can get the real stuff but at least they named it after Saigon instead of it's current name. there's a good chance they are that stupid and didn't realize what the red star was about....or maybe they're trying to outdo urban outfitters? 

bmarvel topcommenter

Oh, for heaven's sakes. Sometimes a grilled pork meatball is just a grilled pork meatball.

bvckvs topcommenter

This reminds me of when the State of Texas put that exact same red star on all the columns of the new freeways.  Right away, a bunch of crazy-assed right-wing psychos and cold war relics started hooting and hollering about communist plots.
But this is way worse - trying to harm a business and it's employees by spewing bullshit lies about them.  You should be ashamed of yourself.


"And there's the Saigon whore that bit my nose off!"


'Look, we get that Vietnam is a communist nation..'

The commie thing kind of fizzled out.

'Vietnam has made a shift from a highly centralized planned economy to a socialist-oriented market economy which use both directive and indicative planning (see Five-Year Plans of Vietnam). Over that period, the economy has experienced rapid growth. Nowadays, Vietnam is in a period of being integrated into the global economy. Almost all Vietnamese enterprises are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Vietnam has become a leading agricultural exporter and served as an attractive destination for foreign investment in Southeast Asia. As the planned economy of Vietnam lost the momentum for productivity and sustainable growth, like most of the Communist economies in the world after the Cold War period, nowadays the economy of Vietnam relies largely on foreign direct investment to attract the capital from overseas to support its continual economic rigorousness.'


scottindallas topcommenter

Am I the only one offended by the inclusion of Guac and Sour Creme in a Bahn Mi?  That's gross, I'm going to my local Vietnamese owned restaurant to purge these gross thoughts

Montemalone topcommenter

Brought to you by the same people you see driving down the freeway with their faces buried in their iphones.


Jane Fonda gives it two thumbs up!

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Maybe they can sign Jane Fonda for some ads.


the important question....is the beer cold?

bvckvs topcommenter


They're Viet Namese - so commie-bashing, right-wing racists are still going to hate them, regardless of their logo.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs what kind of crazy fucked up shit is going on in your head?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I find communist meatballs preferable because when you google "communist meatballs", you'll come up with zero references, and a Canadian commie.

(Until now, of course. I'm about to go down in history.)


@bvckvs but would you feel the same way if people were complaining about a business that displayed the swastika?

"The review found:

  • An estimated 1 million people were imprisoned without formal charges or trials.
  • 165,000 people died in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam's re-education camps, according to published academic studies in the United States and Europe.
  • Thousands were abused or tortured: their hands and legs shackled in painful positions for months, their skin slashed by bamboo canes studded with thorns, their veins injected with poisonous chemicals, their spirits broken with stories about relatives being killed.
  • Prisoners were incarcerated for as long as 17 years, according to the U.S. Department of State, with most terms ranging from three to 10 years.
  • At least 150 re-education prisons were built after Saigon fell 26 years ago.
  • One in three South Vietnamese families had a relative in a re-education camp.
- See more at: http://dartcenter.org/content/camp-z30-d-survivors#.VBpNFjQod_4"


@dingo you're absolutely right. Their economy has shifted to a socialist/capitalist type economy, But their GOVERNMENT is still communist. Power is still abused, and the people still don't have the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. This is the same government that brutalized their own people in re-education camps (which could be why they're "over it?")

China went from a centrally planned economy to a more socialist/capitalist economy as well, but their communist government is still as controlling over its population as ever. You're talking about money. We're talking about people.

You know, 50 years from now. I'll tell people to get over 9/11. I'm sure that'll go over well...

bvckvs topcommenter


Sadly, to most commie-bashers, it isn't about economics.  It's about needing some enemy out there to hate.

So the author saw that red star and decided she'd call them "commie" and bad-mouth them.

It'll be interesting to see their response... and I'm very sure they WILL respond.

bvckvs topcommenter


There's one at Walnut and Jupiter that serves AMAZING steamed eel.

bvckvs topcommenter


You're referring to the Dallas Observer staff, right?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Vietnamese in America who escaped communism and slaughter are more ideologically aligned with the right wing than commie-lite liberals who find Vietnamese industriousness, strong family ethos and disdain for the welfare state disturbing.

That's why lefties try to punish Vietnamese by withholding minority status.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Bucky is a communist meatball.

bmarvel topcommenter

@pak152  First I gave up grapes on account of the farm workers. Then celery for fhe same cause. And then tuna for the porpoises, and maple syrup for the baby seals. Salmon to save the fisheries. English dairy products to save the badgers. Sushi to save the whales. Shrimp to save sea turtles. Kentucky Fried Chicken to save the chickens. Gave up Stolichnaya Vodka for the gays. Kellogg’s cereals because of genetically modified sugar beets. Nestle’s chocolate on account of baby formula. Then Cadbury’s because they’re tax dodgers. Starbucks for the Ethiopian coffee-pickers. Stopped shopping at Wal-mart because. well, it’s Wal-mart. Gave up my Adidas, for human rights of one kind or another. Refused Amazon book deliveries because they are killing publishers or authors, I forget which. Not fueling up at B.P, Shell, Chevron or Texaco, all boycott targets. Buying nothing from China, which means just about everything.Nothing from Israel, either. Or Russia, those former Commie bastards. Will not be traveling to Canada next summer, nor to Alaska, and if I do I won’t be staying in a Hyatt or an Intercontinental Hotel. No Turkish food (remember the Armenians!) no Whole Foods, no Olympia foods, Eden foods, Kroger. No Coca-Cola because, on an empty stomach, it gives me gas.


@nguyenalbert @dingo  you are correct and wise. there are many who believed 911 to be just a taste of long over due payback - some of those live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


@bvckvs @dingo do you not remember the millions slaughtered or are their lives merely the cost of doing business? 


@bvckvs @dingo so what about the nazis bashers?

The review found:

  • An estimated 1 million people were imprisoned without formal charges or trials.
  • 165,000 people died in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam's re-education camps, according to published academic studies in the United States and Europe.
  • Thousands were abused or tortured: their hands and legs shackled in painful positions for months, their skin slashed by bamboo canes studded with thorns, their veins injected with poisonous chemicals, their spirits broken with stories about relatives being killed.
  • Prisoners were incarcerated for as long as 17 years, according to the U.S. Department of State, with most terms ranging from three to 10 years.
  • At least 150 re-education prisons were built after Saigon fell 26 years ago.
  • One in three South Vietnamese families had a relative in a re-education camp.
- See more at: http://dartcenter.org/content/camp-z30-d-survivors#.VBpNFjQod_4


They'll start putting Doritos in the Pho within a year.

ozonelarryb topcommenter

Straight from the hovercraft.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Jane rides a taco & t-shirt cannon at grand openings, ya got LBJ at the grill and you're forced to eat the burgers, which suck at best.

They should go full Jack Rabbit Slim's, Jack Kennedy could be maître d.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


If a DO intern were to research which commentarianistas use the word "hate" most often, Bucky the edumacationer would be right up there with donkey, the Bolder of Psalms.

They're both, coincidentally enough, commie bastards.

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