According to the Deep Web, ISIS May Be Encouraging Really Lame Attacks in Texas

Categories: Public Safety

Wiki Commons User Hazmat2 via the U.S. State Department
The kind of stuff that makes it on ISIS forums, apparently.
Vocativ, a website that claims to publish "news from the deep web," has a post up showing pipe-bomb making instructions and suggested targets, including several tourist sites in Texas.

The bombs are all standard, Anarchist Cookbook-style stuff. The forums discuss using powdered chlorine as a chemical element in the bombs, but, frankly, bleach isn't nearly as intimidating as having an AK-47 waved in your face while ordering a burrito, so I think we'll manage.

See also: NRA Calls Texas Open Carry Protests "Downright Weird" and "Just Not Neighborly"

The instructions on the forums originated from a delightfully titled article in a 2010 issue of Al Qaeda's Inspire, "How to Make a Bomb From the Kitchen of Your Mom," and, according to Vocativ, are meant to inspire so-called "lone wolf" bombers in the United States.

Jimmie Oxley, a University of Rhode Island professor quoted in the article, says that although the plans are actionable, none of the actual bomb-making information is anything that hasn't been around since the "1960s or 1970s."

Whatever, ISIS. We weren't scared of that weird kid at our high school who got in trouble for bringing the Anarchist Cookbook to class, just like we're not scared of you now.

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holmantx topcommenter

Apparently there is an absence of fear.  Odd.  Well, let's insert period wry humor:

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear. Except a creature be part coward it is not a compliment to say it is brave; it is merely a loose application of the word. Consider the flea!—incomparably the bravest of all the creatures of God, if ignorance of fear were courage. - Mark Twain (1835–1910), U.S. author. Pudd’nhead Wilson, ch. 12, “Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar” (1894).

mavdog topcommenter

We should take any threat made by these murdering terrorists seriously. they have proven to be ruthless, and unfortunately for civilization everywhere very well organized.

The roots of the organization trace back to the Baathist in Iraq, you know those guys we supposedly got rid of when we invaded. Proving once again that the invasion produced so many problems we will be dealing with for years.

what an error in judgement.

holmantx topcommenter

We are going to keep fiddling around with open borders for political purposes and have to pay a big price to get our minds right again.  And Texas is the low-hanging fruit due to its porous border.

ISIS is incredibly well-funded after the President turned Iraq's successful pacification into another defeat.  I get it.  You don't like Bush but JESUS! They not only captured the largest bank with US currency ever, they now control half the Iraq oil revenue the Left was so concerned about the U.S. capturing.  We've handed a bunch of maniacs nukes.  They can buy them on the open market and the N Koreans will sell them a crappy missile to deliver them.

They've made repeated statements regarding payback and they are chopping off heads just for fun.  They are internet savvy and since we did not churn them into the death highway when we had the chance, their recruiting has shot up.  And they are actively radicalizing young Islamists in the countries they desire to hurt.

Our military says they are coming.  Homeland Security says the threat is real and growing, and the smirkers hate Perry.  It's surreal.

Meanwhile the Human Wave is building again since the President has announced he intends to emancipate all who are here after November.

I see an opening.  ISIS sees an opening.  


So, bombs that can be made with simple household ingredients aren't scary? Tell that to the victims of the Boston bombing; maybe the use of the word "lame" should get some extra scrutiny too?

  In your predictable whiskey dick view on everything, you've managed to confuse one group of people who are actually killing, raping, and enslaving, with a group that you happen to disagree with the method in which they chose to display their rights. Well played. Lets all hope that some home grown ISIS wannabe doesn't pop off a chemical bomb near your burrito, lest you'd be forced to do the math.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

I'm pretty sure some of them are placing huge orders at the Chik-fil-a drive-thru and then just driving off causing no end of confusion for their waitstaff and patrons.


Ok, seriously - how the hell do you justify putting a reference to Open Carry Texas (along with related links!) in an article that has nothing to do with them, but rather ISIS terrorists and bomb-making?

Way to Journalism.


Islam is a religion of cowards and Group-Think.  It takes a lot more courage to fight your enemy face-to-face than trying to blow up unarmed women and children who have done nothing wrong. 

September 11 was all about killing as many people as possible who were not armed, not actively engaged in the armed forces (except for the Pentagon), had done nothing wrong, and were just trying to go to work and earn a living.

These people were ruthless, unthinking, stooges of a false religion that has corrupted way too many peaceful, normal, and non-violent members of Islam followers. 

We can all hope these criminals accidentally set off their bombs, but live for a few days lying in pain and fear and failure.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Looks like a typical JV Team effort.

Points for avoiding the word "Islamic" while lying about OCT.


@mavdog You're right.  The Coalition should have allowed Saddam and his military to fire at our place, threaten them with missiles, shoot at our troops, kill his own people in ruthless ways, try to get nuclear materials for a bomb, storing WMDs, developing SCUD missiles that had a range much longer than the Cease-Fire Agreement allowed, let him continue counterfeiting dollars and European currencies, let him continuously threaten Israel, and smuggle in large long-range guns disguised as oil pipe. 

That's a lot to ignore, but I understand why liberals would just as soon he was allowed to continue serial violations of the Cease-Fire Agreement he signed.


@TexMarine "Paranoia, paranoia; everybody's coming to get me..."

-Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta" 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The last paragraph is a passive-aggressive way of saying "bring it on".

The author should be careful what he asks for, the Islamics who aren't really Islamics have a tendency to stage their lame attacks on majority-democrat cities, leaving people lame, or dead.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Sure, make jokes about Islamist terror threats, but realize the effect such threats have on Obama's short game and it's not quite so humorous.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Islamic State In Libya is not Islamic, is not a state, and is not in Libya, which is why we're bombing their women in Syria and Iraq.

(Don't confuse this with #waronwomen, that's Rush Limbaugh.)

OTOH, OCT is in Texas, is openly armed, and members make highly illegal terroristic threats in broad daylight with no consequences whatsoever, but if OCT had such materials on the web, UP would experience a collective conniption of the commentariat.

mavdog topcommenter


your desire to live in a fantasy is interesting, but your proclivity to ignore the facts is disturbing.

there were no WMD in Iraq, every single investigation has come to that conclusion.

are you also advocating that the US invade every country that "kills its own people", or "try to get nuclear materials" or "develop..missles"? crazy. our wars would never end.

the invasion has resulted in multiple reverberations that are threatening the security of the US more than anything Hussein could have done himself.

a huge error in judgement. we will be paying a price for a long time.


@mavdog @noblefurrtexas Saddam said he still had WMDs.  His son-in-law who he murdered said he still had WMDs.  Bill and Hillary Clinton said there were still WMDs.  Sandy Burglar, Clinton's national security guy, said there were still WMDs.  Gen. Wesley Clarke said there were still WMDs.

The CIA, the DIA, the NSA, MI-5 and MI-6 said there were still WMD.  The UN and NATO thought there will still WMDs.  Mossad in Israel said he still had WMDS.  Intelligence agencies in France, Turkey, Jordan, Italy, and Saudi said he still had WMDs.  (And years, later, the Army found several of the WMDs buried in the dessert sands.  They also had satellite images of convoys of trucks carrying WMDs into Syria for "safe keeping" until Saddam wanted them.

Saddam cheated on many of the other provisions and limitations of the  Cease Fire Agreement.  And, did you know Saddam continuously played games with the weapons inspectors. 

But, I'll make a note that you and Libya believed Saddam had no more WMDs, despite evidence to the contrary.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Unfortunately for a nation of chicken lovers, no.

mavdog topcommenter


you need to change your name to Rip Van Winkle, apparently you've been asleep for the last decade.

But, I'll make a note that you and Libya believe Saddam had no more WMD's, despite evidence to the contrary

do you need me to provide a definition for the word "evidence"? you clearly don't know what it means, as you have provided ZERO evidence. you just keep saying so-and-so said they were there....and they weren't.


Here is George Bush himself telling about the FACT the reports of WMD in Iraq were wrong:

"The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq," Bush told ABC television. "I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess. It wasn't just people in my administration; a lot of members in Congress, prior to my arrival in Washington DC, during the debate on Iraq, a lot of leaders of nations around the world, were all looking at the same intelligence."

it seems that you missed the results of the 2005 Commission that investigated the question of Iraq and WMD, and what they call the "intelligence failure" of saying there were WMD...when there were none.

"We conclude that the Intelligence Community was dead wrong in almost all of its pre-war judgments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction"

"While the intelligence services of many other nations also thought that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, in the end it was the United States that put its credibility on the line, making this one of the most public—and most damaging—intelligence failures in recent American history."

"Saddam Hussein told an FBI interviewer before he was hanged that he allowed the world to believe he had weapons of mass destruction because he was worried about appearing weak to Iran"

you should wake up from your slumber, you've missed a lot of things that happened while you were asleep.

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