Dallas Radio Yakker Wants Adrian Peterson to Play for the Cowboys

Categories: Media, Sports

Shan Shariff, the world's foremost expert on Texas.
It's been a banner week for the DFW sports media brain trust. First, the Star-Telegram's Mac Engel told us why we were stupid for thinking Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was a child abuser just because he gone a little too far. Now we have Shan Shariff, a radio host on 105.3 The Fan, who actually wrote a column for CBS DFW headlined "Why Adrian Peterson Needs A Star On His Helmet."

See also: Star-Telegram's Mac Engel Says Adrian Peterson Just Got a Little Carried Away

To be clear, he doesn't mean that Peterson needs to have a special sticker on his helmet to warn teammates, opponents and fans they shouldn't let their kids near him. Shariff means Peterson should, after his inevitable departure from the Vikings, be signed by the Cowboys.

Beyond salivating over the on-field possibilities, Shariff, who is from Maryland, writes that Peterson should come to the Cowboys because Texans are more apt to accept violence against children than those in other parts of the country.

One wonders, reading Shariff, what exactly he thinks about the market he works in.

"'We believe and practice corporal punishment. We got Whoopins [sic], beatings, belts and switches administered like a bath at night. We agree and support your way of parenting Adrian. We get it, because it's the way we grew up. Come back home and finish your HOF career here. We would welcome you with open arms like no one else in the country," Shariff writes.

Maybe if Shariff gets his wish, the Cowboys could greet Peterson with a special Welcome Home, Adrian Day at Jerryworld, giving away free switches or a paddle branded with Peterson's mug that's guaranteed to work "All Day."

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You hypocrites talk about corporal punishment as if it's more of a detriment to a child's welfare than the fact that the child's father is not married to its mother, produces children by multiple women to whom he has only a forced and tenuous monetary commitment, and apparently shows up in the child's life only on special occasions, when he administers said punishment to a child that he hardly has the right to touch, much less discipline. Why don't you approach the truth, instead of attacking a means of child rearing that actually did more good than the last 60 years of social intervention in our children's lives? I know, I know--if we would just fund abortions with taxpayer dollars, we wouldn't have so many kids in abusive hands, would we? Brilliant logic there.


Next year Peterson is going to be a runningback on the wrong side of thirty.  Why would the Cowboys want that or the distraction?  Shan Shariff a fan of the team from DC is an idiot.

Montemalone topcommenter

That guy looks like he needs a little more bacon and Crisco.


They fired my guy Richie Witt and hired this idiot? No wonder they are in last place in sports talk.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

well, that certainly did what it was written to do, drive clicks to his stupid story, and then maybe call in to his dumb show, but I dont know anyone outside of a few girls that actually listen to that garbage station anyhow. 


People actually listen to 105.3?

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

I don't find a link to the column. Anyway, it would take a completely tone-deaf idiot to write such a column.

What does that say about the person that allowed it to be published?



That's yer guy?  You are a poor, poor bastard sir; RW has the wit and knowledge of a piece of splintered wood.

With that being said, "The Shah"  is for people that don't watch sports, my 5 year old knows more about sports! 



that show is for day drunks and fat chicks.................the Shah is bad, but RJ just drives then nail in the coffin.  I'd rather to west Texas futures report.  You know, when you are driving through Dalhart at 2 AM, and they are talking about corn, and wheat prices. 

scottindallas topcommenter

@smyoung17 @TheCredibleHulk 105.3 is dead air.  If a station broadcasts and nobody hears it, does it even make a sound?  smyoung, welcome to Dallas, no one listens to 105.3.  Here's a tip, check out the Ticket

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@tlewis186 I hear ya!  I like his writing better than his radio, but he took a lot of nut kicking that he didnt deserve

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