City Council Can, In Fact, Vote Against Trinity Toll Road, Says City Attorney

Categories: City Hall

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Not so inevitable.
The Dallas Morning News' Rudy Bush got the scoop: a copy of memo from City Attorney Warren Ernst that says the City Council could walk away from building the Trinity River toll road despite the city's contract with the North Texas Tollway Authority to build the thing.

"There is no commitment of future Council approvals for funding, nor would any such agreement be enforceable," Ernst says in the August 5 memo to council member Scott Griggs, a toll road opponent.

The timetables set up in the original 15-year-old tollway agreement have long lapsed, Ernst says, which opens the project up to termination by the council. Walking away from the agreement could cause what Ernst obliquely referred to as "legal issues" because of the "open-ended nature" of the agreement between the NTTA and the city, but is not impossible as previous councils have been told repeatedly by staff.

That could mean one of three things A) Ernst is wrong; B) staff members who told the council the contract was ironclad were wrong about a $1.5 billion project; or C) those staff members were lying through their teeth.

"It was regularly reiterated to us that the bottom line was that we had a contract with the NTTA and we couldn't get out of it and we had to fulfill our obligations under the contract," longtime Trinity toll road opponent and former council member Angela Hunt says.

Now that they have learned otherwise, Hunt believes the current council has an opportunity to walk away.

"I think [the memo] really puts to rest any argument that there's any danger if the city of Dallas pulls back from the toll road and makes the decision to keep the park intact and abandon this idea of constructing a toll road within the park, in the floodway," she says. "I'm hopeful that council members will be persuaded -- in addition to Adam [Medrano], Philip [Kingston], Scott [Griggs] and Sandy [Greyson] -- that the toll road's not only unnecessary, but that there's no legal risk to the city if it decides to terminate its agreement with the NTTA."

Griggs expressed frustration with the information the current council has been given about the toll road.

"So much of what we've been told about the toll road has been proven untrue, this is just one more piece. So many times in the past, staff and management has relied on the NTTA agreement with the city of Dallas saying we had certain obligations to fulfill, the legal advice from [the city attorney] certainly casts doubt on that," he says. "What's important here is that the public has even more of the truth about the Trinity toll road, that this agreement going back to 1999 with the NTTA is by no means ironclad."

Ernst's memo will probably come up in the next City Council elections, Griggs says, since new council members will actually have a say in whether the city's agreement with the NTTA continues.

At least one person who hopes to be a part of the next city council agrees with Hunt and Griggs. Sam Merten, who's running for Sheffie Kadane's District 9 seat, welcomes the chance to escape the toll road.

"We need to terminate this contract. I don't know what the current numbers are, but we've spent a good chunk of the $84 million already. Obviously, I am in favor of anything that prevents further expenditures [on the tollroad]. As someone who's seeking a seat at the council table, I think it's important to pursue termination of the agreement with the NTTA," Merten says.

Trinity River funding memo by cityhallblog

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holmantx topcommenter

Inside baseball:

Staff has just given permission to Council to dismiss the Toll Road.

Now can we have a weekly "Let Me Speak To The Manager" radio program?

I mean, it's only fair that the citizen gets to speak to those behind the curtain who run this town.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

If the CoD spent $84MM on the Floodway Tollway, just what do we have to show for all of that money?

Is it a case of all that money and you can't even wear it?

mavdog topcommenter

am I the only one who wonders how Rudy Bush came into possession of this memo that is stamped "Confidential Attorney/Client Priviledge" and says It is important to note that if the analyses and comments contained in this memo are released or made available to other parties to the Agreement, it could be detrimental to the City in a future dispute or litigation"?

heck, I am glad to see Ernst give the opinion he has, but I am also concerned that the publication of the memo may harm efforts to stop the project.

Montemalone topcommenter

Is the Observer some sort of incubator for city council critters?

Miller, now Merten?


"That could mean one of three things A) Ernst is wrong; B) staff members who told the council the contract was ironclad were wrong about a $1.5 billion project; or C) those staff members were lying through their teeth."

It could also mean that staff read the contract and came to the same conclusion most people did, that there are no exits. Ernst is saying that just because there are no exits listed doesn't mean that all future councils are bound by this contract until the end of time. Any requirements in the contract or responsibilities of the city have long since lapsed just by the unreasonable nature of the contract. No contract is forever. 


So per Mrs. Hunt, all that is needed is another 4 votes.


I'll take "C." Explicit opposition to the toll road should be the litmus test applied by residents and neighborhood groups for all Dallas City Council candidates this next spring.

holmantx topcommenter


he obviously got it from Staff.

legal disclaimers not withstanding, the disclaimer is proof of life, in that it could not come from Staff since it would be detrimental to the taxpayer.  And, of course, who does "Staff" look out for?


the disclaimer does not hurt staff.

only the taxpayer, and they can't vote for staff.


@Montemalone It's better than letting former city council members write the stories here. OR IS IT?

JimSX topcommenter


You nailed it. It's like, "Is Ukraine Russia?" If they mumble, make 'em spit it out. 


@schermbeck Absolutely. It is THE litmus test. The future of our City depends upon it--That alone will decide whether we stay mired in the past or move forward.

mavdog topcommenter


it's the staff, or it's Ernst's office, or it's Griggs himself, or it's Grigg's staff.

The question is the motive.


to get publicity of the attorney's opinion, enabling those who are for killing the road?

or to get the memo out there so it doesn't kill the road?

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

In the big scheme of things (jobs), ultimately you just have to make certain things go away when they become . . . unviable.

The toll road is a small sacrifice once the perpetuation of the system, the bureaucracy, the "staff", or God forbid a change in governance, is in play.

Kinda like the DISD.

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