Does Clay Jenkins Really Have a Heart or Is He Scamming Us?

Categories: Schutze

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Is Clay Jenkins the real deal or just another two-bit soap-boxer?

Before I get on my high horse, I usually check back upstream to see what sort of feet of clay I may have myself on an issue. Great thing and terrible thing about the Internet. It's all still there. So this morning before leaping to the saddle to whack people for calling Dallas County Clay Jenkins bad names, I took a moment to see what I may have called him in the past that I have conveniently forgotten, now that I am a Jenkins fan.

Well, let's see here in this first item that comes up. "Dormouse," I called him. Not even sure what that is. Could be a kind of pet maybe. "Footman." Possibly not flattering. "Fool."

See also: All Hail John Wiley Price, the King of Dallas County.

Fool? I called him a fool? That was three years ago. Listen, I have grown up a lot since then. In fact I grow up every day. All over again.

I called him that stuff because he went along with ... he was involved in ... it seemed to me ... oh, forget it. It's too far back. Not worth dredging up again. Got mad at him. Pretty much the sum and total of the matter.

Today he's on my mind because Christine Gorman, writing on a blog for Scientific American, has called him and Dallas County Health Director Zachary Thompson "Ebola heroes"for their roles in calming fears and combating bigotry in the Dallas Ebola crisis. Thompson is a choice I would have agreed with even back when I was still calling Jenkins names. Through the city's struggle and quandary over aerial spraying for West Nile disease, Thompson has always been a rock -- a source of measured judgment and intelligence in a climate where those qualities have been in short supply.

See also: Ebola in Dallas: What We Know So Far

Jenkins took much longer for me to get. He and I wound up in sort of a face-off in the hallway outside some arcane regional planning meeting like "Curbs and Gutters in the 21st century." We were talking about the living wage issue, and in the course of our chat he let slip that he had been a latch-key kid after his father died and his mother had to work double shifts as a phone operator.

I remembered that conversational fragment and went back to him last August for an interview about his role in offering shelter here for unaccompanied Central American children who were briefly flooding across the border at that time. I wanted to ask him if his own childhood experiences had enlivened his empathy for these children who were gone from their parents.

See also: Heart of Clay

He wasn't really enthusiastic about my question. I mean, look, this guy's a lawyer and a successful litigator. His instincts are going to be to avoid sounding like a cry-baby. But he did concede, somewhat reluctantly, that he knows "what it's like to be alone as a child and to feel abandoned."

By the way, WFAA investigative shark Brett Shipp, not known for his sentimentality, showed up in the comments section on that column with a really intriguing account of a speech he heard Jenkins make at the county commissioner's court on the living wage issue. Shipp called it "the most powerful speech I have ever heard delivered from a public pulpit in this city. Out of turn and almost out of nowhere, Clay Jenkins took the floor and stole the show with an artfully crafted, passionate and extemporaneous soliloquy on the topic of 'a living wage'.

Right now the debate around town is whether Jenkins' role in the Ebola response -- especially his ceremonial car ride in regular clothes with an Ebola-exposed family -- has been true moral leadership or mere political theater. His Republican opponent in the next election cycle, former City Council member Ron Natinsky, has been excoriating him on social media for opportunism and irresponsibility.

I want to excoriate Ron Natinsky. I want to ask why we can't ever take a gesture at face value. But given the things I have said about Jenkins myself in the past, I just can't quite boost myself up onto that high a horse. Politics is politics. It would be naïve to imagine that any elected official or candidate for elective office is ever devoid of political motivation. And the last thing Natinsky wants his opponent to become is any kind of saint. We all understand that.

Nevertheless, we also have to keep our hearts and minds open to the possibility that what we are seeing in both Jenkins and Thompson is competence, responsibility, compassion and true leadership. We don't want to construe the world around us in such a way that those qualities are permanently beyond our capacity for belief. Do we?

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A sign posted on Ms Pham's residence says something about no person entering without proper protection. Undoubtedly they have never met Judge Clay Jenkins. 

You can bet that Mr. Jenkins is regularly checking his temperature - but only behind closed doors.


Clay Jenkin (county judge) is a puppet they put up to say whatever is possible to cover the situation. His quotes on interviews, "0% of catching ebola" and advised the parent's of the schools that came in contact with Duncan, "take your children to school, it's the safest place to be". Now a nurse that is "geared up" caught the virus!!

Clay step down from the podium and stop speaking gibberish.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

It wasn't enough for Jenkins to pull a stupid stunt which put him - and everyone with whom he comes in contact - in double jeopardy of developing Ebola.  But, it gets better.  He made sure all media organizations knew what he did, knew that he wore no protection, and that he sent the message to ordinary people that this disease was not at all dangerous.

For a public official to do something that irresponsible. But, then he doubles down and goes home to his family, and sending his daughter to school in Highland Park to potentially infect classrooms full of children. 

GREAT JOB.  Calling you "judge" is a misnomer for someone with such terrible judgement.


It's really, really hard to get Ebola. American health protocols will keep us from any danger.  You people are just a bunch of paranoid freaks. Don't worry, Ebola is not....wait...what...?....OK.....

...never mind.

holmantx topcommenter

This just in!  Clay Jenkins showed up at the hospital and is licking every surface from the common areas to the health care worker's car.

holmantx topcommenter

Press Conference on 2nd Ebola infection:  Jenkins stressed the virus cannot be transmitted by aerosol or casual contact.  Mayor Rawlings then gets up and goes on to say they have deployed and decontaminated all surfaces in the common areas of the apartment project, contacted everyone in the project and surrounding neighborhood.

Out of an abundance of caution, Jenkins should be quarantined and separated from his family, not because of possible contamination but because he is a preening idiot.

The doc says the caregiver was following full precautions when dealing with Duncan.  Full suit.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Jenkins is up for re-election starting with Early Voting on October 20th.  He is pandering to the usual suspects, mostly the black community, where he sucks up to Price to keep black voters (and their vote harvesters) happy. 

He knows he may be in trouble for re-election, because many Democrats have had it with this administration of his, as well as Obama, and may stay home or crossover to vote for some of the better Republicans. 

The problem is, Jenkins tried to hard in his pandering, and now simply looks like an incompetent political fool.  (The mini-mansion for the Duncan clan of illegals was just one example of the absurdity).


I can't believe what I'm reading. It doesn't matter if Jenkins has a good heart or is showboating.

The fact is, Mr. Duncan died from something that is particularly virulent, and the virus, measuring only 800 nm, stays alive on environmental surfaces for many hours while still damp. Jenkins had pathogenic material on his person when he left that apartment.

Yeah, he's a hero, as long as that in the next 26 days, nothing horrible happens to him, the people he exposed with his dirty shoes, the Presby workers, the EMS personnel, and the others who have been exposed.


Look, Judge Clay Jenkins took a gamble of sorts dealing with Ebola straight-on, that is, his actions spoke louder than anyone else's words, basically saying, "Shut the f--- up and get out of my way because this is the way you do it!" Real or theater, in my book, the man has balls, integrity, and a great sense of leading by example, not just for Dallasites but for all Americans, including xenophobes and others.  Lead on, Brother Clay!


I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

On one hand you have Jenkins, who came into office as John Wiley Price's sock puppet/water boy.

On the other is Natinsky, a Dallas Citizen Council stooge and Trinity Tollway whore.

Equally bad choices.

Jenkins is currently edging out Natinsky in the "less sucky" column.


Good man or not, I still say he looks like a bad wax figure. Although tonight on the news (notice how's on the news every night the last few months?), he looked a bit like a Cardassian (no, not Kim or Chloe) in whiteface.

Look it up, non-geeks.

One thing I would like to know, why is a county Judge a national media figure these days? If he's not careful, he'll end up colliding with Charles Schumer while racing for a camera someday, killing dozens in the process...


Jim, can you give us some quotes from Natinsky's social media griping, so I can see if my cut and paste of the term "shitheel" is going to be required?


I dealt directly with Judge Jenkins over the unaccompanied minors. I found him to be helpful, practical, accessible and compassionate. I was impressed and grateful. 

JimSX topcommenter

Thanks, Dingo, for LA Times link, which backs up what I said here a week ago about transmission and the propaganda line from Big Brother.

At that time, griffmanstrong commented: "I wonder if Schutze here realizes he's peddling the same sort of viral (cuz it's online, geddit?) alarmism that webshites like Infowars, Naturalnews, and Prison Planet are propagating. Good to see the DO reaching out to a wider, albeit crazier audience. Maybe next time a piece on vaccines?"

Griffmanweak, please see this story:

Then  go screw yourself.

mavdog topcommenter


If you came away from the news conferences with the impression that "this disease is not at all dangerous", you were not listening. If you were listening and had this as the message, you did not understand.

Jenkin's daughter had a zero chance "to potentially infect classrooms full of children". Zero.

You have come completely off the rails. Irrational and inaccurate don't go far enough to describe what you are posting.

bvckvs topcommenter


re:  "The doc says the caregiver was following full precautions when dealing with Duncan."

Is that the same doc who started this mess when he turned the uninsured black man out on the streets of Dallas with ebola?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Jenkins has set a fine example should a similar circumstance occur, risking his life and others to combat the stigma society has placed on those who have had close contact with ebola, which is based on racial animus, xenophobia, nosophobia, emetophobia, syngenesophobia and all those issues republicans have. There is nothing to fear but grisly death itself!

He should be feted before before he kicks, not after.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@lyndarobertson99 Now one of the health care workers has possibly  come down with Ebola, at least in the first test.  We'll see what happens from here, but pray this person does NOT have Ebola, or that government covers it up.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DallasJedi How he did it is NOT - repeat N O T - the way you handle it!

Jenkins is grandstanding, and has put untold numbers of people - including himself - at risk.  That is ignorant, irresponsible, high-risk behavior.  And, it proves beyond a doubt that re-election is more important than his family. 

As I mentioned elsewhere, we know from dealing with highly radioactive substances, and with biological warfare experiments, that wearing protective clothing is only as good as HOW you remove the clothing after being exposed!

Some units even employ a buddy system where someone else who is protected carefully removes and disposes of the clothing the protective devices another employee has worn.

Ebola is not like normal bacteria generally seen in a hospital.  You can't clean in up by treating surfaces like you would with staph protective procedures.  Ebola is a virus, and very virulent one that can live and be active outside of the body for an undetermined amount of time.  

Jenkins did exactly the wrong thing, and was a horrible example for everyone who saw the news he so desperately wanted to make.  Frankly, he should be recalled for putting a huge number of people at risk by doing all the wrong things. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DallasJedi Jenkins is a fool.  He took public health risks that are not only foolish, but dangerous to the community.  So, clearly, he's not very bright to put re-election before preventing infection. 

And, a mini-mansion was a nice touch.  Now it has to be fumigated, and the family goes back to the crowded apartment. 

Grandstanding is apparently what Jenkins does best.

bvckvs topcommenter


The author's been committed to his hatred for Judge Jenkins for several years.  I think his arrogance and self-righteousness is making it hard for him to admit he was wrong about the man.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@JimmyTwoBags Jenkins is a fool, and a grandstanding politician who has accomplished little. 

I just saw him on television grandstanding at the Presbyterian Hospital.  He was a stuttering and stammering fool who had a difficult time pronouncing many of the words.

Jenkins had no right exposing himself, and secondarily his family, his staff, and all those with whom he had contact, because he wanted to look like a "caring" county judge and candidate for re-election. 

Anyone who thinks this is "leadership" needs a head shrink. 

Ebola is a communicable disease that, unlike AIDS, does not require contact. It can be spread by heavy breathing, coughing, sneezing, and methods of transmission from bodily fluids.  We now have a healthcare worker who may have it, and that worker was capped, gowned, gloved, and masked while caring for Duncan. So, it's clear the disease is not all that difficult to get. 

If Jenkins were my employee, I would fire him on the spot for carelessly and potentially putting a great many people in jeopardy of catching a deadly disease - just to get re-elected. 

bvckvs topcommenter


I don't know anyone who's actually met the man who had anything bad to say about him.  That's why it pisses me off when some tabloid commentator makes these kinds of passive-aggressive accusations that he's trying to "scam" us.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@JimSX We, in this country, are so fortunate to have had the best medical care on the planet for decades, and one of the best public health disciplines ever.  But, having eradicated several dread diseases, we have one or more generations of people, doctors, merchants, journalists, and bus drivers completely unfamiliar with dealing with a communicable disease - especially like Ebola. 

Illegal aliens have brought back TB, once considered almost eradicated.  And, there are other very contagious diseases that we haven't seen in many years which are making a comeback in the areas where illegals have settled. 

I don't think you can be too cautious about a disease like this.  There's no reason to panic, but being well-informed is forewarned. Unless I've got it wrong, that's largely the job of the media.  (I'm still p'od at Jenkins for exposing his family to this disease, and then letting his children go to school.  THAT is the classic definition of irresponsible and stupid.)

If a healthcare worker (who is hermetically sealed from catching the disease, but may have contracted it  anyway) is testing positive for it in the initial stages, there's a lesson about caution there that should be learned. 

Too bad we have so many politicians who have ignored it, or want to politically milk it for all it's worth. 

bvckvs topcommenter


No, it doesn't back up your claim.  The well-written article by the responsible journalist uses qualifiers like "suggests" and "indicates" and repeatedly points out that there's no conclusive evidence.  And nowhere in the article does the author do what you did - insisting that people aren't panicking enough.

Yours was a case-study in yellow journalism.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog Actually, Jenkins said, himself, that he didn't wear protective clothing in order to be sensitive to the family members, and show others there was nothing to be afraid of. 

He's a foolish idiot pandering for votes, but outsmarted himself and now looks like a blithering fool.

holmantx topcommenter


So this morning - Sunday - the Mayor beats on all the doors in the apartment project, reverse 911's every land line in the neighborhood, hangs flyers on every door in the entire area, Hazmat's all common areas and the infected apartment again . . . telling everyone to not panic.

Man!  How would you like to get a recorded call informing you a hospital person tested positive some miles away but don't panic however . . . RUN FOR YOUR LIVES GREAT GOD ALMIGHTY RUNNNNNNNN!
I mean, if the low information people don't know or really care, what are you doing Mr. Mayor?  Whose idea was that?
You might as well run through a theater yelling fire but don't panic.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not to worry, he carries a little bottle of hand sanitizer and uses it after some of his bathroom breaks, just in case.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Ebola has been a blessing for people who like to use the word "xenophobic".

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I see people and press are rushing to the apartment of the infected, this is not how ebola panic is supposed to work.



Look at this entire thread: It's all about appearances-how Jenkins looked to others, whether he appeared to be  "brave", and a "hero".

Dallasites think they are too first-world to get Ebola. How's that for Xenophobic?


TheRuddSki topcommenter


On the bright side, Dallas will be known for more than killing JFK.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@lyndarobertson99 @TheRuddSki When you are dying from Ebola, all of your organs are shutting down, your body is basically turning against itself, and you're mentally aware of dying, you could care less how YOU look or THEY look. 

Jenkins wants to look good to get re-elected.  Because, otherwise, he's done nothing substantial as Dallas County Judge but be a stooge for Price, the criminal. Now, the CDC is hedging their bets and saying there will likely be more cases and deaths. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's a thin line between brave and stupid.

Anyone who traipses around an ebola-contaminated space and then goes home to his kids is a f**king moron.

But at least he's not xenophobic, which the main concern here.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Reportedly, the infected nurse has received hundreds of marriage proposals since the news broke, and Jesse Jackson's jet is circling DfW in case she's black.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Finally!  Of course, this is going to hurt the tourist trade for a while, but there's always Ft. Worth who can say in chorus, "See?  We told you that town was a disease pit!

Amon Carter would be proud. 

holmantx topcommenter


This just in!  Man in Hazmat suite breaks past police barriers and a Clay Jenkins press conference, strips down to speedo and dives in the apartment Ebola pool.

It's Jesse Jackson..

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Nice visual.

Damn lucky that Dallas is at Seattle today.

holmantx topcommenter


WAIT!  There's more; THIS JUST IN

NEWSFLASH! Canadian cow keels over in Montana of Mad Cow and 65 nations ban American beef.

President to hold nationally televised special address to the nation on the 18th hole today - Teleprompter pre-release by 12 year-old girl Homeland Security Spokesperson indicates there is 'nothing to fear but a grisly death itself'.  
Hashtags are being formed as we speak; Marines deployed to Dallas to 'fight' Ebola.
Posse Comitatus suspended, the President expected to suspend elections, and Dallasites are ordered to quarter troops in homes.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@holmantx @TheRuddSki You left out the part where Jenkins goes out into the fields and kisses all the cows, then eats one to show Mad Cow disease is not dangerous. 

Of course it is perfectly normal for a county judge to do clown flips and declare himself the zombie reincarnation of Bozo.

TheRuddSki topcommenter



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