Dallas May Soon Declare Ebola Disaster But THERE'S STILL NO REASON TO PANIC!!

Categories: News

Prepared to declare disaster, Dallas County officials swerved from the dramatic statement at the last minute this afternoon.

On Thursday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, Mayor Mike Rawlings, and members of city health authorities convened for an emergency commissioners court meeting to officially declare disaster in Dallas. But after a private debate, and a significantly tamer public discussion, the court agreed that while disaster declaration was a "tool in the toolbox," it's not quite time to say there's an emergency in Dallas.

Court members stressed how well Dallas is handling the Ebola outbreak and implied that declaring disaster would increase the level of fear and uncertainty throughout the city and indeed the country.

"I think given what is happening locally, it has an impact nationally, and as such we need to move cautiously with this declaration," Commissioner John Wiley Price said. "It is in our toolbox, but I am not sure ... whether it is premature."

And panic seemed to be biggest issue city officials were keen to avoid. Each official noted that despite the increasingly dismal rhetoric, people within the city of Dallas and throughout the country should not be scared out of their minds, yet.

But it's clear the hysterics have already begun. Despite repeated pleas from officials to avoid public panic and media emphasis on the minimal risks of the average person contracting Ebola, there are a number of ways in which people across the country are clearly losing their cool.

  • Louisiana went out of its way to prevent the ashes from the incinerated belongings of Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan from being brought into the state. Last week, a judge issued an emergency court order that prevented Duncan's remains from being brought to a hazardous waste landfill. This landfill, by the way, already contains a cocktail of, among other chemicals, arsenic, asbestos, mercury and lead.
  • Belton ISD in Central Texas closed three campuses on Thursday because two students in the district maybe, sort of, kind of were near the general vicinity of nurse and most recent local Ebola patient Amber Vinson. The kids were on the flight from Cleveland to DFW on which an asymptomatic Vinson flew, and the schools will be closed for a day of thorough disinfecting.
  • The walking path that Vinson took through the Cleveland airport got a complete scrubbing on Thursday.
  • Hazmat suit sales are through the roof. On the first day of the Ebola news, Amazon experienced a 131,000 percent jump in hazmat suit sales, and an 18,000 percent jump in mask sales. And emergency equipment suppliers are reporting sales in just the past month to have far exceeded the year's expected earnings.
  • At the same time, the Dow Jones Industrial average experienced a huge drop in points this week, which many economic analysts has largely to do with Ebola fears. Airline stocks, in particular, have fallen. Ron Weiner, who is the president of RDM Financial Group, told Forbes that "when the CDC looked like they didn't know what they're doing once again, the markets responded. There's a certain degree of irrationality now."
  • Navarro College rejected two students from Nigeria for admission to the school because they're from a country that had an Ebola outbreak. By that logic, SMU students can kiss those study abroads to Monaco goodbye.
  • Three of nurse Vinson's relatives are employed at Kent State University in Ohio, and have been ordered to stay away from campus for 21 days. Vinson herself attended Kent State, and university officials rushed to assure students that the nurse did not step foot on campus during her short visit to Ohio for a funeral last weekend.

On the other hand, as the Washington Post details, a little panic could do us some good -- clearly a lack of immediacy and alarm have already led to a number of serious allegations, foremost among them that Presbyterian Hospital delayed more stringent measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

So what do you think, Dallas? Ready to panic yet?

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ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

"It is in our toolbox, but I am not sure ... whether it is premature." 

Premature in that JWP needs time to determine how the equity will be apportioned and that the proper  consultants are hired.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

This was an illegal meeting, and should have been held in open session.  To make matters  worse, the Mayor was a party to this. 

From Texas Law:  "There are seven exceptions that generally authorize closed meetings, also known as “executive sessions.” The exceptions include discussions involving: (1) purchase or lease of real property; (2) security measures; (3) receipt of gifts; (4) consultation with attorney; (5) personnel matters; (6) economic development; and (7) certain homeland security matters. The governing body must first convene in open session, identify which issues will be discussed in executive session, and cite the time and applicable exception. All final actions, decisions, or votes must be made in an open meeting."

This was quite clearly an illegal meeting, and simply amplifies the incompetence and political pandering of the Dallas County Judge and some of his Democrat cohorts.

Clay Jenkins is a lawyer, and should no better.  But, as some of his colleagues have offered, he's not much of a lawyer. This illegal meeting further amplifies that.   


After moderate research, I've determined that these three words are similar enough to serve as synonyms:

ineptitude, ineptness, and inaptitude. 

I could build an argument for "inaptitude" being more contextual, more situation-specific, but I'll hold that argument until the Cowboys start losing again and we need something else to talk about in the bar.


Do the nurses have a claim under workers compensation? 

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Belize is panicking now. Cruise ship denied entry.

holmantx topcommenter

Miss me yet?

no kidding.  I think it's safe to say President Bush would have handled this far differently.

The most embarrassing, and now transparent, aspect of this entire Ebola thingy is the extent to which the full faith and credit of the United States Government has eroded.  It's sad. 

Send troops to "fight" Ebola.  The National Guard?

CDC rolling about the gun deck like a loose cannon?

Blaming the hospital?

Blaming nurses on the front line?

Appoint a political hack as "Ebola Czar"?

Won't suspend inbounds carrying a passport with stamps from Sierra Leone, Guinea or Liberia until a Threat Assessment has been made, or to assuage the Public out of an abundance of caution?

Congressional hearings?  Hauling up the usual suspects to express contrition and ask for forgiveness?

Hows about this, Washington? We'll take care of this out here in flyover country.

Why don't you just go bail out Wall Street again.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Amazon experienced a 131,000 percent jump in hazmat suit sales...

Mostly to phelps.


Vanity Fair has an interesting article in the October issue detailing the current outbreak in Africa.  It started with one victim in December '13 and was not diagnosed until March '14.

There are too many statistics & too many cautionary tales to quote here, but, sheesh, people we need to get this under control.  This thing spread quickly with no plane flights or cruises to aid in transmission. I know quarantine seems extreme & some people might consider it a serious violation of civil liberties, but this is an epidemic that we are not prepared to contain.



To POTUS: Your current protocol does not allow for human behavior. Your first allegiance is to American citizens. To quote your CDC appointee Dr. Tom Frieden: " Primum non nocere"  - first, do no harm --- to Americans. Start thinking like an American president.

Citizens are frustrated because POTUS, CDC, and other Federal agencies are not doing enough.  Impose travel restrictions in addition to other actions. 

Between the four isolation centers (Atlanta, Maryland, Montana, and Nebraska, there are only 19 beds. You should be doing whatever is possible to reduce infected persons from entering the U.S.

Given human nature and loopholes, infected people will enter and have entered even with the ridiculous notion of taking temperatures at airports as people can become symptomatic after passing a temp test.

EX: Duncan.

Another blatant sign of ineptitude: Persons from infected West Africa can enter U.S., but those exposed to the virus here are not supposed to travel by air.

Stop underestimating the intelligence of the American people We can think critically, and we are not buying what you are selling.


To POTUS: Stop stalling. You can assist West Africa and impose travel bans. Had  you done so, Nina Pham and Amber Vinson would not be in isolation units at NIH and Emory, respectively. Your current protocol does not allow for the human behavior.


I have heard Jimmy Buffett's ode to Dallas "take it from me pass it by". Now I'm waiting for the lyrics to Ebolaville.


The documented "contacts" are now under a legal quarantine. The powers that be here in Dallas looked very nervous at the emergency meeting today.I am too. No more people flying out of affected areas please. Another will be deposited in YOUR metro are too........

bvckvs topcommenter

I wonder which city will be the first one to refuse to allow flights from DFW and Love Field to land at their airport?


"Court members stressed how well Dallas is handling the Ebola outbreak and implied that declaring disaster would increase the level of fear and uncertainty throughout the city and indeed the country."

Who in Dallas has handled this outbreak well?

From what I understand, declaring disaster would keep health care workers directly exposed to the virus from getting on airplanes. Now I can be extra nervous next week flying to LA because apparently they are all "free to move about the country."

holmantx topcommenter

If we can take away the terror, the Ebolians have nothing.

mavdog topcommenter

There's a certain degree of irrationality now

truer words have rarely been spoken.


Last time they opened Price's toolbox they found a hundred grand.

holmantx topcommenter

Widespread panic manifests itself in the oddest fashion here at North Park Mall. 

Someone screamed - E-E-EEEBOLAAAAH and the tweens and preteens in the packed area on the second deck in front of the theater broke out into an at once spontaneous but highly choreographed West Side Story, munchkin fight scene.  It was over thirty seconds later.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Declaring an emergency is never a reason to panic.  These declarations are about funding, and nothing more.

holmantx topcommenter


That's already a nasty little country.  Drove the length of it and man it was dangerous.  Went up the Monkey River.  When the Howler Monkeys cut loose, you'd think King Kong was coming through the jungle.  

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@holmantx George W. Bush was our only President to have an MBA, and his was from Harvard.  He knew that the best way to handle a specialized problem was to find someone respected, and with applicable experience, to held guide the solution or deal with it.

By contrast, Obama has to put someone into any situation who is beholding to him, and will cover his ineptitude.  That's why he selected a political hack to be the "Ebola Czar"....increasingly being know as the "Ebola Bizarre".



Incorrect. Bush's political-hack appointee as head of FEMA was experienced at...counsel for an horse breeders association, and he failed miserably when Katrina hit. Don't you remember "You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie!" ? BTW, that particular hack is now his own consulting firm lobbying FEMA, no surprise there.

They're ALL complicit in self-serving ineptitude, Holman, regardless of that bullshit D or R after their names. 



I skimmed all the way through your meanderings, but didn't see any reference to Ebola, or even Dallas. Do you know the word "solipsistic"? How about the phrase "self-indulgent navel gazing"? How about "spam to boost click count on unrelated blog," you know that phrase, right?

holmantx topcommenter


LA just announced they are barring all flights from DFW and now DAL and Texas oysters too.

effective immediately.


@holmantx  Yet I just read an op ed in NY Times that 15 year olds deserved to right to vote in national and local elections.  Case closed on that one.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I was considering land there or Costa Rica ten or more years ago, but not now. Hondurans, ya know. (Grandaughter spent 5 weeks in CR this past summer, says "glad you didn't move there")

holmantx topcommenter

@wcvemail @holmantx

Ray Nagin as Mayor of Dallas and Blanco as Guv.

Nagin's in jail.

FEMA was late to the party but that fiasco was homegrown.

Mississippi and elsewhere it was bad but let's face it - the press  and the Left hung that on the wrong bunch.


As in,"And I'm leaving this town as soon as I can

Gonna stop off for a while and see my woman". Duncan.


As in "And I'm leaving this town as soon as I can

Gonna stop off for a while and see my woman".Duncan.


That sucks, since the purpose of my trip was oyster smuggling.

holmantx topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I know guys in both countries.  Both say no way.  

One guy just got back.  Was held hostage in his house for 5 days.  Beaten.  Robbed and worse.

Cops said they knew who it was but if he pressed charges they would kill him.

He's back.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not that it matters now, but the heckuva job comment came early on, before Bush blew the levees.

Also, Katrina was the largest, fastest deployment of emergency relief in US natural disaster history - heckuva job, W.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Costa Ricans have a delightful custom of stealing your shit, even your house if you're too long gone, according to a bud who has lived there about 20 years and blogs from the area.

He is headed back to the U.S. as well. Narco shit getting dicey.

holmantx topcommenter


That's right.  I forgot.  New Orleans blew all the money to fix the levees on levee fixin' to deliver new real estate development, and they collapsed.

Similar to our levee fixin' plans.

holmantx topcommenter


Same for the guy I know.  He lives out in the country.  When he's not there, he has a friend come over and crack off a few rounds in the air.  He does this every day when he's there.

The Spanish speakers have over-run the country.

The countries south of Mexico are rough.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The fact that NOLA and LA in general were corrupt third-world welfare shitholes when Cheney's weather machine directed the storm there had nothing to do with the clusterfuck.

holmantx topcommenter


And then there's Iraq.  

I had objections to that one but the casualties were comparatively light, the country was pacified and not a threat, and all we had to do is leave a residual garrison.

I can't believe the President just collapsed the whole deal, then allow Baghdad to fall to ISIS - a bunch who are definitely coming to a theater near you.

This clown we have as President is a cartoon compared to Bush.  

And if he let's this Ebola thing take hold, he best find residency in Belize.

Notice how the Left has clammed up on all their racism invective.  They now realize they have a major loser on their hands.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Iraq has to collapse to satisfy the ideology which declared it a defeat before the invasion. Had we gotten a SoFA, things might be different. but, at this point, what difference does it make?

Afghanistan will be Obama's legacy of peace, until it collapses. That and the final fusion of the Americas.

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