
$2500 Reward Offered To Find Killer Who Hanged ‘Sassy’ With A Belt On A Picket Fence In Roseville

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ROSEVILLE (CBS) — A family in Roseville is devastated after discovering their beloved 8-year-old cat, ‘Sassy’ was hanged to death from a picket fence with a belt.

The Placer SPCA notified Jeremie Miller and his wife Monica after Sassy’s microchip implant revealed they were her owners.

The couple adopted Sassy from the shelter, in 2007. Jeremie Miller told the SPCA he had seen the cat lying on his child’s bed just hours before she was found dead.

Sassy was killed in the same neighborhood where she lived. Her owners said they don’t know why someone would hurt her.

“If it was kids just playing around, they need to know the consequences,” said Monica Miller. “If it was someone who intentionally hurt her, they need to be caught.”

The Placer County SPCA is offering a $2500 reward for information leading to the arrest of Sassy’s killer.

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