Visit TWRI for water research and outreach information.

Texas experienced a net loss of nearly 1.1 million acres of private working lands from 1997-2012. Read this new Texas Land Trends publication to learn more and see the latest data.

Land Trends

Read about soil scientist Cristine Morgan, upcoming events and workshops, the award-winning BST team and more in the September issue of Conservation Matters, TWRI and IRNR’s monthly newsletter.

September CM

Join America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative in Celebrating 5 years of Restoration Success for one of America's most treasured natural landscapes!

ALRI 5 Years of Success

Read our 2013 Annual Reportand learn about some of our recent project highlights, our work with TWRI and how our institutes are uniquely equipped to solve modern natural resources challenges.

2013 Annual Report

Upcoming Training Courses

Our training program markets and adminsters short courses on diverse natural resource and water related topics. See a full schedule or subscribe to receive updates about new courses.

Recent Projects

Prescribed Fire Portal

The Prescribed Fire Management Portal provides convenient access to information and resources on general concepts and applications of prescribed fire management.

Texas Land Trends

Texas is home to over 142 million acres of private farms, ranches and forestlands, thus leading the nation in land area devoted to privately-owned working lands.


The Trinity River Information Management System provides an outreach and planning tool for supporting land conservation and habitat restoration decisions.

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