
Journalism in the Public Interest


The Trade: The Big Bank Backlash Begins

Former regulators hired to represent the nation’s leading banks assert the government is being way too tough on their clients.
The Best Investigative Reporting on Campaign Finance Since 2012
For the Next Attorney General, a Modest Suggestion: Fix Presidential Pardons
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Podcast: When U.S. Companies Help the NSA

Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson on blurring borders in an Internet age and the tension between national security and personal privacy.

Why The Poor Pay $1,400 for Old iPads and More in MuckReads Weekly

Some of the best #MuckReads we read this week. Want to receive these by email? Sign up to get this briefing delivered to your inbox every weekend.

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

Documents describe "contractual relationships" between NSA and U.S. companies, as well as undercover operatives at some U.S. companies.

Charter School Power Broker Turns Public Education Into Private Profits

Baker Mitchell is a politically connected North Carolina businessman who celebrates the power of the free-market. Every year, millions of public education dollars flow through Mitchell’s chain of four nonprofit charter schools to for-profit companies he controls.

In Wisconsin, Dark Money Got a Mining Company What It Wanted

An accidentally released court filing reveals how one company secretly gave money to a nonprofit that helped get favorable mining legislation passed.

Podcast: The Racial Disparity in Fatal Police Shootings

The FBI's data on fatal police shootings has its flaws but it illustrates an undeniable truth: black teens have an outsize risk of being shot and killed by law enforcement.

Private Donors Supply Spy Gear to Cops

There's little public scrutiny when private donors pay to give police controversial technology and weapons. Sometimes, companies are donors to the same foundations that purchase their products for police.

The DEA’s Facebook Impersonator and More in MuckReads Weekly

Some of the best #MuckReads we read this week. Want to receive these by email? Sign up to get this briefing delivered to your inbox every weekend.

Deadly Force, in Black and White

A ProPublica analysis of killings by police shows outsize risk for young black males.

This Alabama Judge Has Figured Out How to Dismantle Roe v. Wade

Tom Parker’s writings fuel the biggest threat to abortion rights in a generation.

The Personhood Movement

Where the personhood movement came from and where it stands today.

What Military Families Need to Know About High-Cost Lenders

We have been reporting on military lenders for over a year. Here's what you need to know about these high-cost lenders.

Mysterious Campaign Appears to be the Latest Salvo in Battle Over Net Neutrality

As the FCC considers how to regulate Internet providers, the telecom industry's stealth campaign for hearts and minds encompasses everything from art installations to LOLcats.

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The way lenders and collectors pursue consumer debt has undergone an aggressive transformation in America. Collectors today don’t give up easy, often pursuing debts for years. It’s now routine for companies to sue debtors, then seize their wages or the cash in their bank accounts. For many people, these changes have profoundly affected their lives.

8 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Company That Sues Soldiers Pledges Reform, Changes Name

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Dispatches from Freedom Summer

In 1964, whites and blacks joined to, as some put it, drag Mississippi back into the United States. Violence erupted. Lives were lost. But change was wrought, too.

10 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Keep on Pushing

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NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

Documents describe "contractual relationships" between NSA and U.S. companies, as well as undercover operatives at some U.S. companies.

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Temp Land

Temp employment is climbing to record levels following the Great Recession. The system benefits brand-name companies but harms American workers through lost wages, high injury rates, few if any benefits, and little opportunity for advancement.

14 Stories in the Series. Latest:

California Governor Signs Bill to Protect Temp Workers

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Do you know a child who has been forcibly restrained or secluded at school? Help us investigate by sharing your story.

3 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Federal Investigators Crack Down on Two Virginia Schools’ Use of Restraints

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