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  • Even terrorists have a right to citizenship
    Even terrorists have a right to citizenship

    Ted Cruz doesn't trust Barack Obama to protect Americans against Ebola or defeat the Islamic State. But Cruz wants to give him another power: deciding that some Americans will no longer be Americans.

  • The Bidens are not like us
    The Bidens are not like us

    Everything you need to know about Beltway nepotism, corporate cronyism and corruption can be found in the biography of Robert Hunter Biden.

  • Airing concerns about sports events in smoggy China
    Airing concerns about sports events in smoggy China

    When the starter's gun sounded for the 34th annual Beijing International Marathon on Sunday, air pollution measured 20 times worse than what the World Health Organization considers safe to breathe. Anywhere else in the world, this would have been a scandal worthy of collective...


More business
  • Griffin: Wife still using credit cards for luxury goods
    Griffin: Wife still using credit cards for luxury goods

    Illinois billionaire Ken Griffin, who in July filed for divorce from his money-manager wife, said in a court filing Wednesday that Anne Dias Griffin continues to buy luxury goods and designer clothing with credit cards for which he is stuck with the bill.

  • Portland embraces 'green' image to boost exports
    Portland embraces 'green' image to boost exports

    In a glass tower topped with solar panels, wind turbines and rooftop gardens, a team of architects and planners who helped turn a once-moribund industrial tract into a trendy neighborhood in this river port town is crafting ways to bring street life and energy efficiency to a...

  • Sun-Times suburban strategy may leave no prints
    Sun-Times suburban strategy may leave no prints

    Given that he has talked about hastening newspapers' transition from print to digital practically from the moment he got the keys to the Chicago Sun-Times and its sister publications almost three years ago, no one should be surprised Wrapports Chairman Michael Ferro would be willing to...


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  • DeLorean franchises take fans Back to the Future with DMC sales
    DeLorean franchises take fans Back to the Future with DMC sales

    One year from today will be Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, the date to which Doc Brown flew Marty McFly 30 years into the space-time continuum with the help of their flux-capacitor-powered DeLorean time machine in "Back to the Future." Yet we're still waiting on those flying cars,...

  • NHTSA issues airbag warning on 4.7 million vehicles
    NHTSA issues airbag warning on 4.7 million vehicles

    If you drive a car made in the early 2000s, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants you to see your dealer -- right now.

  • 2015 Jaguar XJL luxury ends with infotainment
    2015 Jaguar XJL luxury ends with infotainment

    I don’t get it. Designing a beautiful luxury car to compete with the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Audi A8, BMW 7 means that every consideration must be brought to the table. Jaguar designed the most gorgeous dashboard on the market, packaged it in distinctive navy leather with white...

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