Denton Fracking Ban Exceeds Ballot Signature Requirement

by TXsharon on March 14, 2014

in Denton


Cathy McMullen, Denton DAG, 214-632-3735,
Sharon Wilson, Earthworks, 940-389-1622,


In face of city govt opposition, group continues signature drive at local events

I-signed-buttonDenton, TX (Mar 14) – Frack Free Denton today announced they have gathered substantially more than the required signatures to put their fracking ban initiative on the November ballot.  Denton City charter requires signatures equal to 25% of votes cast in the most recent general election for an initiative to get on the ballot.

Denton Drilling Awareness Group (DAG), which was formed by members of the city’s Drilling Advisory Group after their recommendations were largely ignored by the city, launched Frack Free Denton, the fracking ban signature drive on February 20, 2014.

Denton city government, which supports fracking-enabled oil and gas development within city limits, has a track record of ignoring its citizens and giving industry a free rein. Decisions are made in closed sessions without citizen input.

“Our city government is clearly more interested in protecting the fracking industry than its citizens,” said Cathy McMullen, DAG president. She continued, “That’s why we need to gather as many signatures as possible, to show they’ll pay a political price if they try to thwart their constituents’ wishes.”

Yesterday, DAG released a short video ( demonstrating that Denton citizens are forced to weather the health and safety impacts of fracking-enabled oil and gas development without benefitting economically.

“As far as I know, fracking companies can’t vote. It makes one wonder why the city is prioritizing fracking over Denton’s public health, especially since Denton residents aren’t really economically benefiting from fracking,“ said McMullen.

Upcoming fracking ban ballot initiative signature gathering events include:

Saturday, March 15
Denia neighborhood
2302 Jacqueline Dr
Denton, TX 76205

Saturday March 29
North Branch Library
3020 N. Locust
Denton, Tx 76209

Thursday, April 3 at 7:30 PM
The first Denton showing of Josh Fox’s Gasland 2
Dan’s Silverleaf, 103 Industrial Street.

MORE INFO about events and the fracking ban initiative at


EDIT: Please consider a donation to FrackFreeDenton. Helping Denton helps everyone faced with the unbearable impacts from fracking. 

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Mary W. March 14, 2014 at 10:32 am

I am so proud of you all and thankful to you! You are helping, not just Denton, but everyone who requires air and water to stay alive.


fishcreekneighbor March 14, 2014 at 6:21 pm

Beautiful teamwork, Denton! Now let’s hope the people decide to vote to ban fracking during November’s election.
fishcreekneighbor recently posted..The Fracking BoomsMy Profile


Jana March 15, 2014 at 9:52 am

Congratulations Denton! Please review the recent filings of Eagleridge Energy, and their recent leases, ratifications, and unit designations filed as recently as February 26, 2014. You can easily do this via Denton County records are online, just select your county, and insert the party name. Please note there are some under Eagle Ridge, with a space inserted. Also keep on top of new filings, leases, at , You can look by county, operator, or other factors. It is easy to compare unit names, those who have leased, and see if the unit name matches the county filings. Look for online queries (drilling permit, w-1 query). If you just search for Denton County, you can keep watch on all operators who are filing new leases.


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