
A Collection of Denton-centric News and Happenings

Curated by

Kevin Roden

Site Design by

Jeremy Buller


A Series of Dialogues About Art, Music, Literature, etc.

October 5, 2012
Of Asses and Pachyderms: Exploring the Political Spectrum

Chances are your mom banned such conversation at the dinner table when you were growing up.  That just might be why our culture is so bad at intelligently discussing it as adults. To make matters worse, we now live in a society where we can explore and confirm our political opinions without ever having to meaningfully encounter other points of view.

We’ll spend the evening looking into just what it means to be a conservative or a liberal with an eye to current political topics that interest us the most.

If we do it right – and I think we will – you’ll experience something our nation desperately needs: a new, healthy model for political discourse.

RODEN HOUSE – 322 Texas Street