Iran News Round Up October 9, 2014

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

 (E) = Article in English

Military and Security

  • An unknown group of assailants attacked Iranian Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) near Saravan, Sistan va Baluchistan province in two separate attacks. Reports in Iranian media are conflicting about the method of attack and number of wounded:
    • The Saravan MP stated: “At around 7pm a 110 (Iran emergency number) call was received and immediately three police officers were sent to the location, but the incident was false and the police were ambushed.”
    • “This morning bandits drove a vehicle planted with explosives onto a police base and the vehicle exploded immediately…unfortunately one person was killed and at least three others were wounded.” (Tasnim News Agency
    • Sistan va Baluchistan Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Rahimi stated: “After carrying out an ambush this group carried out a mortar attack on an outpost in the Saravan region where, unfortunately, one law enforcement officer was martyred and another soldier was wounded.” (Tasnim News Agency
    • LEF Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Amadi Moghaddam stated: “We should use more diplomatic action; it is unacceptable that Pakistan can be a safe haven for terrorists.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Head of the Iranian Navy's Industrial Research and Self-Sufficiency Organization Rear Admiral Ali Gholamzadeh announced plans to unveil a new indigenously made submarine by March 2015:
    • “We are designing and building heavy and semi-heavy submarines, and the Fateh [Conqueror] submarine will be unveiled this year.” (Mashregh News

Official Statements

  • National Security and Foreign Policy Parliamentary Commission member and former IRGC commander MP Mohammad Esmail Kowsari slammed Pakistan for its lack of border security, which Kowsari attributed to the reported death of four Iranian officers:
    • “We wish that these acts of terror in the country, especially in border towns would end for good, but the main issue is that the Pakistani government does not secure its borders.”
    • “The Pakistani government has practically no control over the border areas and if they really cannot control it they better tell us so that we ourselves could take action.” (Tasnim News Agency
  • Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani spoke about how Iran was correct to not join the US-led coalition against ISIL:
    • “Aerial bombings against the terrorists will be irrelevant, and for every reason Iran does not take this coalition seriously, but we will fight against terrorism and act upon it.”
    • “If we do not enter into the problems in Iraq, the situation will get worse, and we share a security interest with Iraq.” (Fars News Agency)
  • The Ministry of Intelligence Services (MOIS) Isfahan Province Director spoke about the harmful distrust of foreign tourists:
    •  "We cannot promise that all foreign tourists are spies, but we can promise that this incorrect belief harms our country and interests."
    • “Although Western governments act with enmity towards us, this is not a reason to view every foreign tourist as a spy when our people are famous for their hospitality.” (ISNA
  • Parliament Speaker Larijani reiterated the government’s call for a robust private sector and said “Our biggest problems in the production arena are related to the banking system.” (Mehr News
  • Deputy Information and Communication Technology Minister Nasrollah Jahangard announced that the “national information network” project will soon enter its operationalization phase on a region-by-region basis. He added:
    • “We also have a comprehensive plan to produce large national and indigenous databases…The government’s incentivizing support is so that internet consumption inside the country is not directed abroad and allows indigenous databases to be supported. We will support the production of mobile software and those who gather indigenous data and give these things to the people.” (Mehr News

Nuclear Talks

  • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced a meeting in Tehran that will address two remaining issues from the previous negotiations:
    • “During the meeting parties will discuss the implantation of two practical actions concerning high-level explosives and neutron transport calculations which in May 2014 was the third step in the framework of the cooperation agreement. The IAEA and Iran will continue to talk about these actions.” (Fars News Agency
  • Iran’s Permanent Representative to the IAEA Board of Governors Reza Najafi responded to reports about Tehran denying a visa to an IAEA official:
    • "Under the IAEA regulations, Iran is under no obligation to grant visas to the agency’s employees." (Mehr News

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem announced that yesterday's attack shows that "the eyes of the resistance have been completely open and it is ready to confront the enemy Israel, despite [LH] forces being engaged in Syria and in Lebanon's eastern front." (ISNA)  
  • Head of the Expediency Discernment Council Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani met with Portugal’s Secretary of State for Culture Jorge Barreto Xavier in Tehran to discuss expansion of cultural ties. Rafsanjani said:
    • “Our policy is expanding cultural ties with the world countries to let them know that 34 years of media imperialism against Iran is falsified and stems from political animosity.”
    • “With the expansion of relations and reciprocal visits by the officials, the world will realize that Iranians are a peaceful nation and are steadfast in defending their rights.” (IRNA