Rick Springfield

(Mario Tama/Getty Images)

5 Unusual American Music Documentaries to Stream for the 4th of July

If your pursuit of happiness over the holiday happens to include couch surfing, we’ve scouted out five American music documentaries you might enjoy.


Dave Grohl & Paul McCartney together at the 12-12-12 Concert. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images)

Dave Grohl’s Classic Rock Credentials

Bro-mance with McCartney, bandmates with John Paul Jones, “Sound City” with Stevie. How does Mr. Grohl keep up?


Dave Grohl and John Fogerty (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

‘Sound City’ Reviewed: Much More Than A Film About A Mixing Board

“This Neve board, this… is not my world. Engineers who spend hours on the kick drum (sound)? Please! I would rather have a blood transfusion!” This is part of a rather unlikely conversation between Barry […]



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