Melaku: Because of “the ones we left behind and those who died, we now have a second chance.” Brian Hutson

Coming to America

Translating for the U.S. Army made Afghanistan too hot for one North Texas resident.
Two years after a harrowing escape from Afghanistan and the Taliban, Frank finally has some semblance of normalcy in his adopted home of North Texas. He was recently reunited with his Afghan wife and young daughter. Frank’s u...

Dansby posed with a Good Hands Crew last year. Courtesy Kyev Tatum

Good Hands, Bad News

Kids in a summer work program get caught in the middle.
The Fort Worth school district and the Rev. Kyev Tatum are blaming each other for a gutted summer work program that left 100 teens and young adults shortchanged by a total of about $60,000, with nobody stepping forward to foot ...

Ward Timber wants Region D’s natural resources protected. Courtesy Ward Timber

Flow Chart

Bipartisan resistance to a new reservoir could leave North Texas dry.
A long-running battle over a proposed reservoir in Northeast Texas that is part of Fort Worth’s future water supply may be resolved by the Texas Water Development Board on Thursday, Aug. 7. When the current state water plan w...

Johnson: “We’re in the water-enhancement business.” Lee Chastain

Fearing for Beer

Drought could threaten all the stuff that brewers depend on.
The seriousness of the drought plaguing Texas and much of this country has been clear for a long time. Not to mention in other parts of the world like Tunisia, where crop shortages caused by climate change have resulted in civi...

Tarrant County College administrators are stepping on faculty’s toes. Jeff Prince

Unrest in Academe

TCC faculty members are working — quietly — for better treatment by administrators.
Faculty members at Tarrant County College are chafing under the reign of Chancellor Erma C. Johnson Hadley, a longtime TCC employee who rose from the post of instructor in 1968 to the school’s top position in 2010. Hadley bec...

Young Vaquero fans get to cavort on the field during halftime and after games. Kenneth kost

Take Me Out to the Soccer Match

At LaGrave Field, the Vaqueros may outdraw the Cats.
The fascination with World Cup Soccer not only filled local pubs and sports bars with enthusiastic fans this summer, but the fervor also spread to LaGrave Field, where the Fort Worth Vaqueros FC semi-professional soccer team, i...

Birdville summer students can work at home or in the school library but have to check in daily. Melissa Wylie

A Longer Leash

Birdville summer school students are deep into online learning.
Hundreds of students in the Birdville school district are enrolled in summer school — but not necessarily in school so much. Most kids aren’t spending more than two hours a day on campus. This is the second year that high s...

Ruggiero: Thyne’s findings won’t be a game changer “until more scientists come forward with proof that the water wells are being contaminated by drilling.” Anna Routh-Barzian


A geologist says the evidence leads directly from polluted water wells to fracking activity.
A geologist who has spent years studying the effects of natural gas drilling on water sources said last week that he has “no doubt” that Range Resources gas drilling activity has contaminated the Trinity Aquifer, ruining se...

Summers: “I see people’s artistic spirit, how strong it might be.” Melissa Wylie

Prairie Mosaic

A Fort Worth artist’s work will help teach ex-offenders a skill and a sensibility.
With the help of 10 former jail inmates, Fort Worth artist Pamela Summers is getting ready to install a 240-foot mosaic “ribbon” for the city of Grand Prairie. It won’t be her first time working with those who have been t...

Coates: “They wanted us to stop talking and allow them to network.” Courtesy Grant Coates

More Help for Morningside

A new joint project seeks to get parents involved in their kids’ education.
Two years ago, community leaders, philanthropists, and educators teamed up for an innovative experiment aimed at transforming the lives of children in a southeast Fort Worth neighborhood. That experiment is netting some positiv...