Drum Fill Friday

Drum Fill Friday, For Oct. 17

Charlie Watts, still laying down beats for The Rolling Stones, in a 2010 New York concert. i i

Charlie Watts, still laying down beats for The Rolling Stones, in a 2010 New York concert. Brock Miller/Splash News/Corbis hide caption

itoggle caption Brock Miller/Splash News/Corbis
Charlie Watts, still laying down beats for The Rolling Stones, in a 2010 New York concert.

Charlie Watts, still laying down beats for The Rolling Stones, in a 2010 New York concert.

Brock Miller/Splash News/Corbis

One thing that really struck me while putting together this week's batch of drum fills is how different they sound. I don't mean the timing or fill patterns themselves. I mean the timbre of the drums and the way they were recorded. You've got the super tight kits that pop with no ambient trails, the roomy kits that sound like they were captured with a single microphone twenty feet away, a brushed kit that rumbles and rattles. I love it! And all of the chosen kits and recording choices have a massive effect on how we ultimately feel about the song.

As always, if you have a drummer or a fill you'd like to see featured in these weekly puzzlers, let us know in the comments section or via Twitter @allsongs, #drumfillfriday.



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