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At First Guv Debate Since 2006, Not Much Debating

by and Published on
Wendy Davis speaking
Patrick Michels

Tonight, Greg Abbott was interviewed by a team of reporters in McAllen. The interesting thing about this interview, which sets it apart from others, is that Wendy Davis was being interviewed at the same time. They even sat close to each other.

Campaigning in Texas is a very strange affair these days. Most Republican nominees, assured of victory, hide: There’s nothing else needed to win. So we can credit Greg Abbott for a willingness to take part in a debate, I suppose, except this wasn’t really a debate. It was more of a structured Q&A with lots of TV cameras. The two candidates didn’t really engage each other—the format didn’t allow them much space to do so. The moderators didn’t ask any follow-up questions and the candidates only asked each other one question apiece. It was, for the most part, a recitation of talking points. The whole thing went down on a Friday evening during high school football season—a great time if you want to minimize viewership.

All Abbott needed to do in this debate was keep words coming out of his mouth in relative order, and this was a charge that he took with the utmost seriousness. There were no “gaffes.” Yes, many of the things he said didn’t make too much sense—like when he seemed to credit the deployment of the state’s National Guard deployment for SpaceX’s decision, years in the making, to build a launch site in Brownsville.

A lot of things about Abbott’s performance seemed … off. There were the little things, like when he mixed up the name of one of the moderators, but anyone could do that. There was something odd about the way Abbott talked: the way he related the story about “visiting with a young Latina of about college age” who “begged and pleaded” with him to secure the border. It was odd, too, how frequently he referenced his Hispanic in-laws to answer questions about issues in the RGV: as if he was saying, Some of my best family members are Mexican-American…

In truth, if this were not Texas, Greg Abbott had a debate performance to feel mildly insecure about. But this is Texas: The bar is very, very low here. We’re a couple of weeks away from the general election, and we still don’t know very much about Greg Abbott. Who is he? What motivates him? What kind of governor would he be?

If Davis did better, she didn’t shine. It’s still remarkable how much Davis feels the need to tack right on many issues, like the border, or the death penalty. She touted several times that she wanted “boots on the ground” on the border, just maybe not Perry’s National Guard deployment. She again called for a special session on the border crisis. Davis said she was a staunch supporter of the death penalty.

She was more aggressive, turning to Abbott at one point and blasting him for for cozying up to Ted Nugent. She accused Abbott of wanting to standardize test four-year-olds and said that if parents wanted to change that they’d need to form a PAC, hire a lobbyist and make a political contribution to the Abbott campaign. One of her best lines came when she told Abbott that cutting $5 billion from public education wasn’t liberal or conservative but “just dumb.”

Davis highlighted her core issues: Her advocacy for pre-K programs, raising the minimum wage, equal pay laws. She hit Abbott—or as much as she could, given the format.

The spin from Abbott’s team post-debate is that Davis had a “meltdown” and “talked over the moderator.” In fact it was one of the few moments that a debate threatened to break out—before the moderator cut her off.

All in all, it’s hard to see how the debate moves the needle for either candidate. But it’s Davis who needs the upset. Abbott is content to play it safe and not make any unforced errors.

  • don76550

    I have never seen a more reprehensible performance than the one put on by Wendy Davis. Rather than debating issues and sharing her vision for Texas, all she did was attack Greg Abbott nonstop, usually with outright lies. She parrots mendacious liberal talking points and thinks that is “issues.” She has clearly demonstrated she is unfit for any office.

    • not_Bridget

      Explain at least one of those “lies.” Please…..

      • george the sceptical

        You’re not going to get specifics out of these people.
        They are only able to regurgitate that which fits on a bumper sticker….

      • Bandara Carlos

        you’re going to have to repeat the question and much lower.LOL

    • Bandara Carlos

      She is still better than a personal lackey of the Koch
      brothers and corporate billionaires. Like Abbott.

      • don76550

        Delete Koch brothers and insert George Soros. See what a lying hypocite you are? Can you think for yourself or do just regurgitate liberal lies from your marxist masters.

        • Bandara Carlos

          Well lets see, Abbot getting a Koch brothers plane ride and expenses to meet with the Koch Brothers and other billionaires to collect his campaign contributions/kickback. and it’s common knowledge the Koch Brothers Purchases more candidates than anybody else..I assume Abbot went to the meeting to hang out his for sale sign.

        • Bandara Carlos


  • 1bimbo

    ‘….But this is Texas: The bar is very, very low here….’ so i suspect truth, integrity and honesty is considered a low bar by the lefty media

    • george the sceptical

      It means the electorate in Texas is pretty damn dumb.
      And we have you to make the point.

  • csmithtx

    I couldn’t believe that KERA-TV lost all audio for the first 7 minutes of this debate! Apparently, this has happened before. Abbott’s campaign is the one who scheduled this host. Abbott backed out of the first debate scheduled with WFAA (Abbott originally agreed to participate) citing, “Due to our inability to agree on specific details of the format, Attorney General Greg Abbott will regretfully not be participating in the WFAA debate.” So, they later chose KERA-TV. Seriously?? The format of this debate was horrible, and l agree with the comments in this article that the only debate I saw is when Wendy “talked over the moderator.”

    Playing it safe=use KERA-TV as your host! This so called “debate” was hardly what TX voters deserved!

  • Cindy Lang

    Unfortunately, Texans will probably elect Greg Abbott, but they are not going to like him very much. He is a pretty dull guy. After he’s been in office a year or so, all these little digs Wendy is getting in may resonate.