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PSE Breaking News


23 Sept 2014

New York State's Response to Climate Change: A Panel Discussion.


4 Sept 2014

We need an alternative energy grid by Elena Krieger, PSE Healthy Energy and Julia Trezona Peek


4 Sept 2014

Nova Scotia to ban high-volume hydraulic fracturing of onshore shale

State of the Science

Thur. 04 Sep 2014

Remote sensing of fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas production in North American tight geologic formations

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Tue. 02 Sep 2014

WRI analysis finds 38% of world's largest shale resource areas face high water stress

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Drilling California: A Reality Check on the Monterey Shale

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Shale and Tight Gas Literature Citation Database

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New York State's Response to Climate Change.
20 Sep 2014, 2PM - 4PM
Fordham University School of Law
Join us for a panel discussion of the PSC's Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Initiative.

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Agriculture & "Fracking"
22 Sep 2014, 4PM - 6PM
University of California, Berkeley
A panel discussion as part of the Berkeley Food Institute's Food Exchange series, feat. PSE Healthy Energy Executive Director, Dr. Seth Shonkoff
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The real costs of fracking


How America's Shale Gas Boom Is Threatening Our Families, Pets, and Food.

"A primer on unconventional fossil fuel extraction, with convincing evidence as to its deleterious nature, from veterinarian Bamberger and Oswald (Molecular Medicine/Cornell Univ.)."

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The Science of Fracking

Chris Mooney interviews Dr. Tony Ingraffea in this Inquiring Minds podcast

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