Victory 2014 Action Plan




October 19

SEND blast email, POST on Facebook, TWEET on Twitter

“Vote to Secure the border, Defend the 2nd Amd, Protect Life and Limit Government.  Vote Republican.  Your vote counts, choose to make a difference.  Early Voting starts tomorrow Monday October 20th from 8am – 5pm.”  (Provide address to closest location in your area and a link to all locations)

October 23

SEND blast email, POST on Facebook, TWEET on Twitter

“Vote to Secure the border, Defend the 2nd Amd, Protect Life and Limit Government.  Vote Republican.  Your vote counts, choose to make a difference.   You can Early Vote this weekend.  Polls open Friday 8am – 5pm, Saturday from 7am – 7pm and Sunday 1pm – 6pm.”  (Provide address to closest location in your areas and a link to all locations)

October 27

SEND blast email, POST on Facebook, TWEET on Twitter

“Vote to Secure the border, Defend the 2nd Amd, Protect Life and Limit Government.  Vote Republican.  Your vote counts, choose to make a difference.  This is the Final week to Early Vote.  Polls open this all this week from 7am – 7pm  (Provide address to closest location in your area and a link to all locations)

October 30

SEND blast email, POST on Facebook, TWEET on Twitter

“Vote to Secure the border, Defend the 2nd Amd, Protect Life and Limit Government.  Vote Republican.  Your vote counts, choose to make a difference.  Final Chance to Early Vote.  Polls open  this Thurs and Friday from 7am – 7pm.  EARLY VOTING ENDS FRIDAY OCTOBER 31st!!!  (Provide address to closest location in your area and a link to all locations)

November 3

SEND blast email, POST on Facebook, TWEET on Twitter

“Vote to Secure the border, Defend the 2nd Amd, Protect Life and Limit Government.  Vote Republican.  Your vote counts, choose to make a difference.  Election Day Tuesday Nov 4th.  Polls open  from 7am – 7pm  (You must vote at your assigned precinct.  Here’s a NEW LINK that will help you find polling site
