Another study shows cancer risk higher close to benzene facilities

by TXsharon on July 30, 2013

in health

The risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma has “risen between 3 and 4 percent every year since the 1970s,” and a new study shows that risk increases the closer a home is to benzene releasing facilities.

Reuters: Home distance from benzene sites linked to lymphoma risk
By Andrew M. Seaman
Mon Jul 29, 2013

…the researchers found that the risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma fell by about 0.3 percent for every mile between a person’s home and a benzene release site.

Benzene was found 94% of the time in a Barnett Shale air quality study. We know a whole host of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals related to oil and gas production is ending up in our neighborhoods and on our schoolyards.

Another recent study shows that co-exposure to 2 carcinogenic chemicals, even at low and safe levels, doubles your risk of getting cancer.

“The majority of cancers are caused by environmental influences,” Singh said. “Only about 5 to 10 percent of cancers are due to genetic predisposition.

Who is going to pay for all the health care? It certainly won’t be the oil and gas industry! They won’t even pay for their damage to our roads.

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