
Nova Scotia Wants Offshore Drilling Liability Raised to C$1B

One week after introducing legislation to continue a moratorium on high-volume hydraulic fracturing, Nova Scotia’s provincial leaders announced plans to amend rules for offshore drilling, including raising the liability for operators to C$1 billion from C$30 million. Read More

FERC Issues FEIS for Cheniere Corpus Christi Export Project

FERC has issued the final environmental impact statement for Cheniere Energy Inc.'s planned Corpus Christi, TX, liquefied natural gas export terminal... Read More

Henry Who? Mexico Still Searching For a Hub

The prospect for substantial U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and additional pipeline supplies being exported to Mexico raises questions about pricing mechanisms and the role of the Henry Hub, but it is still too early to determine what role, if any, Henry will have south of the border, an energy consultant with ICF International said Tuesday in Los Angeles. Read More

Judge Rules Against Louisiana's Attempt to Block Coastal Damage Lawsuit Against Pipelines

A state judge in Louisiana has ruled that a law passed earlier this year by the state's legislature that prohibits state agencies and local governments from filing lawsuits against the oil and gas industry for damage to coastal wetlands does not apply to its main target, the South Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East (SLFPA-E). Read More

PG&E Finds More Email CPUC Violations; U.S. Attorney Investigates

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) on Monday told state regulators that more violations were uncovered in the company's ongoing internal review of past email communications between former PG&E executives and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). In addition, the U.S. Attorney's San Francisco Office has begun an investigation of the ex parte communications violations. Read More

DOE's Moniz Touts Administration’s Strong Support for Natural Gas

U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, who has characterized natural gas as a "low-carbon bridge to a zero-carbon" future, appeared to disagree with an interviewer positing that gas was "just a bridge to more natural gas," and reiterated the Obama administration's commitment to an all-of-the-above energy strategy. Read More

ExxonMobil Chief Makes Case for Energy Exports, 'Far-Sighted' Policies

ExxonMobil Corp. isn't about to let the natural gas and oil opportunities in North America slip out of its grasp, CEO Rex Tillerson told a Houston audience Thursday. But federal officials might if they don't allow energy exports to be freely traded, he said. Read More

PG&E Urges Proposed $2B Penalty Aimed at Pipeline Safety, Not General Revenue

Undaunted by a series of public rebukes, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) late Thursday filed with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), seeking to limit where the monies go from the upcoming penalties the utility will be ordered to pay for the 2010 natural gas transmission pipeline rupture in San Bruno, CA. Read More

Interior Audit Says BSEE Performing Better, but Inconsistencies Found

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), charged with overseeing offshore drilling for the Department of Interior, has no standardized procedures in place for reviewing permits nor a program to streamline the process, according to an internal audit. Read More

California Regulator Makes Public Apology for PG&E Flap

Mike Florio, one of California's five top energy regulators, made an unprecedented public apology Thursday for his role in recently divulged private e-mail communications between himself and Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) concerning a pending regulatory case (see Daily GPI, Sept. 16). Read More