How does Vimeo Plus differ from a Basic membership?

FeaturesBasic AccountVimeo Plus
Storage space
With 5GB of storage space a week (5GB per file), you can upload almost any video you make, including that HD you've been working so hard on, “A Slow Drive Across Texas At Night.”
1/2GB a week5GB a week
Banner Ad-Free Viewing
Hate banner ads? We understand. Plus members never see banner ads anywhere on Vimeo.
Priority Video Conversion
Plus members never have to sit around while their videos convert. That means no lines, no waiting, just instant conversion, just like you always wanted.
High Definition
Upload as many HD videos as you want (within your weekly limit, of course!). With 5GB of upload space per week, that’s a boatload of HD video.
1 new HD video a week5GB of HD videos per week, up to your storage limit
HD embedding
Every Vimeo Plus member gets unlimited HD embedded plays.
Player customization
Now you can customize almost every aspect of the player. Don't want the playbar? Take it out. Want to choose what happens at the end of the video? Of course you do. There are so many options, it might just blow your mind.
BasicFull control
Create as many Groups, Channels, and Albums as you want. Go totally crazy!
Domain level privacy
Choose exactly where your videos can be embedded. There is no limit to the number of websites you can choose, and you'll always have control of your video outside of You even have the option to completely hide your video on, so it only appears on the sites you want, and nowhere else!
Source File Downloads
Basic account members cannot store their source files, leaving only the converted Vimeo version available for download. Plus members can opt to preserve their source files and keep them safe.
4-Hour Priority Support
4-Hour responses around the clock on business days, Eastern Time.
That's under than 40 cents per day, less than you spend on the claw machine at the arcade.
Free$9.95 per month

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What happens to my old account when I upgrade to Vimeo Plus?

Everything stays exactly the same, except you will have the added benefits of Vimeo Plus. That means 5GB of uploading space per week, with your quota resetting each week on the day you became a Plus member. Your videos will appear online faster due to priority transcoding. You’ll be able to create a whole lot more Albums, Channels, and Groups. And, maybe most importantly, you will have a fancy Plus badge next to your name!

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How do I use my special powers as a Plus member?

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What happens if my Vimeo Plus account expires?

If you choose not to renew your Plus membership, your account will revert to Basic Membership upon expiration.
Features: You will lose access to Vimeo Plus features including priority conversion, priority support, Advanced Stats, custom embed settings, domain-level privacy, and Tip Jar.
Weekly Upload Limits: You will have an upload limit of 500MB and 1 HD video per week.
Video Storage: If your Plus account expires, you will keep any videos you uploaded while you were a Basic member, but you may lose some of the videos uploaded during your subscription.
For videos uploaded during your Plus membership, you will receive storage equivalent to 26GB multiplied by the number of years you were a Plus or PRO member. For example, if you were a Plus member for two years and your account lapses, we will store up to 52GB of your videos. We do this because 26GB is the maximum amount that Basic members can upload in one year.
Any storage needs above your cap (26GB x years of Plus/PRO membership) will be moved to our archive for storage up to one year, starting with your earliest videos (the videos you first uploaded to Vimeo). If you renew your Plus membership during that time, you’ll regain access to those videos.
Collections: You will keep Groups, Channels, and Albums you created as a Plus member, but you will not be able to create new ones beyond the Basic limits.
Embedded Videos: Any videos with custom embed settings for will revert to the default embed options for Basic accounts.
Source Files: Any source files that were stored on Vimeo will be deleted after 60 days and cannot be recovered. The HD and SD versions of your videos will remain available.

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Which videos will I lose access to if my Plus membership expires?

If your Plus account expires, you will keep any videos you uploaded as a Basic member, but you may lose some of the videos uploaded during your subscription.

For videos uploaded during your Plus membership, you will receive storage equivalent to 26GB multiplied by the number of years you were a Plus or PRO member. (We do this because 26GB is the maximum amount that Basic members can upload in one year.)

If you're a monthly Plus subscriber, you'll get to keep just over 2GB (26GB divided by 12) for each month of your membership, although you will get to keep a minimum of 5GB. We're nice like that.

For example: 
If you were a Plus or PRO member for two years and your account lapses, we will store up to 52GB of your videos (26GB/year x 2 years)
If you were Plus or PRO for 6 months, you would get 13GB (half of 26GB).
If you were Plus or PRO for only 1 or 2 months, you would get 5GB (because that's the minimum).

Any videos that exceed this limit will be moved to our archives for up to one year, starting with your earliest videos (the videos you first uploaded to Vimeo), and will no longer be viewable by you or anyone else. 

If you are opted out of auto-renew and your account is expiring in the next 30 days, you can visit this page to see which videos are at risk. (Note that the list will change if you upload more videos before your expiration date.)

To keep all of your precious videos, simply renew your membership now.

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