Another day, another open records request: Convention Center edition

We’ll have a story tomorrow about new rumblings in the community over the convention center. There may be another petition circulating, this time to get the convention center bonds on the ballot. Meanwhile, the Denton Chamber of Commerce has sent out an email urging its members to contact the City Council to express their support of the project.

It took a couple of passes at the city to get these documents I’m posting below. Writing records requests feels like an art form sometimes. Over the years, I’ve learned it helps to know the name of the document you want to see. That’s easy when you want something like a petition or a campaign finance filing.

But when you only know the law or rule that requires the report, or the general principle of a business transaction, the request becomes more difficult to articulate.

I’ve spent more time than I care to admit stumbling in the dark looking for the vocabulary that unlocks the government filing cabinets, to wit: notification letters, lien waivers, or, in today’s case “schedule of values.” (And thanks to all you unnamed sources out there that help us reporters with our vocabulary.)


RFP 5546 Convention Center Pricing Detail.6.30.14


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