Dearly beloved video believers,

We are gathered here today in the presence of Blog so you may download the just-released Vimeo iOS update. Now you may join your iPhone in holy technology and be fruitful and multiply your video productivity as such:

Easily upload from your Camera Roll
Upload videos already on your iPhone or iPad directly to Vimeo in just a few speedy taps, without leaving the Vimeo app.

Privately share with people you know
Send videos to the people of your choice via text, email, AirDrop, Facebook, Twitter, ESP, and more! (J/K about that last one.)

Find and follow friends already on Vimeo
You like your friends (hopefully). Now use the Vimeo app to search for those people on Vimeo, then follow them to see what they’re uploading and sharing.

Invite your pals to join you on the world’s best video platform
Enough said.

Do you take this update to be your unlawfully wedded Vimeo app? I do(wnload it now). Or, see it in action:

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Igor Leandro

Igor Leandro Plus

When are you gonna update the Windows Phone version with those same features?

baz don

baz don

Its a shame they just dumped the users on the windows platforms that are a great place for growth. They would rather support a saturated noisy platform.

Alejo Perez

Alejo Perez

And also remember that you have android users too. Thanks.

Rick King

Rick King

Hmmm. I find iOS in particular and Mac OS in general to be much more stable and less prone to problems. I've owned at least a half dozen android phones, mostly Galaxies, and I found them to be pretty much all junk. I like open source but I can't use something that continually has issues. USB ports that stop working for no reason, earpiece speaker dying for no reason, etc. It would sound like hardware issues but I was able to resolve most things (not the USB port) by installing some program that would unpixelate things and make the hardware work again. I've owned a couple of iPhones and they seem to just work. I have a couple of iPads, several Mac laptops and iMacs. The PC laptops I got all fell apart or developed so many glitches in them, that it was simply more trouble than it was worth to fix them over and over and over again. They are all in a box in the basement. I'm no Apple fanboy, I simply use what I find works. I do have a Surface 2 pro and aside from the almost useless keyboard, I think it is a pretty cool device and use that for when I want to run a windoze only program and don't care about a smaller screen. Apple has a few clunkers in the past as everyone does. I don't like some of the decisions they made. However, overall, they produce some pretty amazing things that are well built and simple to use.

M2 Films

M2 Films PRO

Realmente cada ves que actualizan la aplicación es peor. Mas compleja y dejan de lado a la gente profesional. Decepcionante.


glmaudiovisuales PRO

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Parece que se debaten continuamente en mejorar aspectos estéticos (muy bien con eso) pero quitan y agregan opciones continuamente y cada vez es menos intuitiva que la anterior, o quizá demasiado intuitiva, e intuye MAL. Por otra parte, en la última versión, en MIS VIDEOS, no tengo ningún VIDEO y en mi usuario tengo como 200 Videos, es decir, que ha pasado??


glmaudiovisuales PRO

Parece que se debaten continuamente en mejorar aspectos estéticos (muy bien con eso) pero quitan y agregan opciones continuamente y cada vez es menos intuitiva que la anterior, o quizá demasiado intuitiva, e intuye MAL. Por otra parte, en la última versión, en MIS VIDEOS, no tengo ningún VIDEO y en mi usuario tengo como 200 Videos, es decir, que ha pasado?? O es que ahora solo podré ver en la APP los vídeos subidos solamente con el dispositivo?? WTF :( Soy usuario PRO desde hace tiempo y deberíais tener mas conciencia de lo caro que es pagar por un servicio que podemos pillar de manera similar en YOUTUBE. Obviamente ofrecéis mejores cosas en muchos aspectos, pero en otros parece que no dais en la tecla. Saludos!


total Plus

Sorry, guys, but previous version was better, friendly and more stable. I'm upset.

James Sharpe

James Sharpe Plus

I miss the days when we could edit the privacy settings from the app.



La nouvelle mise à jour de l'appli Viméo smartphone ne fonctionne pas. De plus, un paramétrage de langue française fait défaut.

Patrick Laurent

Patrick Laurent Plus

Si Jacques, cela fonctionne, mais il faut éteindre le device, détruire l'appli et la recharger.
Cela n'est pas évident de prime abord, mais une fois cette manoeuvre exécutée c'est parfait sous
iOS 7.1.2
Bon courage

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Plus

I don't miss the iphone at all. Very happy with my new phone and leaves the iphone way behind.

Jay Versluis

Jay Versluis Plus

Nicely done, Team! A native uploader was sorely missed when the app changed for iOS 7. I was using iMovie for uploading but it has flaws (constantly fails, doesn't upload videos larger than 500MB despite being a Plus user, and so forth). That's fixed, so thank you very much for a new Vimeo App for iOS!

I love the minimalistic approach where it's all about MY videos. No staff picks, popular videos, other peoples videos. I'm glad all those are gone. I also like the no-toolbar / no-buttons approach. The swipe gesture recogniser is well implemented. However I find it's a little bit too easy to delete videos by swiping left. I would perhaps make sure the gesture needs to be executed all the way to the other side of the screen.

Going forward I'd like to see an option to edit the meta data (title, description, privacy settings) - even if it's via a web view that takes you to Vimeos mobile interface for the selected video.

But for now: Vimeo has never looked better on iOS! Thanks!

Jay Versluis

Jay Versluis Plus

Sadly though, uploads on my iPhone 5s are not working - which works fine on my iPads. I've noticed that when you add a title and description in the upload window, there's a save button but no cancel button. There's no way to dismiss that dialogue.

Just thought I'd mention it.


Storyspark Plus

I've the same issues as Jay on the iPhone 5s. Wifi and LTE, tried logging out and rebooting the app. No luck.



Same here: "Upload failed" message before I can enter the title. And no ability to cancel from the Video Details page, just "Save."

Tommy Penner

Tommy Penner Staff

Hi Jay, there was an issue with uploading through the app over the weekend. We fixed it, and uploads should be butter smooth through the app once more.

And thanks again for the feedback, really appreciate it.

Wayne Weisser

Wayne Weisser

I'm really hating apps that force the social on you. get out of my camera. I can't even get to Vimeo from the iPad app now, probably because I said no to sharing and no to access my contacts and camera, there is nothing in my Watch Later, Feed and My Videos. Worthless now. Too bad, I really enjoyed Vimeo too.

Wayne Weisser

Wayne Weisser

Thankfully the website works in chrome on iPad.

Tommy Penner

Tommy Penner Staff

Hi Wayne, there was a bug when upgrading from the previous version to the current version. Log out of your account in the app and log back in, and all your content should appear again!

Nelson Goforth

Nelson Goforth Plus

The app - freshly downloaded - is not allowing me to log in without accessing my friends data. Not going to happen.

I've been happy with Vimeo and promoted it to my friends, until this. I'll have to show my videos on YouTube until you fix this bug. Please let us know.

Anja Katharina Kehrbusch

Anja Katharina Kehrbusch

Hallo meine Fans ich habe eben 2 neue Videos hochgeladen! Einmal ein Bananentanz und einmal ein Tanz mit Wunderkerzen!


murejib Plus

Are you kidding? The brand new shiny update is a huge fail.
Nothing works. No videos, no feed, nothing.
I know the only way to have an app on a mobile device for now: make a desktop bookmark from safari.
Can't understand how such a glitchy app can be released under Vimeo brand? Far beyond my understanding.

Mohit Deshpande

Mohit Deshpande

Exactly! Nothing works on my ipad either. The app just crashes every time. I don't understand how an Apple partner can upload such a bad app.

Chris Piotrowicz

Chris Piotrowicz Plus

Why do the staff members do not react towards comments about android and windows versions?
I really enjoy vimeo and android, but the vimeo app for android is a mess. Just update it. I mean whats the reason you dont treat all plattforms equally? Do you have at vimeo a special deal with apple or what? I just hope you will care more about other plattforms. There isnt just apple.

Industrial Editing

Industrial Editing PRO

After-thought: running iPhone 5S with iOS 7.1.1

(Will upgrade to 7.1.2 over weekend)

Anja Katharina Kehrbusch

Anja Katharina Kehrbusch

Hallo meine Fans am Montag werde ich ein Video in einen Park von mir drehen und am Mittwoch drehe ich ein Video wo ich meine Schwägerin mit einen Akuschrauber versuche die Haare zu steylen! Schöne Grüße eure Anja Katharina !

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes Plus

The Android OS and marketplace is a mess. It has too many versions and users who are too slow to upgrade to the newest OS. It requires app developers to support too many OS versions which eats up allot of resources. Everyone know Android is the budget wireless OS and app environment. When you're trying to maximize profits and provide the highest level of service to your customers you don't go after the low end of the marketplace. Apple's customers spend a whole lot more on devices, product, apps and services than Android users. There is very little upside to investing resources in Adroid users. If you're in business to make real money you target the customers who spend money and that's IOS users. In contract to Android OS, the Windows mobile OS is far superior and the a Windows phones and tablets are light years ahead of a Android but their users are also stuck I the budget conscious mind frame so why market to penny pinchers. There may be fewer IOS users but they spend $$$.

jordan levine

jordan levine Plus

the last two iOS releases have not worked for me at all. the latest app has an "refresh error: invalid URL" notice. nothing is displayed in any part of the app.

i'm also curious as to why there is no search function...don't you want people to explore vimeo?

Keith Freshwater

Keith Freshwater

Seconded. I get a "refresh error: invalid URL" for every option on the menu. I honestly can't remember the last time this app worked for me. And I've tried logging out, deleting & reinstalling, checked all privacy settings in my iOS... nada.

EDIT: I went into the app's settings in the general iOS settings menu, turned on background refresh, logged out of the app, logged back in & it works!


brynmore PRO

Android and windows users should be thankful they are not subjected to such poor usability. I finally just removed the app from my phone. Totally useless!

Nelson Goforth

Nelson Goforth Plus

There seems to be a problem with the iPhone app. Just downloaded it, and it will not allow me to log in. Gets to a "Find Friends on Vimeo" message, but won't let me past that. Where is the "no thanks" button?

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