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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Case For A U.S. Surgeon General During Ebola Outbreak

In this Jan. 18, 2008 photo, former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona speaks during a news conference in Austin, Texas. (Harry Cabluck/AP)

In this Jan. 18, 2008 photo, former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona speaks during a news conference in Austin, Texas. (Harry Cabluck/AP)

Two Dallas hospital nurses are still receiving treatment for Ebola after the contracted the virus while treating a patient who became infected with the disease while visiting Liberia.

The infected patients in the U.S. have caused national panic and last week, President Obama appointed Ron Klain as the “Ebola czar.” But the onset of panic and the nomination of a czar has brought attention to the fact that there is currently no U.S. surgeon general in office. While President Obama nominated Dr. Vivel Murthy to the office a year ago, he is still awaiting Senate confirmation.

If there was a surgeon general in office, what would be his or her role in the Ebola outbreak? Here & Now‘s Robin Young speaks with former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona who served during the George W. Bush presidency about the impact of the office.


  • Richard Carmona, physician and former U.S. Surgeon General. He tweets @DrRichardCarmona

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Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson host Here & Now, a live two-hour production of NPR and WBUR Boston.

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