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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ebola Transmission Raises Questions About Hospital Protocol

Hazmat workers walk down a drive towards the back of an apartment where a second person diagnosed with the Ebola virus resides on October 13, 2014 in Dallas, Texas. (Mike Stone/Getty Images)

Hazmat workers walk down a drive towards the back of an apartment where a second person diagnosed with the Ebola virus resides on October 13, 2014 in Dallas, Texas. (Mike Stone/Getty Images)

Nina Pham, the 26 year-old Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola after treating Thomas Eric Duncan is in stable condition at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

Last night she received a plasma transfusion from Dr. Kent Brantly, the missionary who contracted Ebola in Liberia, treated in the U.S. and is now without the disease.

Pham and some 70 other hospital workers helped treat Duncan, but none were monitored by health officials. Officials were monitoring 48 other people – 10 closely – who came into contact with Duncan and the family he was staying with.

The Centers for Disease Control is helping the Dallas hospital, and hospitals all across the country, ramp up their efforts to protect health care workers and prevent the spread of the disease. The CDC is holding a telephone training today for health workers and will conduct a workshop in New York City for 5,000 workers, including nurses, emergency technicians and environmental health care workers, next week.

Here & Now’s Robin Young speaks to KERA’s Eric Aasen about whether Dallas residents have confidence in Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital and health officials handling of Ebola.


  • Eric Aasen, digital news editor at KERA. He tweets @aasen.

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