Dallas Police Want Cops to Tweet More. Oh Man, So Do We.

Categories: Buzz

Chief David Brown
The Dallas Police Department officially unveiled plans this week to encourage officers to tweet more, as part of a wider social-media strategy that includes beefing up the department's blog and Facebook page and posting more photos on Pinterest.

We welcome the DPD's expanded entry into the highly competitive world of new media, mainly because misery loves company, but also for what having more cops on Twitter will mean for us: gaffes. The single best feature of Twitter is how it ensnares people into embarrassing themselves in 140 characters.

Eighty officers have signed up for a one-day training program on social-media use. Expect more on Twitter soon, cops say. That many people with thumbs flying make it a statistical lock that someone soon will say something they wish they hadn't or send an inappropriate photo, and that's red meat to those in media old-school and new.

How many smart, useful tweets can you recall? Meanwhile, a day doesn't pass without some poor chump deleting an insensitive Tweet, then deleting his entire account, then spending the afternoon wishing he could temporarily delete himself. Chief David Brown should know this. "I don't care for being called an asshole and cocksucker though by the Belo folks," he tweeted from his @DPDChief account in January, which is a perfectly understandable sentiment, but he still ended up apologizing. Meanwhile, Brown's tweets urging us all to "stay vigilant" and congratulating "Great work by Dallas PD detectives" are lost in the ether.

Maybe we're just jealous. Part of the department's plan is to improve its blog at dpdbeat.com. It's pretty dull reading at the moment, but they're sitting on an untapped pageview gusher. All they have to do is ditch the pedestrian posts and dig into some of the top-flight click bait that only cops have access to -- wacky dash-cam videos, goofy mug shots, bloody crime-scene photos, insider reports from virtually anything the vice department does and anything to do with lovable and/or abused animals. Oh, how the people will click.

And lists! Drunks of the week. Top 10 prostitute arrests. A heat map of the city's best drug-selling spots. Crime news is entertainment, guys. Sell it and the advertising riches follow. That means more officers. Bigger pay. New phones to Tweet with.

That's the dream, anyway. Let us know how it works out. Media are literally dying to know.

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bvckvs topcommenter

Social media doesn't "ensnare" people into misbehaving.  It just gives people a way to live their lives in a more public way.
If you're not already predisposed to bad behavior, you have nothing to fear from social media.


Some where a lawyer is salivating in anticipation of a future pay day.

holmantx topcommenter

yer slipping.  mailing it in.  

If you care about the peanut gallery, you best hire a ringer.

maybe an offset who can galvanize the Great Unwashed.


we need a punch bag


I have not even opened my twitter app for more than a year.....Not anymore, I'm on it now waiting for a train wreck.


How long before motorist or bicyclist is killed by distracted cop tweeting?


If they start tweeting locations of radar traps, that'll get the traffic.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Shouldn't they wait 72 hrs to tweet what they are thinking?  Good thing some twitter apps have a post later function!

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Of course we should let cops twitter freely without any filters.

Who doesn't want a candid, unrestrained record of what cops are thinking at any given moment? What could possibly go wrong?

Also, is that an old pic, or did brown finally give up on the "Randy Jackson" specs?

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Cocaine doesn't turn people into assholes, it just amplifies their natural inclinations.


Does Twitter have spell check?


Makes the nose fun when eating spicy food too.

holmantx topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk @holmantx  

it's a thankless job . . . a scribe for the county alternative newspaper.

but somebody's got to do it.  For the good of the country.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


I am not a Twitterer or Tweeter (or whatever you call them) so I can't really speak to that issue.

From my limited exposure, my first guess would be, no.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@J_A_ @TheCredibleHulk  

LOL. Is that a gendered distinction?  :-)

If not, it should be.

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