
Morton Grove Recruiting Dog Walkers To Help Fight Crime

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WBBM 780’s Regine Schlesinger

dog walker Morton Grove Recruiting Dog Walkers To Help Fight Crime
WBBM 780/105.9FM

CHICAGO (CBS) – Morton Grove is the latest Chicago suburb to join a national program that trains people to take a bite out of crime while they’re walking their dogs, WBBM Newsradio’s Regine Schlesinger reports.

“These are just people that are just out walking, and the dogs are doing their thing,” said Matt Peskin, executive director of National Association of Town Watch, a crime prevention program.

Peskin said dog owners are out in all kinds of weather, whenever nature calls for their pets.

“Not only are they out all hours of the day and evening, but they know their neighborhoods. They know them better than anybody. So when they’re out walking, they know when a suspicious car, a suspicious person, some kind of circumstances that aren’t right. They’re going to know about it better than anybody,” Peskin said.

Through the Dog Walker Watch program, people are trained how to respond if they see something out of the ordinary. You can find out more about Dog Walker Watch by clicking here.

Residents in Morton Grove can contact Morton Grove Police Community Liaison Officers Gina Lietz (847-663-3813) or Adam Tabor (847-663-3804)

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