Meet The Head “Ball Hog”

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Photo:  Courtesy of Back 9 Network

Photo: Courtesy of Back 9 Network

Charlie-135 Charlie Nance
For almost 20 years, Charlie Nance has co-hosted an award-winning...
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This past week “On The Green,” we had the chance to get to know Sam Snowdon.


Well, if you’ve checked out the new Back 9 Network (DirecTV channel 262), Sam needs no introduction.  Sam is the “Head Hog” on “Ball Hogs” a reality show that is an absolute trip to watch.

The show is based around Sam’s business, (out of the Sandhills area) and follows the adventures of him and his crew as they mine golf course ponds for “white gold” (aka golf balls).

It, and Sam are about as real as it gets.

While visiting with Sam, we also got the opportunity to get to know Bill Conwell one of the “suits” <g> behind the Back 9 Network and former longtime Charlotte resident.

By the way, if you don’t have DirecTV and would like to get the Back 9 Network, just got to, and let your cable provider know of your wishes.

If you missed our visit…

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