
Daily Talker: Body Cameras On Mass. Police Officers?

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(Image: WBZ-TV)

(Image: WBZ-TV)

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The I-Team has learned that body cameras could be coming to Massachusetts police departments.  The state has long lagged behind the rest of the country in the use of police cameras.  The cameras are strapped directly to an officer’s shoulder or chest.  The debate has gained momentum since the events in Ferguson, Missouri.  There are legal concerns, however.  Massachusetts has some of the toughest privacy laws in the country with strict rules against wiretapping and recording audio.  WBZ Security Analyst Ed Davis told the I-Team he tried for years to put cameras on Boston officers when he was commissioner but had little success due to the state’s strong police union.  Do you think officers at your local police department should wear body cameras?

bodycam1 Daily Talker: Body Cameras On Mass. Police Officers?

Body camera on police officer. (WBZ-TV)

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