
City Sells Woman’s Condo Over $95 Overdue Tax Bill

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(credit: ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images)

(credit: ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images)

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NORCROSS, Ga. (CBS Atlanta) – A woman’s condo was sold over a $94.85 overdue tax bill and she is now pleading with city leaders not to take her home.

Xui Lui explained that she never received any notices and never knew that her condo had been sold at auction. She says that she didn’t know about the overdue tax bill on her place because the notices were returned to city hall.

In 2011 Lui purchased the two-bedroom condo with cash and lives there with her 4-year-old child.

WSB-TV reported that Lui paid the county tax every year except the first year when the certified letters warning of the outstanding balance were returned to the city because of a clerical error that turned out to be an incomplete address.

“No street, no name. How can I receive the letter?” Lui asked WSB.

She received a notice last week telling her the condo had been sold at auction and that she needs to move out by Nov. 25 because of the overdue bill.

“Where are we going to go? I have nowhere. This is my house. Why do I need to move out?” Lui told WSB.

She is trying to work with the city to fix the situation. Her friends and even strangers are trying to help her.

“Anyone in their clear mind would say this is crazy,” family friend Ruben Ortiz told WSB.

Rudolph Smith, the Norcross City Manager, explained that they are trying to work something out.

“We are going back and doing our due diligence. (The city contractor who handled the sale) will try to work something out,” Smith told WSB.

Lui said that city leaders have admitted to her that mistakes were made. But since the condo has already been legally sold to another buyer, it’s unclear what can be done to fix the situation. She and her friends are trying to find a lawyer to help her in the situation.

“Someone can rob your house? Rob your property? This is not American style, right?” Lui told WSB.

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