Wednesday, October 22, 2014

No endorsements for the Christian Crook, Ken Paxton

There must be something more to Ken Paxton's felony Securities violations. Something that kept newspapers across Texas from endorsing Paxton. Something like this:
Paxton has already admitted to felony violations of our Texas security laws involving his participation in a scheme that swindled a Texas couple out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. A criminal complaint against Paxton is pending before a district attorney. In addition, a formal complaint has been filed against Paxton by a respected legal watchdog group laying out evidence to remove his license to practice law in Texas.

Tea Party Darling, Paxton has already lost his endorsement from his home town police force. As a Senator, Paxton actually voted for the law that he violated. This seems to be a reoccurring theme of all the non-endorsements. Even the ultra white-wing paper, The Eagle, out of Bryan-College Station couldn't stomach Paxton's law breaking:
For his part, Paxton, a state senator, has been embroiled in several ethical matters, the most important of which is his failure to register as a securities agent before selling securities to various clients -- using laws he voted to approve. Surely Texans don't want an attorney general who cannot follow the laws he helped create.

Editorial boards across the state had the same comments on their reasons to pass on the "Christian Conservative", Ken Paxton. Thanks to The Lone Star Project for this summary:

Houston Chronicle“…has a history of lawbreaking and questionable business practices that should disqualify him in the minds of Texans.” 
“Paxton improperly solicited clients in 2004, 2005,and 2012. This habit reveals either a striking disregard for the law or chronic forgetfulness, neither of which are desirable qualities in a candidate for attorney general.” 
San Antonio Express-News“…the case raises disturbing ethical questions about Paxton. We believe voters should take this blemish on Paxton’s record seriously as they consider who should be the state's top lawyer.” 
Dallas Morning News“Serious legal issues dogging Republican state Sen. Ken Paxton should rule him out for consideration to be the next attorney general of Texas.”
“Voters should not invite that kind of embarrassment for Texas.”
Corpus Christi Caller-Times“Republican Ken Paxton should be disqualified from consideration because his compromised ethics are a matter of record.”
“Paxton helped pass the law he violated. The attorney general, by job description, must be above that kind of reproach. “ 
Austin American-Statesman“…the complaints raise the specter of the state’s top attorney facing a possible grand jury investigation and indictment while attempting to carry out the duties of the office. This is unacceptable.”
“Even without the legal concerns, it would be difficult to endorse Paxton. He appears ready to use the office to fight the battles of national politics at the expense of concerns of the state.” 
Fort Worth Star-Telegram“The Republican nominee, lawyer and state Sen. Ken Paxton of McKinney, is undeserving of consideration.” 
“No candidate to lead “the people’s law firm” should ever have misled a client, a state board or the people of Texas.”
Bay Area Houston
“How can you vote for someone to uphold the law when they break the law?” [I added this one]
At least Paxton still has other law enforcement agencies that have been content to stand on their endorsement such as Houston Police Officers’ Union Political Action Committee (HPOU, pronouced as "H-POO").
"Every now and then we need the top law enforcement of the State to turn a blind eye when law enforcement brings out the billy clubs. Ken Paxton has demonstrated his ability to do just that. To Paxton, breaking the law is just part of the job."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Texas Teabaggers levy tax on free oil changes. (yes, free oil changes)

From the Texas Tribune
The Texas Tea Party have mastered the art of taxation without looking like they are taxing. Drive on a toll road and you are taxed. Buy a fishing or hunting license, taxed. Many of these taxes are cleverly called "fees". They are called fees because the attention span of most tea baggers is about the same as the lifespan of a love bug on a highway. 

Now the tea baggers of the Texas Legislature has levied a tax on oil changes. Many new car dealers offer free oil changes for the first 2 years or more as an incentive to buy. Now these services are now taxed. From an email from Honda:

October 20, 2014 
Dear Life Time and Gold Key Oil Change Customers, 
Recently the State Of Texas reviewed the lack of sales tax collected on our programs. They have now determined that the recipient of these services must be charged tax.  
Honda of Clear Lake continues to pay for 100% of the parts and labor as per  the program guidelines. The consumer however, must pay sales tax on the cost of the parts but is exempt from tax on the labor.  
The sales tax will be nominal, currently between $1.65 and $2.07 per oil change, and must be collected upon services rendered. This change to invoices will be effective January 1, 2015. 
We apologize for the short notice however this was unforeseen and out of our control. 
Your Service Management Staff
 You have been fee-ed. And tea bagged.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Wayne Faircloth running to represent the insurance industry

Just what the gulf coast needs, another insurance salesman and Teabagger as an elected official!

Galveston had years of State Insurance Representative (SIR) Larry Taylor who also made his money selling TWIA policies that didn't pay after Ike. He represented the district north of Galveston but provided protection for the insurance industry across the state. He was/is their go-to guy. He went on to become a State Senator.

Now, Wayne Faircloth, another snake oil salesman, is running for State Representative in order to provide representation and protection for the insurance industry. With Larry Taylor and Faircloth, Galveston property owners will be guaranteed higher insurance premiums and less coverage. If they vote for this snake oil salesman they deserve everything they don't get. You just can't feel sorry for stupid people.

The cowards of the Texas Tea Party

From the Houston Chronicle
Let's hope Mexico doesn't decide to take back Texas. If they do, the cowards of the Texas Tea Party will be the first to tuck tail and run not waiting for the line in the sand to be drawn.

Texas Governor Rick Perry would lead the way followed closely by Dan Patrick, Blake Farenthold, and Greg Abbott. Perry began the running with the cowards back in 2010 refusing to debate his challenger. Dan Patrick has refused to discuss his policies with the editorials boards of the Texas newspapers. Blake Farenthold has refused to debate his challenger, and Greg Abbott agreed only to limited debates.

The Texas Tea Party likes to act tough, talk tough, and carry big guns around, but when the time comes to fight and protect those who need help they are the first to cut and run. Perry, Patrick, Farenthold, and Abbott will lead the charge to the back of the front lines.

As someone said before, if they had fought in the Alamo they would have been the first to cut and run.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott MIA on consumer issues

This isn't new but it is worth saying once again.

Texas used to be tough on white collar crime especially against those who would steal from you and your family. Our court system was a safety net much like an airbag in a car. You didn't need it in your face as you were driving, but when you do need it, you have to hope it will be there. Over the last decade that safety net has been deflated. The safety net that you hope will be there when and if you ever need it is gone and Greg Abbott helped.

Dave Lieber of the Watchdog of the Dallas Morning News asked Abbott and Davis a series of consumer related issues. Abbott, much like the cowards of the Texas Tea Party, declined to respond.

Abbott is the least aggressive consumer-oriented attorney general I’ve seen in nearly 40 years of reporting. His office does a lot, but it can do so much more. The Watchdog is nonpartisan. I fight for everybody. That Abbott refuses to answer these questions is a shame and a snub to you. 
Abbott doesn't have the balls to respond to a questionnaire concerning the high cost of electricity, home insurance, payday lenders, and more. There is a simple reason for that: he doesn't believe in consumer protection. Instead he believe that protecting the corporations, allowing them to police themselves and letting the free market perform its magic will result in protection for you and your family.
Lucky for Abbott the vast majority of Texans don't really care about consumer protection, until they need to care. By that time it will be too late and they will join the others wrapped around a tree wondering what happened to the airbag.

Friday, October 17, 2014

TWIA and the TRCC. The past failures return to TWIA

In 2003 the Texas Legislature caved to the home builders of Texas and created the Texas Residential Construction Commission. (TRCC) The Commission was supposedly designed to protect homeowners with construction defects  yet just 6 years later the Texas Sunset Commission called for its abolishment. From the Sunset Report:

This recommendation would abolish the Texas Residential Construction Commission as an independent agency and repeal the Texas Residential Construction Commission Act (TRCCA). 

The Commission was so flawed even lobbying by Bob Perry, the home builder and owner of the Republican Party at the time, could not save it. It died.

Unfortunately the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association has adopted one of the most worthless parts of the TRCC, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Process. This process which was advertised as the shining star of the TRCC requires homeowners to submit to a lengthy process of inspections, boards, and appeals before filing a suit in court. The supporters of this claim it will help homeowners get their homes fixed in a timely manner instead of having to get an attorney and file a suit. Here is the process defined in a report by TWIA

That is exactly what they said about the TRCC and it failed miserably. The process is complicated requiring the help of an attorney. The process is lengthy which will drag on the complaint, by design. And the consequences of not following the process could severely limit your settlement. Instead of demanding that TWIA pay claims, the Texas Teabaggers just simply made it harder for homeowners to sue.

At least they gave the homeowners the right to sell their Constitutional right to a trial by jury for a few dollars. Arbitration is the 21th Century version of snake oil. It is a private, secret, justice system that will require legal representation and additional costs to the homeowner. It is a suckers court. According to the new rules of TWIA:

TWIA may offer a premium discount or credit against a surcharge not to exceed 10 percent of the premium, if a person elects to purchase a binding arbitration endorsement.
So to save a few dollars homeowners can now get screwed twice. Nice.

Greg Abbott "I'm clueless about home insurance rates"

This shouldn't surprise anyone. In an interview by KERA it was clear Abbott was not interested and will do nothing to help homeowners with skyrocketing insurance rates, especially those in the TWIA area. From KERA:

Abbott said he didn’t know enough about actuarial insurance tables to know if rates were out of line. He needed more information.
Abbott has been the top attorney in Texas for over a decade, giving away sweetheart settlements to Farmers Insurance for over charging homeowners and doing nothing to stem the rising cost of insurance. He doesn't need any more information because he doesn't intend to do anything about it unless it helps the insurance industry. 
The people in Seabrook, Kemah, and surrounding areas should be concerned. Not only are their rates out the roof, Abbott and company are now considering scrapping the insurance of last resort, TWIA, replacing it with the miracle of the free market, the same free market that has fled the market. How do you think that will work out? 
Davis has the right idea. She would throw the Insurance Commissioner out the door and appoint someone that would represent the property owners of Texas. She would require the industry to justify rate increases like they did back before insurance reform of 2003. These are great starts.
Abbott on the other hand will do nothing but sit on his ass and watch as homeowners continue to struggle with the skyrocketing cost of insurance. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, a stupid bastard.

No one but Steve Stockman (Teabagger-TX) can make up this incredible stupidity claiming the President has allowed the Ebola virus into the United States in order to take control of the country. From Crooks and Liars:

Rep. Steve Stockman yesterday chatted with End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles, telling the “Trunews” host that President Obama may be delaying the government response to the Ebola epidemic because he wants the virus to spread. Once it spreads, Stockman argued, then Obama will use the Ebola outbreak as a justification to declare emergency powers.

Steve Stockman is what we in Texas call a "stupid bastard". He is a teabagger. We should expect him to be ignorant but maybe not stupid. We do expect elected officials to be reasonable. That memo has been lost in the Tea Party. The vast majority of Teabaggers are ignorant bastards and the remaining are stupid bastards. Ignorance can be cured if treated early. Stupidity can't. 

Steve Stockman is on his way out after yet a 2nd failure as a United States Congressman. Lucky for us Stockman will not be eligible for a tax funded pension or tax funded healthcare as a US Congressman. Stockman will go down in history as the dumbest Congressman in the history of Congress.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

What would Greg Abbott do if a tree fell on you?

Wendy Davis has released an ad highlighting Greg Abbott's incredible hypocrisy. Here it is:

When Abbott was hurt he had many attorneys fighting for him resulting in a$10 Million+ settlement that would take care of him for the rest of his life. Republicans were not calling his suit "frivolous" or "winning the legal lottery". They were not calling his attorneys "greedy trial lawyers". They were not demanding that he take responsibility for his own stupidity for running under a tree being cut down.

They didn't then. Not when it happened to one of their own, but for everyone else, including your family, they have.

Abbott later as a Judge on the Supreme Court and as Attorney General backed extreme tort reform blocking the rest of us from the court room and the legal process. Now that Abbott won his legal lottery, his party is back to bashing trial lawyers and the court system which was designed to protect the common  citizen. Instead the Texas court system and laws protect the businesses that create jobs, no matter, who gets hurt.

Davis is right to highlight his hypocrisy although hypocrites across the state have denounced Davis for comparing them to Abbott. According to HARP (Hypocrites Are Real People) "We are all hypocrites in some way or another, but Greg Abbott is the Lord of hypocrisy, a true rotten bastard."

Most who are hurt like Abbott would become advocates, working to guarantee others would not share his same fate, and if they did, would be compensated justly to remove the burden of their injuries on their families. Instead, Greg Abbott, after winning his legal lottery, did the exact opposite. He used his power as an elected official to block the doors and to support those responsible for injuries to others.

He is truly a rotten bastard.

Friday, October 10, 2014

2014 Texas Statewide Endorsements

I usually don't endorse in the general election for a couple of reasons. 1) No one cares. In fact maybe an endorsement from BAH is like getting an endorsement from Sarah Palin. The trailer trash kiss of death. and 2) I am a Democrat and believe our worst Democrat is a huge improvement over the best Teabagger, except for one.

In the race for Agriculture Commissioner I would recommend no one. It's hard to recommend Sid Miller, after all he is a tea bagger, probably a racist, and would spend more time calling for the impeachment of the President than calling for a long term solution to our water supplies for our agriculture community. Miller is a filthy disgrace of a human being, a quality that is required for all candidates of the Tea Party. Skip him.

The Democratic candidate, Jim Hogan is much better from a human being perspective but is not a viable candidate for any elected office. He is the unfortuante product of the Democratic process. If elected he probably wouldn't show up for work. Do the party a favor and skip him too. 

The Democrats had a great candidate, Hugh Fitzsimons, but lost in the primary due to a 3 way split including Kinky Friedman. Some people thought Kinky had a place in the party. They gave him ink and bytes. They thought it was cute to take pictures with him. They invited him to their Democratic club meetings. And in the end they got exactly what they deserve, Sid Miller as Agriculture Commissioner. 

Kinky is a joke. He will always be a joke, yet no one is laughing now, except for the Teabaggers who will have adequate representation at the Commissioners office. Chalk this up as yet another lessons learned for the voting members of the Democratic Party of Texas.

Besides the race for Agriculture Commissioner the Democrats have an excellent, well qualified, group of candidates to challenge every Teabagger on the Tea Party ticket. Instead of voting to stop the Mexicans with Ebola, gay marriage which will destroy your fourth marriage, voter ID laws to catch that 1 in 6 million voters while denying 100,000 the right to vote, vote for improving the conditions of our great State of Texas. Vote for something positive. Vote for forward thinking. Vote to make our State better.

Vote Democrat, except for Jim Hogan.

The Houston Chronicle should pull their endorsement of Stan Stanart

Harris County Clerk, Stan Stanart's, handling of the administration of elections is what we would call in the Army "FUBAR", Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition. Todays news of another one of his screw ups, concerning mail in ballots, is another reason for the Chronicle to reconsider their lack luster endorsement. 

This wouldn't be a first time for the Chronicle. From the Houston Chronicle:

Earlier this campaign season, we endorsed Manuel Rodriguez Jr. for another term on the board of the Houston Independent School District. We now retract that endorsement in the race for HISD Position III trustee.

Now the Chronicle should do the same for Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart for his fumbling of the mail in ballots reported by Channel 13:

Stanart tea bagged his way into office back in 2010. He isn't very good at his job. He is incompetent. He has puppy breath at times. The Chronicle's endorsement did not address his personal hygiene, but it wasn't a glowing recommendation of Stanart or his party for their job well done. It was like saying "Yes they suck, but it isn't that bad". In fact here is the first paragraph from the Editorial Board:
If you're an interested voter in Dallas County, then you have the simple pleasure of being able to look at the upcoming November ballot on If you live in Harris County, as of Friday, you get nothing more on than a vague splash page stating that information will be posted "as Soon as it is Available." That's par for the course under Republican County Clerk Stan Stanart.
Yep. Screwing up the voter rolls, early voting results, voter ID requirements, and anything to do with voting by the very person responsible for voting is par for the course for the Teabag Party. The Chronicle should reconsider their endorsement.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Tea Party darling Dr. Brian Babin worse than Stockman?

If elected, could Dr. Brian Babin possibly be worse than Steve "laughing" Stockman?

Unfortunately the answer is probably so. It seems being a member of the tea party requires you to be unreasonable, have racist tendencies, forget who you represent, and become incoherent at times. And some, like Stockman, believe they are above the law. Babin may believe that also. From Salon Magazine:

 In order to circumvent federal campaign finance laws, which then limited individual contributions to $1,000 per candidate and placed restrictions on corporate contributions, he needed “vehicles.” That is, fresh names to attach to money from donors willing to donate more than the $1,000 federal max. Or the cover provided by organizations that were not corporations and could legally contribute to campaigns for federal office. That’s why he needed Cloeren, who had both the money and, as Babin and DeLay would explain to him, the “vehicles.”

The Salon article is an excerpt from "The Hammer," by Lou Dubose and Jan Reid printed in 2004. It is a very good read. Cloeren told his employees to contribute $1000 to Babin then he would reimburse them. In the real world this is called "a felony". This scheme netted Babin $37,000 in his failed attempt at Congress. Cloeren eventually was investigated by the FBI and secretly recorded Babin.

Cloeren cut himself a deal, though federal prosecutors didn’t cut him much slack. He wouldn’t do any jail time but would plead guilty to misdemeanor violations of federal campaign finance law. He paid a $200,000 fine, and his company paid another $200,000 fine. 

Babin? Is now running for Congress in the newly created district. This is the kind of people the tea party supports. Like Stockman, Babin probably thinks he is above the law. This district includes the NASA area. The rocket scientists voting for this crook will get exactly what Stockman gave them and exactly what they paid for. 


Sunday, October 05, 2014

SNL's commercial on #IAmARepublican

Even Saturday Night Live jumped in on the failed #IamARepublican campaign which include such fake hits like "Republicans are Black" and "Republicans are labor", and "Republicans got teabag".

At least SNL was honest about it. Can't wait for the #WannaTeaBagWithMe campaign.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Greg Abbott banned from saying "Obama" during debate

You have to get up pretty early in the morning to make up stuff like this. As the saying goes: "No Place but Texas". From the North Texas Star Ledger:

The Dallas Hospital District has requested KERA of Dallas to ban the use of the phrase "Obama" by Texas Attorney Greg Abbott. According to the Hospital, too many watchers of last weeks debate were playing drinking games, taking a shot of liquor every time Abbott said "Obama". "We just had too many alcohol poisoning cases during that short period of time so we have requested the ban." said Dr. Tewmenysylabells. 
According to records obtained by the NTSL over 100 cases were reported as "drunken stupor", and another 200 were "just plain shitfaced".  Many were mistaken as "unable to control body functions" but were shortly released after being identified simply as members of the "Texas Tea Party".
Other words/phrases that the Hospital wanted banned are "I didn't do it", "I had no responsibility", and "I can fix what my party broke".

Debate details can be found at the Dallas Morning News:
Tune in Tuesday night
Who: Attorney General Greg Abbott, Republican, and state Sen. Wendy Davis, Democrat
When: 8 p.m.
Where: KERA-TV (Channel 13) studios in Dallas
Other sponsors: KXAS-TV (NBC5), KXTX-TV (Telemundo 39), The Dallas Morning News, Texas Association of Broadcasters
Live TV, radio: KERA-TV (Channel 13), KERA-FM (90.1), COZI-TV (Channel 5.2), among others
Live streaming:,, and (Spanish)
Moderator: KERA managing editor Shelley Kofler, with questions from panelists Brian Curtis, NBC5; Peggy Fikac, San Antonio Express-News/Houston Chronicle; Norma García, Telemundo 39; and Gromer Jeffers Jr., The Dallas Morning News

Monday, September 29, 2014

Republicans are White

The Tea Party is trying to redefine itself as being a party with a big tent. A home to African-Americans, Hispanics, Women, Labor, and gays. Ok. Not gays. Opening their party to those of color is stretching for the Tea Party, but allowing gay people to populate their ranks is going to far. But for Blacks, Browns, non Christians.....OK, not non-Christians either. Christians only and no gays. And no sick or old people. Or Teachers. And no government workers either. They have their standards to uphold. 

So in their attempt to paint themselves as the party of embracing a Black President and immigrant children crossing the border to find a safe place to sleep, they released an ad call "Republicans are White". Actually I think it is "I am a Teabagger" or maybe "I am a Republican". Eitherway, they seem to have a problem finding people of color for their ad. From Americans Against The Tea Party:

The ad reminds us that Republicans are people, too — just terrible ones. After all, when an entire ad campaign has to be concocted to inform people that those who subscribe to the GOP’s mindset are human, something’s up.

The AATTP notes that their pictures are stock photos bought from and the picture above is from a group that promotes inclusion for organizations that have problems with inclusion. But at least this photo is correct. 

Republicans are White. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Greg Abbott sat in traffic for ten years and NOW he wants to help?

Greg Abbott knows his opposition has to walk a fine line when referring to his disability due to running under a tree and winning the legal lottery. He also knows he can use it to his benefit as he has done in his latest ad about transportation. As you sit in traffic, pull it up on your phone and watch. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Much like every tea bagger running for office, Abbott and his party has screwed up this State over the last decade and now has the balls to come out and claim they can solve the very problems they created. They have done it before with Rick Perry, riding in on a white horse, calling for a cut in the Franchise Tax, a tax he created.

Abbott and his party have sat in traffic for over a decade and have done nothing except cut funding to the point that a raid of the Rainy Day Fund is necessary, a raid that requires voter approval. Abbott and his party believe in leading by emergency by waiting till a problem smacks you in the face. Water infrastructure was the latest emergency which required a raid of the RDF. Any idiot can lead by emergency. Rick Perry had done it for over a decade.

Now, all of a sudden, Abbott has a plan to fund transportation without raising taxes or tolls. And if you believe that, I have a tree you can stand under.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tonight: The Rising Cost of Home Insurance in the Bay Area

If you have nothing better to do but wonder why your home insurance premiums have skyrocketed over the last decade after insurance reforms of 2003, come on by for a discussion on the topic. From the Bay Area Association of Democratic Women:

The Rising Cost of Home Insurance is Focus of BAAD Women Meeting on Sept. 18 
"John Cobarruvias, a consumer activist in the areas of new home construction and home insurance, will be the featured speaker at the BAAD (Bay Area Association of Democratic) Women meeting on Thursday, September 18. He will share his experiences as an activist and discuss the high cost of home insurance in the Bay Area, the history of home insurance reform and the actions of the Texas Windstorm Association (TWIA)." 
It all happens at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park, located at 5002 NASA Parkway (across the street from lake) in Seabrook. The meeting, which is free and open to the public, begins with light refreshments at 6:30 p.m. followed by the program at 7 p.m.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What idiot would limit voter registration drives?

I'll give you a hint.

It's becoming a habit for Greg Abbott. When he isn't protecting owners chemical storage units, medical malpractice doctors, insurance companies, home builders, Payday lenders, companies who hired sex offenders, Abbott is going after those who register voters. From Texans Together:

He raided Texans Together’s offices with six officers with guns and flak jackets. He investigated us for 11 months. He forced us to hire expensive criminal defense lawyers. He destroyed our computers with all their contents. And he closed his office’s criminal investigation with no action taken.  

Abbott received a court order to actually destroy their equipment and yet not one charge was filed. Not one. Even the Republican controlled Harris County District Attorney office declined to file charges. Abbott came up empty handed, again. Houston Votes was registering people to vote, without the help of the government, something Abbott should be encouraging not destroying. Instead Abbott used his office to continue to find the mythical creature, the chupacabra of voter fraud. And now Democrats want an investigation of his office:

AUSTIN — Democratic U.S. House members from Texas have asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate a raid by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office that targeted a nonprofit voter registration group.The Dallas Morning News reported Aug. 31 on the attorney general’s investigation of Houston Votes, which was accused of election fraud.The inquiry was closed one year later, with no charges filed.
Lucky for Abbott, his minions are simple minded people. They claim spending millions justifies finding just one chupacabra. Hopefully the Justice Department will investigate and stop this worthless hunt.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dewhurst: Time to put the Twoubled TWIA down

Once again, Greg Abbott is missing.

Take a functioning, not perfect, but functioning organization and reform it till it fails, then call for it's abolishment. That is what out going Lt Governor, David Dewhurst, has suggested. From KRIS in Corpus Christi:

Dewhurst wants a senate committee to find a way, over time, to move people under T.W.I.A. coverage to private insurance carries, hopefully, at competitive rates.

Over the last decade we have moved in the opposite direction moving people, over time, under private insurance carriers, to TWIA. TWIA used to cover about 6% of property on the coast. They were considered an insurance of last resort. TWIA now covers over 75% as the "free market" has fled the market leaving property owners with no resort. This was a result of the massive insurance reforms of 2003 that has, obviously, failed miserably.

Now Dewhurst wants to fix the damage he and Rick Perry created and guess who is going to pay for this? Go ahead and guess. I will give you a hint. It starts with "W" and ends in "E". There is no doubt TWIA is in serious financial trouble. According to KRIS, TWIA insures  $84 billion worth of property in Texas coastal areas, but has about $200 million in cash. 

I've said this before:
So after a decade of promises of lower rates, better coverage, and lower premiums, the people along the coast, who voted for the people who made these promises, are now going to be the people who pay for it. The only thing they have left is to laugh at themselves for being such incredible, gullible, fools and for doing nothing about it.
If all the people on the coast were Teabaggers, I would be pointing my finger at them and laughing.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

TX Attorney General Greg Abbott: "Wendy Davis is a stinky dufus face!"

Greg Abbott's campaign for Governor of Texas is stuck in Jr. High resorting to name calling and concentrating on issues most Texans could care less about. For instance, from Houston Chronicle:

AUSTIN — When the silly season meets football season in the race for governor, here’s what you can expect: a press release from Attorney General Greg Abbott calling Sen. Wendy Davis a flip-flopper for voicing her admiration for the Cowboys.

Calling Abbott "silly" is an insult to people who are silly. Then yesterday Abbott files a frivolous ethics complaint with the toothless Texas Ethics Commission about Davis' book signing tour. Let's stay with the Houston Chronicle:

AUSTIN - Republican gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott on Monday asked the Texas Ethics Commission to rule on whether opponent Wendy Davis' book deal and tour violates state law barring corporate campaign contributions because of its timing as she runs for governor.

First, if Greg Abbott doesn't know the answer to this question after being the Attorney General for over 10 years, then he is a crappier attorney than I first thought. And second, Really? While Davis is roaming the state talking about education, protection from chemical explosions, inadequate funds for water and transportation, equal pay for women, the abuse of Pay Day lenders, the cost of higher education, and more, Abbott is running around calling Davis on who she supports for football, and filing a frivolous complaint which will take 6 months to resolve.

Greg Abbott was last scene running away yelling "YOU'RE A STINKY DUFUS FACE!" while his campaign staff pulled on her pigtails.

Abbott needs to grow up.

Monday, September 08, 2014

More Twouble for TWIA policy holders

I've blogged about this before, now the law is taking effect and home and car owners may feel the sting of insurance reform. Again. From the Bay Area Citizen:

If a major storm comes through the area homeowners might get hit with more than property damage 
As a result of new Texas Windstorm Insurance Association rules that went into effect this year policy holders could also get hit with a surcharge to help pay for the damage.

Because of gross mismanagement of TWIA, this surcharge will be added to homeowners policies and auto policies and it doesn't matter where the storm hits, if the TWIA funds are exhausted, everyone on the coast will pay for it. So because of gross mismanagement of TWIA, Texans on the coast will bail them out. Sound familiar? Maybe TWIA is too screwed up to fail.

The new law also ushers in a complicated arbitration process homeowners must execute prior to filing a suit for damage. This process is so complicated it will require an attorney. It is very similar to the one created by the Texas Residential Construction Commission back in 2003 to resolve new home construction defects. This process and the TRCC was dissolved in 2009 after 6 years of incredible failure. TWIA will now give it a try on behalf of homeowners.

TWIA was created in 1971 as an insurer of last resort. It covered about 6% of homes in the coastal areas. The others were covered by private insurance. Now, after 10 years of reform, TWIA covers over 75% of the homes in the coastal area, becoming the only resort for many while the "free market" insurance companies "flee the market" for safer ground.

I remember a time when TWIA was not perfect. Now it is just simply screwed up.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Wendy Davis' college tour, Greg Abbott's whining tour

Aggies for Wendy Davis

There is a huge difference between the campaigns of Senator Wendy Davis and Attorney General Greg Abbott. This week Davis is completing a tour of UH, Texas A&M, Prairie View A&M, and others while Abbott is whining about which football team Davis supports. From The Daily Caller:

Democratic Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis lied about her Dallas Cowboys fandom, according to information flagged by her Republican opponent Greg Abbott’s campaign.

Greg Abbott makes you want to tilt your head to the side and say in a high pitched voice "really?". While Davis is talking about the high cost of college, putting a higher education out of reach for many, Abbott is concerned about who she is rooting for on Sunday. Really? And he wants to be Governor? Really?

To say Greg Abbott is out of touch is, in itself, out of touch. While Davis is running across the state campaigning for education, higher education, protections for rape victims, equal pay, woman's rights, jobs for veterans, and other issues, Abbott is running away from the media and whining about Johnny Football. Really?

Texas A&M rally for Wendy Davis

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Tea Party fracking water crisis in Pappy Elkins Lake

Candidate for Railroad Commissioner, Steve Brown, visited Pappy Elkins Lake near Arlington.
This lake has been completely decimated due to nearby hydraulic fracturing and the lingering drought. The lake’s water once covered the small island in its center. Residents were further alarmed this week to find many dead fish floating on top of that lake. What’s worse, the local government there has not kept track of just how much water from the lake has been used for drilling purposes.
Here is a picture of the lake from late 2007:

And here is the lake in 2013:

Dallas Business News has more:
XTO, which is owned by Exxon Mobil, denies that it took 1.4 million gallons more water than it was permitted for. Its permit allowed for the removal of about 3.3 million gallons of water over 12 months between December 2009 and 2010; in turn, the city would pump however much water XTO used back into the lake from a city well.
Steve Brown is onto something. This drought and fracking situation has been neglected by the Tea Party for a decade requiring a raiding of the Rainy Day Fund due to lack of rain and lack of planning. The Rainy Day Fund was not created to cover mismanagement. It required a vote by Texas citizens in order to allocate funds for this purpose. 

It is not the first time they have neglected a situation then came riding on a white horse to fix the problem. It is called "planning by emergency". Any idiot can make a plan after an emergency arises. 

It takes leadership to prevent the emergency in the first place.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

What idiot would be against jobs for our Veterans?

This is getting to be a habit for Greg Abbott.
This morning, Greg Abbott's campaign launched a shameful attack on Wendy Davis' plan to support our veterans when they return to Texas by requiring companies seeking taxpayer investments from the Texas Enterprise Fund to have a plan in place for hiring our returning heroes. 
Who ever is advising Abbott might want to think twice about attacking veterans, or the elderly, the sick, the poor, those who have been maimed by medical malpractice, first responders killed by chemical explosions, cancer victims, and 4 year olds. 

Davis' plan requires companies, who are benefiting from millions of tax dollars via the Texas Enterprise Fund, to have a plan in place to hire veterans. It doesn't "force" anyone to do anything except have a plan. It makes sense. Yet Abbott's Field Director tweeted the following:

Abbott is making a habit out of being incredibly stupid. Here is a round up of his stupidity:

What idiot would hide explosive chemicals from the public?

What idiot would be against Pre-K education?
What idiot would steal money from a cancer research fund?
What idiot would defend Farmers Insurance?
What idiot would oppose equal pay for women?
What idiot would defend medical malpractice?
What idiot would be against a texting while driving ban?
What idiot would vote for Greg Abbott? 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Texas chickens are appalled at Greg Abbott for chickening out of debate

The Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, who likes to pose with big, tough guy, guns has cowardly chickened out on a statewide televised debate with Senator Wendy Davis. From WFAA back in May:

"From grassroots events to policy announcements and roundtable discussions, we have made our personal engagement with voters a focal point," Hamilton wrote to WFAA in May.

And from WFAA today:

"Due to our inability to agree on specific details of the format, Attorney General Greg Abbott will regretfully not be participating in the WFAA debate," said Robert Black, senior campaign advisor on Friday morning. He continued, "Besides, Davis will kick the living crap out of Abbott. It would not be pretty!"

OK. That last sentence isn't what his new campaign manager said, but he might as well have said it. Abbott is a lousy speaker. He is a lousy debater. He is a lousy lawyer. And now he is a lousy chicken. Texas chickens are not very happy. From

"Greg Abbott's recent actions has dishonored those of us who chicken out on the first sight of danger. Running away from a wolf, a dog, or even a fluffy rabbit is in our blood. Greg Abbott is taking being a chicken to a new level never seen before since Rick Perry refused to debate Bill White."
Greg Abbott has issued the following comment about declining the debate with Wendy Davis: "Cluck cluck cluck, bock, bock, BA-CAW!"

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Even Republicans think Texas sucks under Tea Party rule

East Texas Senator  Kevin Eltife filed  Senate Bill 547 in 2009 that put an end to electricity deregulation in his area. Why? I will let his own press release speak for itself:

"Residential rates in our area are on average 45 percent lower than those in neighboring cities that have entered the competitive market. It is my hope that this legislation will help preserve low rates North East Texans have come to enjoy."

In other words, electricity deregulation failed. Miserably. Eltife's district was to enter the deregulated market in 2009 but his bill put an end to that. His district continues to pay lower rates than Ken Lay's deregulation. Now Eltife is once again, speaking the truth and admitting that under Tea Party rule, Texas now sucks. From his local newspaper, the News Journal of Longview:

“Water’s not fixed, TxDot’s not fixed,” he said, naming two of four issues the Tyler resident accused his fellow lawmakers of ignoring in favor of red-meat topics that get them elected while the necessities of a growing population draw mostly lip-service.

Yep. Let's add education is not funded legally or adequately, we lead the nation in uninsured, our tax system is broken, our air stinks, and the list can go on and on. Water and Transportation have been hit hard requiring raiding the rainy day fund for extra cash. This isn't leadership, this is emergency spending at it's worse.

At least Eltife is challenging the Tea Party and speaking the truth. Baby steps. Baby steps.

Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, is a Texas sized shitty attorney

No wonder Texas Governor Rick Perry hired a Democrat to defend him against 2 felony counts of abuse of power. Greg Abbott lost yet another frivolous lawsuit. From every major media outlet in Texas:

Texas’ system for financing public schools violates the state constitution, an Austin judge ruled Thursday. 
The long-awaited ruling by state District Judge John Dietz — totalling 404 pages — ends the first chapter in a massive legal challenge that has already spanned three years and involves about two-thirds of the state’s school districts.

Greg Abbott, who defended the State, was missing in action and unavailable for comment. Abbott has lost about 22 out of 25 suits against the Federal Government and now once again picked the wrong side to defend in this case. Instead of defending the students and parents who want a great and fair education, Abbott defended the business industries who wanted more tax cuts resulting in a $5.4 billion reduction in school funds.

Greg Abbott was last seen running from reporters concerning this lawsuit, hiding explosive chemicals, stealing funds from cancer research, siding against rape victims, defending medical malpractice, defending the insurance industry, approving texting while driver, and kicking little puppies.

When do you stop making fun of trial lawyers?

From Business Insider
Many years ago I was speaking at a hearing in Austin concerning the complexity of the Residential Construction Liability Act (RCLA). I said RCLA also stood for "Requires Competent Legal Assistance" and launched into a joke "When do you stop making fun of trial lawyers?". The committee chair jokingly reminded me that the committee had 2 lawyers. My joke went over pretty well.

As Governor, Rick Perry has made it his personal goal to rid the state of trial lawyers by passing massive tort reform in 2003 and a "Loser Pays" bill in 2011. He is a firm supporter of restricting Texans rights to the 7th Amendment of the Constitution by endorsing the use of mandatory arbitration especially for his home building buddies. He is no friend of "greedy trial lawyers".

Yet Rick Perry, after being indicted for 2 felonies, reached out to one of the biggest trial lawyers in the State, Tony Buzbee, and a former Chair of the Galveston County Democratic Party. Buzbee has made headlines suing Perry's buddies at BP and has been paid very generously. (and rightfully so)

Perry ain't no dummy. Hiring a former Democrat to lead his trial lawyer convention loosk like his indictment is a partisan witch hunt, even too partisan for a former Democrat to stomach. (Good move Perry) Unfortunately perception rarely wins a felony court case.

Rick Perry himself is a joke, an Aggie Joke. So Perry knows the answer to "When do you stop making fun of trial lawyers?"

When you need one. Ask Rick Perry.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Rick Perry, not the best Texas Ethics Watchdog

In another OOPS moment, Rick Perry forgot he wasn't the best self proclaimed ethics watchdog of Texas.  From Progress Texas:

Rick Perry is defending his attempt to coerce Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg out of office—an attempt which resulted in not one, but two indictment charges—by claiming that he was taking a stance against her drunk driving conviction. However, a look at the Governor's history with Republican officials charged with drunk driving undermines his case.

Turns out when two other Republican DAs were caught DWI, Rick Perry, the self proclaimed Texas Ethics Watchdog, did nothing but wag his tail and pant. Under Perry's reign there has been a record 
number of ethics violations against Republican law makers with historic fines, yet Perry didn't call for their resignation.

Sitting Republican State Representatives, such as Joe Driver, pleaded guilty to a felony for double dipping from the Comptrollers office. He not only kept his seat in the Capitol, he kept his tax funded pension and health care and yet Perry just sat and watched. Other Republicans were caught DWI like Jim Stick:

In 2011, Republican and former State Representative Jim Stick was arrested for drunk driving. He has since been appointed as chief legal counsel for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, earning an annual salary of $162,000.

And yet the self proclaimed Texas Ethics Watchdog did nothing but chew on a shoe left in the closet unprotected until one of those caught DWI was a Democrat. Then Perry went into action much like Cujo.