LABC = “Lets All Bet Cash” fracking was gods financial church gift & therefore safe for people

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Lake Arlington Baptist Church has a preschool near all their gas extraction activities?

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They call this scorched land, but it is also known as sterile land where nothing will ever grow again there…hope the airshed doesn’t make the LABC young people sterile.

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That is said to be the LABC kiddo’s soccer field.

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This is one busy parking lot that the parents like to use to pick up their children #WhatWere/AreTheyThinking while they sit there staring at those tanks?

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Our city gas well inspector supervisor responded that the brown building adjacent to the drill site was a church bldg maintenance shed and NOT a compressor station…oh good although that would not have surprised me. I’m still trying to find seven, small, secret, no-window-Walmart-looking alleged compressor stations that are said to be in Arlington. An industry guy told me about them.

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Presby #EBOLA retrospect to #Fracking HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID?

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This what our Arlington City council wears when we send them info on air and water shed risk info on fracking.….“WE followed CDC guidelines”.….wanh wanh wanh! Excuses=same for urban drilling as the fracking drillers say we were in compliance to the ordinance/TCEQ/RRC/EPA”...when the masses look back at where they live and why they are sick/loved ones died….thus this blog with (letters to officials) evidence that I tried..others tried..and so it is with the handling of EBOLA. The fast and swift nature of detection of the disease…. yet with fracking – so many slow bullets have now left the chamber (health, water, air, soil, produce, agriculture, social issues, property, climate) ….not so much on the obvious side like the threat seen in EBOLA…and with fracking-the money is so blinding to the very leaders who wear the horse blinders…YEP.

This was my comment on the WFAA article where Presby Hospital passes the buck on the Ebola FAIL…..

…HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID? When we look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement-yet those who tirelessly work to educate on FRACKING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS feel like the info is falling on deaf ears so that one day when all the fracking related cancers are obvious to track in “proximity and fall out zone”, they can “look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement”

…HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID? When we look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement-yet those who tirelessly work to educate on FRACKING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS feel like the info is falling on deaf ears so that one day when all the fracking related cancers are obvious to track in “proximity and fall out zone”, they can “look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement”

…HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID? When we look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement-yet those who tirelessly work to educate on FRACKING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS feel like the info is falling on deaf ears so that one day when all the fracking related cancers are obvious to track in “proximity and fall out zone”, they can “look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement”.

..HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID? When we look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement-yet those who tirelessly work to educate on FRACKING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS feel like the info is falling on deaf ears so that one day when all the fracking related cancers are obvious to track in “proximity and fall out zone”, they can “look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement”

…HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID? When we look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement-yet those who tirelessly work to educate on FRACKING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS feel like the info is falling on deaf ears so that one day when all the fracking related cancers are obvious to track in “proximity and fall out zone”, they can “look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement”

…HOW DO WE STOP THIS CYCLE STUCK ON STUPID? When we look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement-yet those who tirelessly work to educate on FRACKING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS feel like the info is falling on deaf ears so that one day when all the fracking related cancers are obvious to track in “proximity and fall out zone”, they can “look back in retrospect they act like it was a learning experience and how there was room for improvement”


Posted in arlington, cozad, joe barton, texas | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

#Joe-Ebola-Barton & GOP will cost US $750 million in 6 mths for #EbolaWar from prior CDC funding cuts

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     As our nation is in an Ebola scare with a third confirmed case in the DFW Metroplex, more troops have been deployed in the war against TIME fighting the virus on its own turf in Africa.

Almost 600 US troops are now in Ebola harms way. 

     U.S. Army Gen. David Rodriguez, the commander of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), said the efforts to contain will cost us an estimated $750 million in the first six months. The expected number of US troops deployed could top 4,000 in their mission in setting up hospitals so that patients can be isolated and cared for.
     During Republican Congressman Joe Barton’s three decade reign, he has sat on the House Health Committee which oversees the CDC and NIH. He repeatedly voted to reduce funding which delayed the development and manufacture of vaccines for Ebola and other deadly diseases. Likewise, post phoned drug trials left physicians without knowledge of dangerous side effects for the only treatments available for Ebola. Under Barton’s watch, VA Hospital funding was slashed even though we had a high number of soldiers returning home and waiting long, unacceptable periods for healthcare.  Barton’s lax legislative oversight has left ‘US’ ill-equipped, as was demonstrated here in Dallas with outdated protocols and inadequate infection control training. Now what kind of care do these soldiers have to look forward to “here”  if they become infected?
     The CDC’s Emergency Preparedness Budget has been cut nearly in half since 2006  resulting in more than 45,700 job losses at state and local health departments since 2008Vaccine research funding for viruses like Ebola was curtailed despite evidence that the virus has been wiping out entire villages in Africa since the nineteen seventies. Ebola now risks the lives of US hospital workers, soldiers, & citizens as currently there is no cure or vaccine for this deadly virus.
The election is November 4 2014, please vote David COZAD to replace “Smokey, Ebola-Joe Barton”.
Get Ebola diary updates here.
Get info on fever scanner phone accessory here.
Read more about Barton and his proud fracking display at Arlington Gasland drill site.

Barton at town hall meeting in Arlington Gasland TX-after meeting I told him when they were finishing the gas wells near our home that my teen got this rash and my husband’s lymph nodes were swollen and he said he was glad Arlington was aggressively drillng in urban areas.

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Wanted-Citizen Designated Red Button Pusher in #fracking Emergencies

If official personnel cannot get to a drill site spilling or spewing, and if remote/offsite shut-in electronics fail….isn’t it up to the homeowner to try to minimize trespass of toxic effulents to their property that risks their family’s health?
Here are all good reasons urban drilling towns need  *TRAINED citizen volunteers to hit the red button if need be….
1)Earthquakes (yep we’ve started having them)
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…this is Arlington Virginia not Arlington Texas that is quake ready or should I say frackquake ready..

2) Frigid temps, (like the Ederville drill site had-when the red button didn’t work all the way)

3) Bad storms (like the one we had last Thursday by the Cowboy Stadium drill site  & like the simultaneous events in 2011 where two drill sites in Arlington had spewing gas wells that took hours to resolve)
4) Terrorist events tying up our EMS resources &
6) Bio-epidemic events (like Ebola) that could upset the economy and gas well site attendants, truck drivers etc.. stop working.
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Last December I asked for this...hey people how bout’ helping me contact these officials if you agree this training is necessary?

Regis the cat says “I ain’t afraid to hit the red button if my fireman can’t get to my spewing drill site”

Even Varbnett Shale spokesperson, Ed Ireland , says* its simple to push a well ER shut in (red) button….“Most of these producing sites within cities have what’s called ‘the big red button.’ And that’s the training: You enter the site and push the button”. 
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; Jay Doegey <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>
Cc: “” <>; David P. Poole <>; “” <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: followup request…Don, how feasible is this homeowner training in manual well shut in in ER event?
Don J last night at the Red light meeting you confirmed you were getting my emails…can U help me get Don C or Jim P to respond?…the bad weather we had last week had the UTA site and the ATT Stadium/Truman gas well site in the straight line winds microburst path. That was very troubling to have happen at these two sites near my home…I’m not aware of any storm drill site damages and didn’t hear any spewing…but this reenforces my point that we need to ensure that general citizens can and need to be trained to hit the red button at drill sites if the driller or the AFD cannot make it to the sites in our neighborhoods.
Last Friday I inspected the AutoZone damages near the Truman site and smelled a strong gassy smell…but then again the winds were coming from the north and it may be the normal odor as it was that strong when I checked on the Truman site after the flooding. 
Earthquakes, frigid temps, bad storms, terrorist events at other locales tying up our EMS resources are all good reasons urban drilling needs citizen volunteers to hit the red button if need be.
Please have someone in charge of gas well emergencies respond on this request. 
WE NEED DESIGNATED NEIGHBORHOOD RED BUTTON PUSHERS TRAINED TO SHUT IN GASWELLS IF YOU GUYS CAN’T MAKE IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the 10/2/14 storm it was reported that dd’s Discounts just north of the stadium had ATMOS gas fill the store and an ER response was needed there…so lets be real about what a storm can do to piping infrastructures.
Kim Feil
From: kim feil <>
To: “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; Jay Doegey <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>
Cc: “” <>; David P. Poole <>; “” <>
Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2013 8:29 AM
Subject: Don, how feasible is this homeowner training in manual well shut in in ER event?
I truly believe if the roads ice up and our fire dept specialist division gas well response vehicles cannot get to the site or heaven forbid multiple sites (or phone lines/power is down/communication is hampered), that a designated nearby homeowner should be instructed how to go to the gaswell site and know where to find and push the red, manual shut down button in the event of spillage or gas release. How do-able is this training in a pinch?
Kim Feil

*I believe some of what training community volunteers involve…

1) identifying healthy people living close by to be physically able to get to the site on foot (not a car) with cell phone turned off to avoid static fires.
2) knowing that fire department is not reachable (ie 911 down, roads impassable, spewing needs containment asap)
3) knowing where the red button is
4) calling driller and the city alerting them of citizen manual shut down in ER situation

  • update…. the woman interviewed in this article was trapped in her home this morning with the ice storm when the well spewed gasses….again…good news is the red button worked this time around.
  • Kim Triolo Feil · Top Commenter · Works at MYtoeSPACEpillow

    The reporter forgot to mention that the April 2011 Arlington event conincided with another drill site spewing on the other side of town on the DWG line, yet the people affected or calling in to 911 were from the Arlington side.
  • Kim Triolo Feil · Sorry but I count almost 40 events for the DFW area that I know about (I would know more if the city didn’t want to charge me over $200 to find out)….these include foul rotten egg odors and other type releases and spills (like into Lake Arlington our drinking water source) or truck fracking traffic related spills from hurried or sleepy drivers (one child was accidently struck and killed)…but no blow out yet. Ice ice storm baby…get ready….hope the red button works if the icey roads let the experts get to it….co-existing with gas wells = risk-isting. Oh please don’t get me started on those viagra related lift compressors at alot of these sites….hope the electricity stays on or an emergency shut down will release raw gases and BTEX into the airshed or into the storage tanks where they just invisibly vent…but if you want to see what an infrared camera uncovers on those storage tanks look at the video entitled “Lake Arlington Natural Gas Storage Tanks Infrared FLIR camera reveals toxins constantly spewing”….no wonder why people say there is a cancer cluster near Marin Highschool and the Lake Arlington area.

  • Kim Triolo Feil · 

    she is lucky her cell phone or starting her car to evacuate didn’t blow her or the neighborhood up
  • Rusty Shackelford · 

    28? Roughly four per year in one single city does not make it an uncommon occurrence at all. That’s one every three months, just in Fort Worth.

    Those are my neighbors and yours that are having to deal with this. Uncommon my……

    • Kim Triolo Feil ·

      Rusty I have been keeping count of the ones I find out about….we ought to share notes….the open records requests are rather expensive
  • Fish Creek Monitor

    The FWST reports, “Arlington said it responded to one leak this year.”

    Perhaps they forgot about these:

    In addition, we saw Fire Chief Crowson provide testimony during the Texas 83rd Legislative Session. He mentioned that Arlington dispatched emergency crews to gas drill sites MANY times. (Don’t remember the exact number but if those hearings are archived, his statement should be there.)

    It is disappointing when the the major newspaper in our area doesn’t get their facts straight. Gas drilling IS dangerous. Leaks are NOT uncommon, and it’s going to get a lot worse ~ especially as the infrastructure ages and corrodes.

    • Kim Triolo Feil · 

      From: kim feil <>
      Sent: Mon, June 3, 2013 8:41:08 AM
      Subject: Need your assistance on open records chargeCharlie, as you may know by now my family is paying medical bills for my husband’s cancer treatments.
      I did an open records request for 2011 and 2012 gaswell related dispatch records from the fire department because Sargent Crowsen was quoted as appearing in Austin saying that already this year we’ve had 20 dispatch calls to the padsites.
      As this industry taxes our airshed, defaces our town, taxes our ER resources, as a concerned City Council member, could you on my behalf do a full inquisition and post these on your webpage or email them to me so that I can make this public info?
    • Kim Triolo Feil · 

      Of course no reply as usual from my incompetent council person.
  • Fish Creek Monitor

    NOT uncommon. We understand there was another incident of a gas release at that Chesapeake operated Ederville Gas Drill site at around 5:30 this morning. It is unfortunate that residents could not evacuate due to the icy roads.
  • Jake Laird

    Does anyone else think it’s kind of wrong that cities are having to pay for extra responders in case of well site emergencies? The oil companies should be keeping an emergency staff of their own on site.
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#Ebola cousin = #Marburg / MERS near Galveston suspect “A man in Texas is being tested and monitored for an outbreak virus found overseas, but it’s not Ebola. Health officials at Clear Lake Regional Medical Center in Webster, TX say they are treating a patient with a suspected case of the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). According to Kurt Koopmann, public information officer for the Galveston County Health District, the patient, a man in his 70s, had recently traveled to the Arabian Peninsula. Currently laboratory analysis on the patients’s samples is pending. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is viral respiratory illness first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. It is caused by a coronavirus called MERS-CoV. Most people who have been confirmed to have MERS-CoV infection developed severe acute respiratory illness. They had fever, cough, and shortness of breath. About 30% of people confirmed to have MERS-CoV infection have died. So far, all the cases have been linked to countries in and near the Arabian Peninsula. To date, there has been two imported MERS cases in the US, one in Indiana and one in Florida. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Since April 2012 and as of 9 October 2014, 892 cases of MERS-CoV have been reported by local health authorities worldwide, including 356 deaths.”   “…the 30-year-old radiographer died on 28 Sep 2014 while working at a hospital in Kampala. He had started feeling unwell about 10 days earlier, and his condition kept deteriorating. He complained of headache, abdominal pain, vomiting blood and diarrhea. Samples were taken and tested at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, and results confirmed the man had a marburgvirus. Doctors said his brother, one of the people he came into contact with, has developed similar symptoms and has been quarantined in a group of 80 others, 60 of whom are health workers.”

Click here for my other Ebola updates and photos of Dallas, Ebola affected, apartment sidewalk cleaners without hazmat.

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Arlington (gasland) TX 10/2/14 storm pics-will update as more comes in


click here for Arlington response to a gaswell site complaint of popping sounds during this storm.

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See the ATT Cowboys Stadium inthe background? Nicole Thiel Speyrer wrote on DFW Scanner FB… “A metal roof flew through the lot and hit the back of that truck and flipped it end over end along with damaging several vehicles.” .  The damaged metal roof that flipped a truck at Division and west of Collins was literally feet away from the fence line to the Truman gas well site by the ATT Stadium…..the road was closed for a while-luckily they kept Collins open because trucks come daily to that drill site to evacuate toxic waste…if the roads were impassible, I’ve been told the units auto shut in when the storage tanks get filled up…but I’ve seen where the Edderville, Fulson, Steeples, & Pappy Elkins drill sites have had releases…some of these the auto shut in’s did NOT work. Yet one more thing to worry about living in the shale.Screen shot 2014-10-03 at 5.21.31 AM

Autozone at Collins on Division


blind photo shot of space between Autozone fence and gas well infrastructure


See where the gaswells are in proximity to the stadium? too fracking close ya’ll.


click here to see updated info on the one gas well incident response in Arlington near Bowen and Division for this storm.

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end Autozone pics … click here for the 6/23/14 flood photos in Arlington


Here is a pic of my neighbor at Collins and Elm. My home is one door down.

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Here is pic of roof of Arlington Highschool.

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Looking north Bowen near Division…right by the LYnn Smith drillsite…hope the truck can get in these gaswell sites and evacuate the waste (toxic) waters or else the tanks will overflow if the autoshut in fails…we’ve seen auto shut in fails over half dozen times so far..lovely.

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on FMBC church grounds (where I’ve gaswell protested before) facing southeast in Arlington storm on 10/2/14 straight line winds


Poor tree cut in half nar First Methodist Bap Church at Mesquite and Division


standing right at curb of Mesquite street (n of Division) facing southwest with FMBC church in the background-only half of Mesquite is open


watch the tree ants!


snapped photo on FMBC church grounds facing south on Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds


snapped photo on FMBC church grounds facing north on Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds


snapped photo on FMBC church grounds facing northeast on Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds missed the big tree on the Boy Scout Troop 68 Arlington TX grounds…whew


snapped photo on FMBC church grounds facing heaven on Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds


snapped photo facing north of FMBC church on Kooken School grounds on Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds


Kooken tree along Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds-saw rotted interior from possible disease or earlier lightening strike where exterior showed it was scabbed over


Scabbed over area..Kooken tree along Mesquite street in Arlington for the storm of 10/2/14 straight line winds-saw rotted interior from possible disease or earlier lightening strike where exterior showed it was scabbed over

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video near Pantego...this is what I saw by the ATT Stadium...I couldn’t find my teen who was outside in this mess..I have 100 yr old home surrounded by 100 year old trees this time they stayed...whew

video near Pantego …this is what I saw by the ATT Stadium…I couldn’t find my teen who was outside in this mess..I have 100 yr old home surrounded by 100 year old trees this time they stayed…whew  HERE is the FB link for the video.

Video from Paul Greenberg in Pantego, Texas


Get Ebola updates here at this link as I was tracking this starting on 7/30/14 before mainstream media was.


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$350 phone accessory to detect fever – #EBOLA tool – too #fracking much money 4 CITIZEN MONITORS?



click here for the Ebola updates

What good is buying this expensive tool if  the local government doesn’t have a plan to mass monitor schools, businesses, and other public gathering places?

This would involve having designated citizen monitors use such a tool to locate those with fevers and have a response team to call to remove those #ebola carrying suspects into quarantine for Ebola testing.   THIS IS WHAT should be in the planning stages NOW in the most unfortunate event that the DALLAS CASE ESCALATES.

Here is my (paranoid) world laws if this thang escalates past healthcare workers…..

  • No common cup communion,
  • no hand shakes,
  • no sneezing without containment inside your shirt or get a citizen ticket or stigma stare for spreading germs..
  • of course no travel by plane until we fix whats happening in Africa …
  • everybody wear a mask and gloves and
  • continually wipe handles in public with bleach wipes,
  • get flu shots to avoid regular fever and mistagging,
  • designated citizen monitors have Iphone 5 accessory to shoot a fever scan and contact CDC police to have person removed walking around with fever until proven not a high risk person for EBOLA.

Last month I presented this idea to the City of Arlington’s Public Health Official, Dr Cynthia Simmons, but again with no response. I recorded this request in my Aug 28th diary entry of Ebola updates. Even our DR Mayor Cluck is silent on any contact with me because I have pressured them both for statements on public health near fracking.

Here is what the City of Arlington (gasland Texas) is saying about #EBOLA….

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“The City of Arlington’s Public Health Authority and the Arlington Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Management are monitoring the situation that has recently been reported concerning the first human case of Ebola in Dallas County.

For more information concerning Ebola, please see the information located at the Tarrant County Public Health website: “

When I went to that website, I clicked on the “Checklist for Ebola Preparedness”, it refers me to the CDC…

“CDC is available 24/7 for consultation by calling the CDC Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) at 770-488-7100 or via email at”

So I called the CDC and a man from Georgia referred me to the State Dept of Public Health (DSHS) citing this was a research facility. He said the DSHS would have to decide if that was an accurate fever detecting tool, and how it would be the DSHS responsibility on the feasibility of citizen monitors.

So I called the (local) State Dept of Public Health and spoke to Scott Mize in the Epidemiology department…

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Mr Mize said it was too early to worry about an outbreak and that so far we only have one Ebola case. I asked him if a week from now if this escalated, how long would it take to have a team who responds to citizen calls to remove people with fevers from public places? Not responding to my real (how much time to mobilize teams) question, all he said “at this time I do not recommend calling the police on people with fevers”.

How sad that #Ebola is trending and in the news cause its a visible and quick acting, destroying virus….I believe people will rise up and become citizen monitors and take matters in their own hands if they feel no one else is…now back to fracking…. it is a slow kill that people don’t feel till its too late.  Thanks for reading…now go learn about fracking after I learned, “I” became an active fracking citizen can too.

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How old people got drilled by real estate broker for APPLE REIT, aka friends of Cheat-a-peake

Here is how REIT is friends with Chesapeake….IN A NUTSHELL… In 2009 Apple REIT Nine Ventures (whose Apple REIT Six core business was SUPPOSED to be in the business of building hotels), helped cash strapped Chesapeake (CHK) by investing $145 million in owning over 100 Barnett Shale properties ripe for Urban Drilling. CHK in turn paid REIT from $11-22 million a year for the leases from 2009-2011.
Once drilled upon, those Apple Nine shale sites suffered surface property tax devaluations  – some as low as as SEVEN CENTS A SQ FT on TAD records.
In November of 2011 APPLE REIT made a $53 million profit off of those properties when they sold to Ft Worth Real Estate tycoon, Michael Mallick, for $198 million.
Mallick, head of 111 Realty, sold the properties back to Chesapeake for an undisclosed price.
Now In 2011 charges were brought against REIT & a broker exclusively selling REIT investments.
REIT and affiliates were found innocent in 2013, but the broker, Lerner, was sanctioned & ordered to pay restitution on the selling of Apple REIT Ten “investments”, a non-traded $2 billion real estate investment trust.***
Update 2014….Lerner is at it again targeting old people and claims he has better disclosure literature.
Targeting old people should be classified as a hate crime….but then again alot of old people like the royalty checks not caring about their grand kids.
With that said, it is feasible to attack our royalty loving old people claiming that “they” should be charged with hate crimes against our future generations in being profracking…so whatever.
Moral of this story is promises get broken and dreams get fracked….
..nothing is for free and we were all swindled here in the Barnett Shale out of the right to enjoy our properties.
Now we live in industrial zones facing shale health risks.

Here is the story when Mallick acquired the Apple Nine properties as reported by Sandra Baker of the Star Telegram…


Fort Worth real estate investment partnership buys 410 acres

A Fort Worth real estate investment partnership has agreed to pay $198.4 million to an East Coast-based real estate investment trust to buy more than 400 of acres of land in Tarrant, Johnson, Ellis and Dallas counties leased to a Chesapeake Energy subsidiary. The partnership, 111 Realty Investors LP, headed by real estate investor Michael Mallick, is buying 110 natural gas drill sites that range in size from 3-acres to 5-acres and total 410 acres, from Apple REIT Nine Inc., according to a recent Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Mallick declined to comment on the deal that went under contract in August. The deal, which is for surface rights only, is expected to close by the end of the year. The property was land Apple REIT Nine bought from Oklahoma City-based Chesapeake last year. At that time, Apple REIT Nine said it bought 113 properties totaling 417 acres in the Barnett Shale gas field in the four counties. A few of those properties were later repurchased by Chesapeake. The real estate investment trust, part of the Apple real estate investment trust companies based in Richmond, Va., paid $147 million for the land. The land is leased for 40 years to Chesapeake Exploration. A year ago, Chesapeake said it was paying, on average, $21.8 million a year for the lease, according to federal filings. In Tarrant County, the land is in Fort Worth, Arlington, Benbrook, Haltom City, Hurst, Mansfield and North Richland Hills.” _ Sandra Baker

Here are some stories where Mallack sold BACK to Chesapeake… update “Two years after buying surface rights to about 400 acres in the Barnett Shale, (see story below) a Fort Worth-based investment group has sold the ground leases to Chesapeake Energy. The ground lease, encumbering 106 urban natural gas drilling sites, was sold by 111 Realty Investors L.P., headed by real estate investor Michael Mallick.”

Apple Nine Selling Land? • REIT Wrecks


    “A local REIT has struck it rich in Texas. Downtown-based Apple REIT Nine last week sold hundreds of acres of natural gas fields in Fort Worth for $198 million. The buyer is 111 Realty Investors LP, an entity tied to Texas real estate investor Michael Mallick. As part of the deal, Apple REIT gets $138.4 million in cash and $60 million in bonds. The land consists of about 400 acres broken into 110 parcels. According to past SEC filings, Apple REIT Nine bought the property in Fort Worth in April 2009. It then leased the land to Chesapeake Energy, the natural gas giant that has made headlines of its own lately. Chesapeake Energy made lease payments on the property to Apple REIT of $15.2 million in 2010 and $11.3 million in 2009. Apple REIT’s gamble on natural gas seems to have paid off, according to filings. It paid $145 million for the land in 2009, leaving it with a $53 million return in a little more than two years……The purchase of the land was the first and only time the REIT ventured outside the domain of buying hotels. Apple REIT Nine is one of the five funds that are part of the Apple REIT Companies. The funds own hundreds of hotels across the country and has raised billions of dollars from investors.”


    Kim Triolo Feil

    ***Here is the story on how some old people got fracked out of their REIT investments by David Lerner who preyed upon unsavy people…so sad but…”buyer beware”. Funny I have a FB account called “Barnett Shale Breathers Beware”. judge dismisses class action lawsuits against Apple REIT Cos. April 10, 2013 7:51 PM By Paula C. Squires... “A federal judge has dismissed securities litigation against Richmond-based Apple REIT Cos., a real estate investment trust that invests primarily in hotels.U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto of the Eastern District of New York upheld a motion to dismiss a consolidated class action complaint against Apple REIT Cos. and several of its funds in a court order issued on April 3. She ruled that investors had received sufficient disclosure to understand the risks of investing in the nontraded public companies. Matsumoto said in her order that Apple’s investment objectives “did not constitute actionable misrepresentations or omissions.”The judgment was in favor of Apple REIT Six, Apple REIT Seven, Apple REIT Eight, Apple REIT Nine, Apple REIT Ten, the company’s board of directors and certain officers and advisory companies, including David Lerner Associates Inc.The motion to dismiss was granted with “prejudice,” meaning plaintiffs cannot refile the case. News about the court’s decision was publicized in a press release distributed on Business Wire.Kelly Clarke, director of investor services for Apple REIT Cos., said in an email Wednesday, “We do not have any comments outside of the press release at this time.“The lawsuit was filed in 2011 by six investors who claimed they had been misled about the risks of the investment. It built upon allegations in a complaint filed that same year by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) against David Lerner Associates Inc. (DLA), based in Syosset, N.Y. — the firm that exclusively sold Apple REITs shares to investors around the country.FINRA’s complaint focused on the marketing of the Apple REITS. In October 2012, FINRA sanctioned Lerner and his company, ordering it to pay $12 million in restitution to affected customers who purchased shares in Apple REIT 10, a non-traded $2 billion real estate investment trust.As the sole distributor of the Apple REITs, FINRA’s statement said DLA “solicited thousands of customers, targeting unsophisticated investors and the elderly and selling the illiquid REIT without performing adequate due diligence to determine whether it was suitable for investors.” The authority said that to sell Apple REIT Ten DLA used “misleading marketing materials that presented performance results for the REITs without disclosing to customers that income from those REITs was insufficient to support the distributions to unit owners.” In addition, FINRA fined David Lerner, DLA’s founder, president and CEO, $250,000 and suspended him for one year from the securities industry, followed by a two-year suspension from acting as a principal. FINRA said in a statement on the case that Lerner “personally made false claims regarding the investment returns, market values, and performance and prospects of the Apple REITs at numerous DLA investment seminars and in letters to customers.” 

As of Sept 2014, the TAD records show the old REIT properties… 
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Posted in fianancier, mallick, michael, ponzi, scheme | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Top 5 reasons U never heard of to NOT drill by Arlington people….WIP

Photo on 2011-05-12 at 20.51

This is yet another one of my Work In Progress projects (WIP aka WTF).

1) The Chesapeake/NOMAC drilling related fuel tank can hold 14,000 gallons of explosive & carcinogenic fuel .

2) The accidental “reportable” quantity (RQ) release amounts were written during the era of drilling in remote areas.  For Ex. 10 gallons of pure Benzene, 100 lbs of Formaldehyde & 5,000 lbs of Methanol has to be “spilled” before they must call the Railroad Commission to investigate. Click here for more on RQ.  Related is that we also have MSD’s in Arlington . Click here to enter an address of interest of an MSD area in Arlington.

Here is an example of a non-reportable quantity event…

3) There are no regulations to require pressurized, VENTLESS flowback tanks…yes they flowback in open hatch tanks in Arlington.….we don’t want any rock snot, manmade, sour gas here ya’ll.

4) Arlington’s “protected uses” for a 600 foot set back consideration does not include businesses, campgrounds, hotels and motels. Just north of the above video at California and Cooper St is a KOA Campground where some residents live 300 feet close to the well heads. The gasoline pumps are 400 feet away.

5) Arlington Gas Well Inspectors do not inspect the UTA Enervest site, nor do they inspect any of the Compressor Stations or Bumper Stations.

I’ll keep adding to this list if you contact me with obscure, COLLOID – like little known facts-thanks.

As usual here is a letter from this morning (I post most of them for ease of Open Records)… to a Michael McCullough who wrote “My degrees are in chemistry and chemical engineering and I spent decades in the environmental industry, both as a consultant and in-house head of environmental affairs.”

Permalink Reply by Kim Feil …
What do you think about the new findings where flowback was studied and found that the re-used flowback became anthropogenicly toxic by introducing bleach related chemicals that react with the bacteria?!divAbstract
The study appeared this week in the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts….
“However, the presence of various fatty acid phthalate esters in the Barnett and Marcellus produced waters can be related to their use in drilling fluids and breaker additives rather than their presence in connate fluids. Halogen containing compounds are found in each of the water samples, and although the fluorocarbon compounds identified are used as tracers, the presence of chlorocarbons and organobromides formed as a consequence of using chlorine containing oxidants (to remove bacteria from source water), suggests that industry should concentrate on non-chemical treatments offrac and produced waters.”

Also what do you think about Urban Drillers using pressurized flowback tanks?…they currently use those rural style open hatch ones and NIOSH recently found those workers have illegal amts of Benzene exposures….…

Have you heard about the COLLOIDS flowback spill frack on crack risk too?

Thanks for your attention to these concerns of an unhappy gas well neighbor near the ATT Cowboy’s Stadium.

Photo by

Photo by blog page is WestchesterGasette

Posted in benzene, COLLOIDS, frack on crack, michael mcCullough | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Perr not so purr-frack in Mc Drill-land … Arlington Council will hear Enervest Drill Zone expansion request

Update 10/21/14 Here are some infrared videos uncovering the invisible emissions from EnerVest Operating drilling rig on Masch Branch and Hampton Rd in Denton TX that I sent Arlington City Council to view before the vote next Tues.
Heres some pics  from the above videos…
Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.37.04 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.37.21 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.37.58 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.38.08 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.38.22 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.40.50 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.42.06 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.44.52 PM
Update:  At the 10/14/14 City Council meeting, council voted to hear this drilling zone case despite it not being supported by half of P&Z-…..this means they will ram rod this as expected on 10/28/14….
Engineer, Shea Kirkman, presenting the case for the council meeting responded…
 How is it that the presenters and the drillers get advanced notice of the meeting and yet the citizens wanting to fight this don’t? They put out the agenda items no more than four and half days before the hearing.
The City of Arlington sent me this response to my PIR..
From: City of Arlington – Open Records <>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:06 PM
Subject: Open Records Request :: W017584-101414

— Please respond above this line —

Dear Kim Feil,

Your public information request to the City of Arlington received October 14, 2014, has been referred to me for response.  We have requested a ruling from the Attorney General in accordance with section 552.301 of the Government Code.  A copy of this request has been attached.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. 

Christina Weber
Assistant City Attorney

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: “” <>; “” <>; Robert Rivera <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; Bridgett White <>; Tony Rutigliano <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:20 AM
Subject: Fw: October Waterworld Issue 2014 on Energy/Water Interdependency
How do we balance water and energy? This write up has me thinking that fracking has no place in our energy future when it comes to how we manage water…is that what you think the writer is saying? I do-please read the attachments and I am earnestly asking each one of you to send me a quick response. This will also let me know which council members have been benefitting from reading my hard worked research I provide to Arlington citizens for free. My own district representative told me he wouldn’t read my letters and it is your duty to communicate with the citizens of Arlington. Of course I will post your response on my blog as a follow up for my readers.
The attachments show part of the write up. I believe our city subscribes to this publication because our former water director, Julie Hunt, participated in a fracking water summit back in 2012.  Well maybe that summit was called Water Research Foundation and this magazine is geared to those managing municipal water systems is called Water World-they may be affiliated?
This water balancing act and those Ohio earthquakes brought on (not by injection wells but) by fracking (Enervest is fracking in Ohio) is two good reasons to keep in mind as council attempts to lightening rod round the Perr Enervest drilling zone in. Prudence in half of our P&Z members is highly respected and people will look to blame why their homes and foundations are moving too much.
Please admire those P&Z members who voted to err on the side of “lets not rush”-“lets wait and see”. Maybe some agreed with me that people in non-protected areas such as the KOA camp ground, local businesses, customers of the Quick Trip (see flowback fume vid there), and the hospital district (near TWO back to back drill sites) deserve set back protection.
The city is attempting a delay tactic in my PIR to not disclose if the Perr drilling zone vote is going to be on the 10/28 council meeting by saying an Attorney Genr’l ruling is needed to send out premature versions of the next agenda item listing.  So who can tell me straight up if the Perr drilling zone vote will be on the next city council meeting agenda? Any takers?
Kim Feil
aka-plugger of loopholes in our Gas Drilling Ordinance
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: WaterWorld <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:02 AM
Subject: Reminder: Your October 2014 Issue Is Available
From: Buzz Pishkur <>
To: ‘kim feil’ <>; Robert Cluck <>; Robert Shepard <>; Robert Rivera <>; Jimmy Bennett <>; Michael Glaspie <>; Charlie Parker <>; Lana Wolff <>; Sheri Capehart <>; Kathryn Wilemon <>; Don Jakeway <>; Stuart Young <>; Roger Venables <>; Jim Parajon <>; Bridgett White <>; Tony Rutigliano <>
Cc: Trey Yelverton <>; Gilbert Perales <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: October Waterworld Issue 2014 on Energy/Water Interdependency

Kim: The commentary on the water – energy nexus is nothing new and is not correlated specifically to the Fracking phenomena. We all know nexus is a fancy word for interconnection or linkage.  I have personal experience discussing this nexus in relation to the waters of the Great Lakes during the negotiations of the Great Lakes Pact between multiple Midwest states and Canada. The issue there was the power industry (electric generation) uses upwards of 75% of all the water that is taken from the Great Lakes while the focus was on the 17% of the water being used by people at their homes. It was shocking for some to learn the real facts related to what accounted for the majority of  the withdrawals. The other side of the water- energy nexus is that not only are large amounts of water used in the power generation process but that water utilities use significant energy to operation treatment facilities for fresh water and wastewater along with that of system booster and lift stations.  The two are interconnected and optimizing that situation has long been an area of discussion and focus for many.  It will continue to be a balancing act for utilities and legislators.

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: Trey Yelverton <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Perr Drill Case
Thank You.
From: Trey Yelverton <>
To: “‘'” <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 6:20 PM
Subject: Perr Drill Case
This case is scheduled for the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting on October 28th.
Trey Yelverton
City Manager


—– Forwarded Message —–

From: kim feil <>
To: “” <>
Cc: cindy powell <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:12 PM
Subject: For P&Z recap comments/clarifications/request for workshop
Thank you for those P&Z members that voted this down last night for the Enervest Perr site expansion/drill zone SUP.
Last night one of the speakers was mistaken when she spoke of my own personal properties near the Truman site going down in value…she should have read my blog as what happened was that I protested and asked for that devaluation citing the gas wells nearby.
Another clarification that needs to be made was when Mr McAllister was wanting an account of violations, in the spirit of appropriate discussion…someone needed to talk about the Rice (then Carrizo) drill site near Hutchinson Junior High having two emission events back in 2012. Collin Gregory was the inspector that went out.
We had a fire truck or two following a three block wide plume through that neighborhood (that I saw black plumes of smoke at on Tuesday) that you can read about in the Rice drill site story. Even though those emission events involved when Carrizo was the owner, and even though no violations were found-not even a nuisance, this info was important.
It was relevant information because it was disruptive to the airshed and was a potential threat to the neighborhood. There was also a Carrizo emission event in Mansfield too where our Star Telegram reporter, Susan Schrock, and her small son was enveloped in a cloud trying to get into the school that was on lock down.
What the board also needed to know was that these events did not meet the TCEQ reportable quantity release threshold. The antiquated quantity rules for “reportable events” were made when we were drilling in rural areas. This is where Home Rule and good P&Z / City Council decisions can be made in the interest of public safety.
For those that voted for the expansion at all (health) costs to those downwind to the storage tanks at the KOA campground and those to the northwest that are downwind, please view these two videos as evidence of the hydrocarbons coming off those tanks 24/7…

Lake Arlington Natural Gas Waste Storage Tanks Infrared     and here is a video by a school…

FYI… I am putting pressure on AISD to respond to complaint #366 that is over a year and half old now.
As a leadership team effort, I am requesting that we have a meeting where representatives from the school board, city council, P&Z, firemen, and city inspectors can have citizen workshops with some industry or engineer representatives to discuss citizen issues.
Here is a video I took of the Perr site during flowback in 2011 showing the OPEN HATCH flowback tanks….
Yesterday, I questioned someone from the appraisal office to see if the driller paid the mineral taxes on the missing tax value data. I was told that they (Carrizo) did pay and in fact protested their taxes already paid saying that they were not the owner.  
Before the Arlington TX Planning & Zoning work session, I asked Mr Kirkland who presented the case, if in his line of consulting would help recommend that the drillers use Best Available Emission Control Technologies like the Vapor Point ventless flowback tanks. He said he’d look into it.
Also, Faith and I were speaking to Shea Kirkman, Rusty Ward, and two other Enervest industry reps. She brought up the vapor recovery devices and Rusty admitted twice in a row that “we should have vapor recovery units”.
During the meeting when one of the P&Z members asked the city what was involved with well plugging, Shae and I agreed that maybe the line of questioning must be from concerns about the recent WFAA casing water contamination story. It was then that Shae told me that “we are seeing 20 year old casings go bad”.
Last night I pointed out that Mr Shae Kirkman  mentioned the 400 mineral owners, but I reminded folks that only 1/4 of royalties are divided up between the 400 person interest….so much for the big royalty pay out.
I wonder who else besides Rusty Ward left Carrizo and went to work for Enervest? 
There is something to be said of a company in the business of owning aging wells that is a Limited Liability company.
Kim Feil

Here is part of what I spoke on last night at the P&Z hearing…..

In looking at the TAD records, I wanted to see what the value per sq ft was for a padsite and the adjacent land. For the Truman drill site near the ATT Stadium, the 6.7 acre site was double whopper valued at $77.50 sq ft but is now a measly french fry $5 sq ft for most of that land. For the remaining adjacent Collins frontage, the 1.5 acre is $18 sq ft.

We lost $12 million in Truman drill site surface valuations over a 5 year period. Netting the subsurface mineral valuations is a more convoluted story because the historic Apple Nine ownership mineral valuations were purged when ownership changed to Chesapeake. The same story applys to Carrizo in having sold to Enervest.

I have asked Roger Venables for info on mineral valuations, but am told it is not available. So here is the Perr surface devaluation information….

Enervest owns the 6.6 acre lot to the north with the old empty night club valued at $2.76 sq ft that has followed the market increase rate (+15% from 2011 figures at $2.40). The actual padsite of 6.3 acres lost 36% of its 2012 value and is now at $1.75 sq ft.

Similarly the Chesapeake padsite adjacent to the Perr site at 2913 S Cooper has 8.3 acres commercial vacant at $1.70 sq ft.

Contrast that to the frontage property on Cooper street at the Race Trac gasoline station that sits on 1.4 acres that has a whopper value of $24 sq ft.

Across from the Rac Trac, (2904 S Cooper), the Avis shop has less than three quarters of an acre at $12 sq ft.

Nearby at 2805 Cooper, the tiny parcel (.2 acre) Espita Cleaning Service at is at $17 sq ft, & the Graham Station (across from the drill site) has 2.7 acres at $6 sq ft.

At 2915 S Cooper, the AG Realty owner has 4 acres at  $3 sq ft and sits between both drill sites.

The Chesapeake padsite near Green Oaks/Cooper (TAD 41588940) and near our municipal air port (TAD# 41583590), both are  AT SEVEN CENTS a sq ft.

(The Ederville drill site is also at seven cents a sq ft)

How low can it go….?

Screen shot 2014-09-17 at 10.25.25 PM Screen shot 2014-09-17 at 10.25.59 PM

Our padsite properties have the least value, since these properties are already “established” why not keep drilling? I’ll tell you why….let us figure how much it would cost to truck in water in the event of widespread water contamination due to the huge shale play buildout.

It has already started to affect our Big Mac seismicity attack status, and earthquakes risk damage to our casings. The existing wells may have unknown leaks that can take years to show itself, so lets not rush to allow more drilling when the science is just starting to catch up.

Ground water pollution can travel about a mile a year in general…nature needs 200 years to attenuate the pollution and we can’t wait that long.

East of the drill sites is the medical district. In looking at the Parkside Place with its nine quadraplex owners, that $30 sq ft ($7.8 million value) could go south along with the rest of Arlington jobs & property values if we don’t have water.

Yesterday I was at 303 & Cooper and saw black (smoke signal like) plumes to the east by the water tower near the Enervest Rice drill site…by the time I got down the hill, the plumes were gone…my son & I saw identical plumes like that from the Enervest UTA site one morning.

P&Z was told not to keep health and environmental reasoning in their deliberations, but a young 22 year old woman NW of (downwind less than a mile of these two drill sites) was diagnosed with thyroid cancer around the same time of her aunt who lives two blocks away (with breast cancer) at the same time the family dog did. I submit to you that the people less than 300 feet away in the KOA campground need to be protected…that they are categorized as  being outside of a “protected use” is unconscionable….

A lot is unknown about our Mc Donald Happy Land /Urban Drilling experiment we are in-no health or environmental impact study has been done…the gas can wait…our health and water supplies can not.

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