Really Braden Exploration? Really?

by TXsharon on March 20, 2009

in Barnett Shale, Braden Exploration

You come to our playground in Wise County, sling sewage all over our backyard, stick your slimy hose in our creek, belch your putrid vapor into our air and you want to talk to me about principles?

Anonymous said
It sure is interesting how you lambast the oil companies, but yet you are willing to participate in their ‘evil schemes’ by leasing your minerals to them. Are you the kind of zealot who justifies your hypocritical behavior by using your lease bonus and royalties to fund your political agenda, or are you just like everyone else selfishly using the money for personal use? Is there some hypocrisy here? If you are so against what they do and how they do it, why are you a willing participant? I guess money talks no matter what your political stance. It takes a strong person to refuse that money on the basis of principles. Do you know anyone like that?
3:13 PM

1. If you’re going to use the Internet, try to develop a basic understanding of how it works. Your computer has an IP address, and now because you couldn’t resist leaving your sophomoric comments in my playground, I have your IP address too.

2. Your nonsensical comment above has my logic meter buried way deep in the WTF column.

A. Let’s consider my choices in leasing, or not leasing my minerals to you:

Choice One: I can lease to you on a no surface use and you have to pay me money but can’t set one foot on my land or the land of my surface owners. I can use the money to advocate for stricter drilling regulations.

Choice Two: I can refuse to lease to you while you suck the gas out from under my land—your landman assured me that would happen when pressuring me to sign—and you keep the money instead of paying me.

Man! That’s a hard choice. NOT!

B. The essence of your comment seems to be your obsession with the little dab of royalty money I receive and how I spend it. How characteristic that for you it’s really all about the money. It’s no wonder that you prefer Choice Two because that would increase your profits.

C. You claim I’m a hypocrite for using my money to further my “political agenda.” DUDE! It’s just so pathetic that you don’t even know the meaning of hypocrite. If I used the money to buy a bunch of plastic crap or a Hummer or something, then I would be a hypocrite. I made a donation to OGAP, bought a video camera that’s specially designed to use with YouTube (heh, heh) and a laptop. See, all I want is for you to clean up your act and Do it Right! I have pictures and videos I haven’t yet shared, and—trust me—you don’t want me to.

3. Seriously, the cost of doing business in a more ethical manner, taking great care with the environment and showing respect to the people who live here would be more profitable in the long run–no need for PR and no fines for violations. You cannot possibly think that what you have done in my backyard is alright so don’t come on here talking to me about principles! You CAN do better, you CAN Do it Right, and you HAVE to know that!

Hey Braden, don’t you have anything better to do besides spend hours looking at my blog?

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous March 21, 2009 at 2:07 am

Oooh, Braden got served! Stick that in your pipe and “flare it”.


Anonymous March 21, 2009 at 4:25 am

this is one helluvan OUTSTANDING post!
it nails all the issues squarely on the head. DOING IT RIGHT isn’t complicated and you’d think it would make that industry proud…
the truth is clearly missing from gas companies’ vocabularies! …or else we’d hear them shamelessly confessing their totally immoral greed.


Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths October 30, 2009 at 3:37 am

That was AWESOME! I've never had so much fun reading such smart sparring!


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