Support Regulatory Reform and Best Practices

Colorado State House
Colorado State House

Ending "energy sacrifice zones"

There are areas of the United States that are effectively -- thanks to neglect via inadequate public oversight -- energy sacrifice zones. For example, the gaspatch of Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and the coal belt of Appalachian states.

In these zones, drilling for oil and gas, and mining coal have altered landscapes and affected the health and wellbeing of citizens and ecosystems.

Until clean energy alternatives replace oil and gas and coal and uranium, dirty energy will continue to be extracted from these areas -- making possible modern lives for people far from the too-often polluted drinkingwater and air.

So as long as energy extraction occurs anywhere in the U.S., ALL of us must insure it occurs only with strong public oversight. Because keeping the a family warm through a New York winter must not occur at the expense of the health of a family in Colorado, or Texas, or anywhere else. 

Reforming regulatory oversight

Organized citizen opposition can play a crucial role in determining whether oil and gas permits are issued, the level of enforcement and oversight, and what sort of surface owner protections the laws and regulations offer. For example, in 2010 citizens in improved a Pennsylvania gas well permitting process.

At the state level, Earthworks' Oil & Gas Accountability Project has initiated and aided citizen efforts to improve their environment and quality of life by supporting

Requiring best practices

In addition to regulations, individual citizens, communities and organizations like Earthworks can push companies to use “best practices” to --

In some cases, citizens have been able to minimize the impacts to land and quality of life by requiring best practices in their leases. 

Citizens have also been able to pass laws and regulations that have required companies to use best practices.

For example, in New Mexico, citizens’ groups were instrumental in passing the ”Pit Rule”, which prohibited unlined pits, thus encouraging the use of closed-loop drilling systems (a “best practice”). Since the enactment of the pit rule there have been no new groundwater contamination cases documented from oil and gas pits.

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New Report: #fracking fluids with benzene 10 - 50 times the highest concentrations found in diesel fuels.
Methane is 86x worse for #climatechange than CO2. @BarackObama: it's time to regulate methane.

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