Predatory Lending in Denton

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For months now, I’ve been raising awareness to what seems to be the speedy proliferation of predatory lending establishments in Denton. It turns out I’m not alone…

During last evening’s City Council meeting, concerned citizens from our city’s non-profit, banking, and faith community put together a presentation raising awareness of the growing problems with Payday Lending and Title Loan businesses in town.  Click here to check out their Prezi presentation. You can also click here to download a PDF of their handout on predatory lending in Denton which I have also posted here below:

Handout1handout2At the conclusion of last night’s meeting, council directed city staff to provide us with more information as to our options of dealing with this problematic issue in Denton. I am also happy to announce that the first action step requested of council has already been accomplished – predatory lending has been added to our legislative agenda and we passed that agenda unanimously last night.

Please pass this along to your friends in Denton and join the Denton for Fair Lending Facebook page to stay on top of the latest developments.

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