Friday News Roundup - International

Kurdish women, one carrying a child, walk past farm land along the border area, close to the southeastern village of Mursitpinar, in the Turkish Sanliurfa province, opposite the Syrian town of Kobane, also known as Ain al-Arab, where heavy fighting between Islamic State (IS) militants and Kurdish fighters is taking place, on October 16, 2014. Turkey's ruling party said it was optimistic about the prospects for the peace process with Kurdish rebels after a spate of violence raised concern about its viability. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS  - (ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)

Kurdish women, one carrying a child, walk past farm land along the border area, close to the southeastern village of Mursitpinar, in the Turkish Sanliurfa province, opposite the Syrian town of Kobane, also known as Ain al-Arab, where heavy fighting between Islamic State (IS) militants and Kurdish fighters is taking place, on October 16, 2014. Turkey's ruling party said it was optimistic about the prospects for the peace process with Kurdish rebels after a spate of violence raised concern about its viability. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS


Friday News Roundup - International

The U.N. says the world is failing to contain Ebola in West Africa, stepped-up coalition airstrikes in the battle against ISIS on a Syrian border town and new concerns about sagging global economic growth: Please join us to discuss the week's top international news stories.

The U.N. says the world is failing to contain Ebola in West Africa, stepped-up coalition airstrikes in the battle against ISIS on a Syrian border town and new concerns about sagging global economic growth: Please join us to discuss the week's top international news stories.


Jonathan Landay

senior national security and intelligence correspondent, McClatchy Newspapers.

Jennifer Griffin

national security correspondent, Fox News; co-author of "This Burning Land."

Paul Danahar

Washington bureau chief, BBC; author of "The New Middle East: The World After the Arab Spring."

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