Winner, Manufacturing and Distribution: Jeff Branch CFO, Nerium International LLC (Video)

CFO of the Year Awards

SUBSCRIBER CONTENT: Oct 17, 2014, 2:00pm CDT Updated: Oct 20, 2014, 12:13pm CDT

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Winner - Manufacturing and Distribution. Jeff branch CFO, Nerium International LLC. DBJ's CFO of the Year 2014.

Staff Dallas Business Journal

It's been more than three years since Jeff Branch landed as the financial head of new skincare company, Nerium International LLC.

Branch — and the company — kicked off Nerium International in April 2011 in a small 5,432-square-foot office in Addison.

But the Addison-based multilevel marketing company has grown quickly, with Nerium recently inking a big office lease within its office park in Addison for 75,912 square feet.

The new lease more than doubles it's previous lease, which reflects the company's growth trajectory.

“This is a $130 billion industry, of which only 20 percent of it is in the United States," Branch said.

In being part of the company since the beginning, Branch has been able to help Nerium make key strategic business decisions and adding to the company's bottom line. He has helped develop pricing for the company's skincare products and controls overhead and costs related to product purchasing.

As the company has been rapidly expanding, Branch has helped add new team members to Nerium, which has grown to nearly 300 employees.

As the company has grown quickly, it has needed to better define its leadership roles, and Branch's title changed to CFO in June 2014.

The new title gives Branch the ability to oversee the financial accounting and legal aspects of the business, he said. Now, Branch has his sights set on expansion.

“We have completed our expansion into Mexico and Canada," Branch said, adding the company plans to continue it's expansion in other foreign countries.

And Branch — who has more than three decades of experience — says he's ready for that growth.

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