Global manufacturer Hilti moving its headquarters to Plano

Oct 14, 2014, 3:52pm CDT

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2. Legacy details: Dallas-based Trammell Crow Co., along with joint venture partner Principal Real Estate Investors, has begun construction on its two-building Legacy Towers development, which will sit on the former Stacy’s Furniture headquarters site at The Shops at Legacy. The initial phase includes a 13-story, 342,000-square-foot office tower and a six-level connected parking garage. Location: The southeast corner of Legacy Drive and the Dallas North Tollway key tenants: Trammell Crow Co. has been marketing the project to prospective tenants. project delivery: Late 2014

Staff Writer- Dallas Business Journal
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Tulsa-based global manufacturer Hilti Inc., a subsidiary of Hilti North America, plans to relocate its corporate headquarters to Plano.

The company, which supplies specialized tools and fastening systems for the construction industry, wanted to bring its company closer to a broader base of customers in the construction and energy fields, said Cary Evert, Hilti North America's president and CEO.

"While we wanted to relocate the headquarters to a city with a thriving business environment, we also wanted to ensure that our team members had a great place to live," Evert said, in a statement. 'We feel that Plano is that city."

Evert said the city had the right combination of a low cost of living, as well as the educational and cultural opportunities for the company.

Plano was selected by Hilti from an initial pool of 18 major U.S. cities and selected Trammell Crow's Legacy Tower as its new headquarters location. The tower is currently under development.

Plano Mayor Harry LaRosiliere said the company's reputation was a quality one to add to Plano's growing number of corporate names.

Along with the corporate move, Hilti will relocate its test lab, repair service and distribution centers to Dallas-Fort Worth. The details of the location were unavailable immediately on Tuesday.

Hilti says it has offered about 250 workers relocation packages to move to the region.

Candace covers commercial and residential real estate and sports business.


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