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Earth, Wind and Fire Energy Summit

Earth, Wind and Fire Energy Summit

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Published by Sharon Wilson
The Earth, Wind, & Fire Energy Summit is the first energy conference of its kind in Texas.

While other conferences focus on a single form of energy or only selected sources of energy, this Dallas weekend event promises to provide attendees with a global view of America’s energy portfolio, discussing not only traditional and renewable forms of energy, but
also new, emerging energy technologies – and the potential for these sources in the future.
The Earth, Wind, & Fire Energy Summit is the first energy conference of its kind in Texas.

While other conferences focus on a single form of energy or only selected sources of energy, this Dallas weekend event promises to provide attendees with a global view of America’s energy portfolio, discussing not only traditional and renewable forms of energy, but
also new, emerging energy technologies – and the potential for these sources in the future.

More info:

Categories:Types, Brochures
Published by: Sharon Wilson on Aug 29, 2014
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reserved


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OCTOBER 4-5, 2014 Visit earthwindresummit.org to register online
The Earth, Wind, & Fire Energy Summit is the frst energy
conference of its kind in Texas.
While other conferences focus on a single form of energy or only selected sources of energy, this Dallas weekend event promises to provide attendees with a global view of America’s energy portfolio, discussing not only traditional and renewable forms of energy, but also new, emerging energy technologies – and the potential for these sources in the future. This two-day educational event will be held at the Addison Conference Centre in North Dallas. The conference will provide insight on both traditional and renewable forms of energy including current and future perspectives on the use of these various forms of energy, on both a national and regional scale, and discuss the environmental and human impacts surrounding these energy sources from extraction and development to power generation.The Earth, Wind, & Fire Energy Summit is sponsored by the Dallas
Sierra Club and various nonprot organizations. Our mission is to educate the public and those who work to inuence policy on the
public’s behalf regarding environmental issues associated with
energy. Our aim is to answer some of today’s pressing questions
raised by the public and in the media surrounding energy issues.Speakers will include well known academics, policymakers, as well as professional representatives from associations that focus on energy issues.
Space is limited so make your reservations now to attend this exciting event.
 All those interested in energy and how it affects their daily lives:
Members of the general public interested in energy issues
Policymakers, ofcials, and government
agency representatives 
Nonprot organizations
Environmental professionals 
Small business owners and executives 
College and graduate students interested in energy and environmental issues
Learn from and interact with those who work in and around energy policy:
Gain a global view of the dynamic and changing nature of energy in America
Explore how America’s demand for energy today translates into its production and expansion in the U.S. and Texas 
Learn about the potential human and environmental impacts caused by energy production 
Meet and network with an array of
experts, respected organizations, and
other individuals working on energy energy issues
Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Waste to Energy,
Natural Gas, Coal, Oil/Dilbit, Nuclear 
North Dallas Location • Addison Conference Centre • 15650 Addison Rd. • Addison, Texas 75001
Fracking 101
Hydraulic fracturing or fracking – learn the basics about the process and the controversy that sur-rounds it. Where are the current and new areas for fracking in Texas? Are there risks to our land, air and water?
Fracking and Groundwater Contamination
Residents in Texas and states across the country have complained that hydraulic fracturing has caused contamination of their water wells and local groundwater. Discover if fracking can indeed contaminate groundwater from those who’ve con-ducted studies in the Cline and Barnett Shale.
Earthquakes and Disposal of Fracking Waste
Texas and Oklahoma are experiencing earth
quakes in regions where earthquakes have never
happened before. Learn from an expert who has conducted studies in the central southwest area of the U.S. whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between fracking and disposal wells.
Solar Power: Can I Afford It for My Home or Business?
 As solar power has expanded across the country, so has the diversity of systems for both home and
business expanded along with the nancing for
such systems. See what new options are available for both your home and business.
Train vs. Pipeline: The Debate over Transporting Oil
While the nal decision is looming for the permitting
of the northern segment of the Keystone XL pipeline and the transport of dilbit or tar sands crude, a debate is raging over whether the transport of oil is best by rail or by pipeline. Pipelines leak while rail has seen increasing incidents, especially in and around urban
areas with devastating consequences. Come weigh
the pros and cons from an expert’s point-of-view. What can be done to make the transport of oil safer?
Geothermal - Exploring Energy from the Earth
Heat from the earth can be used as an energy source in many ways, from creating large and complex power stations to small conventional systems that provide heat and cooling in individual homes and buildings. Come explore how geother-
mal energy is already being utilized in Texas and
its potential for expansion as an affordable and sustainable green source of energy.
An Old Source Facing New Challenges
New government rules are on the horizon that will affect the ability for aging coal-red power plants
to upgrade and continue producing power. Texas is home to many of these aging plants and also to the mining of lignite coal. Take a look into the future of whether this traditional energy source will continue or become a fuel of the past.
Is there a Future for Nuclear Power?
Since the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, many
questions have been raised about the potential
dangers and future of nuclear power in America.  Are there any nuclear power plants moving beyond the drawing board in the U.S. - in Texas?  And can there be safe disposal of nuclear waste?
Wind Power: Today’s Trends and Challenges
Discover the trends for wind power today and the challenges it faces in its expansion across  America. Is wind competitive with other sources of energy? What is the potential for wind on a residential level?
What’s Blowing in the Wind for Offshore Development?
Today no large utility-scale offshore wind farms
have yet been built that could blaze a path for
offshore wind’s future in the U.S. But the Dept. of Energy is due to award a pilot project for tapping into the estimated 4,000 gigawatts of power that blows unimpeded off America’s coastlines. Learn about this pilot project, plus the concerns and challenges offshore wind companies face as they develop this green energy source.
Fueling The Push for Energy Exports
Five years ago, many companies were building import terminals, anticipating greater U.S. demand for imported oil and gas. Now, the tide has turned signaling the permitting of terminals to ship both
liqueed natural gas and oil piped from Canada
to other nations. Likewise the coal industry is looking to build terminals for export while pressure increases to decrease emissions from U.S. coal-
red plants. Learn more about the trade offs of
fueling the export of energy.
Waste to Energy Projects -- Getting Power from Trash
Proposals are being put forward toward inciner-
ating everyday trash into energizing the future
of Texans through “waste to energy” projects. Learn more about this emerging energy alterna-tive – plus the pros and cons it may hold for the environment and electrifying our lives.
Topics of Interest
Energy topics to be covered during the conference include:
Meet Some of Our Speakers
Dr. Beach is the Assistant Director of Energy & Technology Policy at the
FRACKING & EARTHQUAKESNicholas van der Elst, Columbia University
Nicholas van der Elst is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory of Columbia University in New York, studying the mechanics of earthquakes and
faulting. His research holds a special focus on
earthquake interactions and triggering to improve short-term forecasts including the sequences that may lead up to or follow a larger quake. This study has led to an interest in earthquakes caused by deep uid injection and disposal wells – which is a type of triggered earthquake with strong societal
relevance. In 2013, Van der Elst and others were featured in
 magazine for a study focusing
on deep wastewater injection and seismic activity.
Steve Wiese is the past president of the Texas Renewable Energy Industries  Association (TREIA) and is the Principal of Clean
Energy Associates, a consulting rm providing ser 
-vices related to distributed renewable energy. In this capacity, he designed and now manages the solar incentive programs offered by seven Texas investor-owned electric utilities providing more than $18 million in incentives to Texas consumers which contributed to Texas’ top ten ranking among solar states in 2010.
WASTE TO ENERGYJeffrey Morris, Sound Resource Management
Jeffrey Morris is the principal of Sound Resource Management Group in Seattle. As an
economist, his consulting work involves analyzing the economic cost/benet valuation of pollution
emissions with expertise in modeling life cycle inventories, evaluating impacts and assessments regarding solid waste management including the incineration of waste for energy for various clients in North America. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles regarding incineration, recycling and solid waste issues.Energy Institute at UT Austin. He is responsible for supervising and conducting research related to the interplay of energy, environmental, and technology policy. Dr. Beach also teaches energy policy at the Cockrell School of Engineering and McCombs School of Business. Dr. Beach holds a Ph.D. from UT Austin’s LBJ School of Public Affairs.
Kathy J. Martin, Martin Environmental Services, LLC
Kathy J. Martin has worked for the
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
FRACKING & WATERZachariah Hildenbrand, UT Arlington
Dr. Zachariah Hildenbrand is a
Below are some of our conrmed event speakers from across the country. For more details, go to earthwindresummit.org 
WIND Andrew Swift,Texas Tech University
Dr. Andrew Swift is the Associate Director of the National Wind Institute at Texas Tech University - focused on wind energy education and workforce development. Dr. Swift has worked in renewable energy research and education for over 30 years, with many published articles in wind turbine engineering and renewable energy. In 1995, he received the American Wind Energy Society Academic Award for continuing contributions to wind energy technology.
OIL TRANSPORTPaul BlackburnPipeline Safety Trust
Paul Blackburn is an energy and environmental law attorney based in Minneapolis. He provides legal and consutling services on pipeline, electric utility and mining matters. He has provided policy analysis and strategic advice on a variety of pipeline issues and authored papers on pipeline and safety response. Paul started his career in Washington DC at the
law rm of Van Ness Feldman and holds a BA in
Biology from Macalester College and a JD from Boston College Law School.
Jeff Crilley, former Channel 4 reporter 
Former Emmy award winning TV reporter Jeff Crilley will share the secrets of how to get “Free Media with No Money.” Learn how to get good news stories covered by the media, including how to get them coming back to you for more.
Shelley Koer, Randy Lee Loftis, Paul Adrian - Print/Radio/TV Journalists
 A second workshop will include Shelley Koer of KERA, Randy Lee Loftis of the
Dallas Morning News
, former TV reporter Paul Adrian, and other journalists who will conduct a panel with insights on today’s coverage in environmental news.
Dr. Maria Richards, coordinator of SMU’s Geothermal Lab, will be shar-ing vital information on renewable energy tapped from the earth’s internal heat. Serving as a cen-ter for excellence for more than 42 years, SMU’s Geothermal dept. has been awarded over $9 million from the U.S. Dept. of Energy, National Sci-
ence Foundation, Texas State Energy ofce, and
others to research this clean renewable source.
WINDGabriel Alonso, AWEA
Gabriel Alonso is the current chair of the American Wind Energy Associa-
tion (AWEA) and the Chief Executive Ofcer for
EDP Renewables North America, the third largest producer of wind energy in the world. EDPR has
grown vefold in its installed capacity since Alonso
 joined the company, from 800 to 4,000 megawatts with 29 wind farms across the country.Daniel Cohan is an Associate Pro-
COAL Daniel Cohan, Rice UniversityNUCLEARArjun Makhijani, IEER
 Arjun Makhijani, President of the In-stitute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), holds a Ph.D. in engineering
(specialization: nuclear fusion) from the Univ. of California at Berkeley. Over the past 20 years, he
has produced many studies and articles regarding the nuclear fuel cycle and related issues, including weapons production, testing, and nuclear waste.
He is the principal author of the rst study (com
-pleted in 1971) on energy conservation potential in the U.S. economy.fessor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dept. at Rice University. His research specializes
in photochemical modeling and their application
to air quality management, energy policy, and
health impact studies. Current research includes examining how uncertainty in modeling impacts
environmental decisionmaking, exploring air qual
-ity and implications of growing electricity demand. In 2013, Cohan authored a report exploring the
retrotting of older Texas coal-red facilities with
modern emission controls.
ENERGY & CLIMATE CHANGEAl Armendariz, Sierra Club
Dr. Al Armendariz is one of six senior
national campaign representatives for
the Sierra Club, overseeing the organization’s work in Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Dr.  Armendariz previously served three years as EPA  Administrator for the Region 6 ofce in Dallas.
Prior to his appointment, he spent eight years as a professor in the Department of Civil and Environ-mental Engineering at Southern Methodist
University in Dallas. Dr. Armendariz received his
doctorate in Environmental Engineering from the University of North Carolina. Faculty Research Associate at the Univ. of Texas at Arlington where he is a lead scientist for studies
analyzing groundwater quality in the Barnett and
Cline Shale formations. He is also the founder of Inform Environmental, LLC, an environmental consulting company that provides comprehensive groundwater analyses and monitoring services.
Warren Lasher is the system plan- ning director for Electric Reliability
WIND John Pappas, Texas A&M
John Pappas is the Associate Director of the Texas A&M Energy
Council of Texas (ERCOT), the agency which
manages the power grid for almost 90 percent of the state. Mr. Lasher’s responsibilities include transmission planning studies, load forecasting,
and resource adequacy analyses. At ERCOT, he
has coordinated long term transmission plans and studies, along with recent analyses of EPA
regulation impacts on the ERCOT system.
Institute and the Director of the Texas A&M Wind Energy Center. Pappas holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.He is a member of the American Wind Energy Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and is the author of 25 referred papers.
and the Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental
Quality in customer assistance and as a permit writer. She holds a BS in Petroleum Engineering and MS in Civil Engineering from the Univ. of
Oklahoma. Martin has served on the State Review of Oil and Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER) board and assisted in the review of regulations for Oklahoma, Kentucky, and
Tennessee for several years.

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