Maine Now Quarantining People for Setting Foot in Dallas

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If you want any real Ebola news, check out the Friday afternoon update. If you want to see something we barely believe isn't from The Onion, keep reading.

In a move that makes Highland Park ISD's response to Ebola seem thoughtful and measured, Maine School Administrative District 58 has placed a teacher on paid administrative leave due to parental fears of her being exposed to Ebola. The teacher's crime? Attending a seminar held by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium in Dallas.

See also: Highland Park ISD Wants Parents to Know They Are Safe From Clay Jenkins and His Family

To Unfair Park's knowledge, she didn't seek out the bodily fluids of any Ebola sufferers while she was here, nor did she play with Bentley the dog. She did, however, stay at the Hilton Anatole, exactly 9.5 miles away from Texas Health Presbyterian. That's right: If Dallas were to follow Maine's lead, basically the whole city would be getting paid to stay home on Monday. Good idea.

The teacher's leave is scheduled to last 21 days, the Ebola virus' incubation period.

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Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Republicans create panic in order to blame Obama.  Terrorist groups see how easily Americans are terrorized.  Thank you, Republicans. 


If you were concerned about being quarantined maybe you shouldn't have put such incompetent screwups in charge of your public health department.  You're damn lucky that there hasn't been a case cluster in the wild there.


Highland Park people, delusional people living in yesterday on daddy or grandparents money.


I live in a town that's 6 miles from the teacher on PAID 21 DAY LEAVE. Nearly everyone here believes that it was an instance of the school board caving in to hysteria and find it embarrassing. Please don't find us ALL guilty of being stupid by association.

I love Dallas and would go there in a second!


About as absurd as banning flights from West Africa.  If you follow the GOP logic, then we should be banning all flights from Dallas due to Ebola exposure at one hospital.


The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is developing a system of valid, reliable, and fair next-generation assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) and mathematics for grades 3-8 and 11.

It's not Dallas; its COMMON CORE!


I say we quarantine anyone who has ever been in the northeast. They have been contaminated by Massholes.


If here leave is paid, bully for her!


She must be an expert on Ebola since she stayed at a Hilton Anatole that night.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz it's Republicans who are the terrorists - exploiting any crisis with misleading and false information to scare people into voting for them. . Dan Patrick and his ebola laden ISIS troops coming over the border. . .



If the Obama administration were competent there wouldn't be panic or worry. Benghazi; IRS; VA; Secret Service; ISIS; (or as only he says "ISIL"); Ebola; and on and on. The screw ups are beyond belief!


@s.aten Currently CDC's guidelines say that if a person shows up at an ER with ebola symptoms you are supposed to ask if they have traveled recently to West Africa.   Why?  Because that's a place where ebola is known to exist.    This official CDC and WHO procedure!  So ... in precisely what ways is it different for an ER in a non-Dallas city to ask someone if they've recently traveled to Dallas?  Ok the magnitude of the problem is a lot higher in West Africa than in Dallas.   The difference is only a matter of degree.   How many cases would Dallas have to have, in order to become equivalent to West Africa?    

People like you who laugh off the concerns of others, don't seem to understand that West Africans started off just like you.  Laughing and making light of the situation.   

TheRuddSki topcommenter


As absurd as the GOP's obsession with isolation and containment via flight restrictions, the notion polls quite well - so the idea of flight bans is now "on the table", according to the White House.

Wendy Davis supports a flight ban, as do several other dem candidates. Granted, they just have to fake absurdity due to the conservative nature of their constituency, but since the NYT reports today that Obama is "seething", he might just do something crazy to give the appearance that he's in some sort of control.

If they ban flights to Israel, they can ban flights from Liberia.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The way ebola is brought under control is through isolation, the great majority of the people polled support that, and now since it polls well, the WH says flight bans are "on the table".

If in fact Obama decrees a flight ban or some sort of control, will you blame the GOP?

BTW, the NYT reports today that Obama is "seething". Maybe he should be isolated, and Wendy Davis supports a flight ban.

bmarvel topcommenter

@Tim.Covington "...contaminated by Massholes"

I suppose it's pointless to remind everyone that it's Maine doing this, not Massachusetts. Map-reading is not a core skill here  in Texas, but the two states really are quite different.


Massholebola is an under repeated threat.


@jim2710 @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz 9/11, wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Blackwater, real estate collapse, attacks at 33 embassies. Wall street Collapse, and amazingly - incredible profits for the top 2%. . .



ISIL - as only Obama and the entire intelligencecommunity says it.

At least know what you are talking about.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


About 23 nations with some ebola-related travel restrictions. Republicans have vast global influence.

Restrictions are polling well, the seething administration may yet act.


@fredflintstone1990 @s.aten  You're an ass. The West Africans eat bush meat which is one of the main reasons they get it. We have no indigenous Ebola virus here. But be careful. Little green men might sneak in your bedroom at night


@leftocenter By "he" I meant the entire Obama administration. Do you refer to this group as "ISIL"?

bmarvel topcommenter

@Tim.Covington @bmarvel

You also wrote:  "They have been contaminated by Massholes."

As you know, it is kind of a thing among certain Texans to lump together everything from New Jersey to New Brunswick as "the northeast."

I once heard a New York art collector brag about a work he owned by an artist "from Wyoming or Oklahoma, or one of those states." I thought, how stupid. That was before I got to Texas.


I can neither confirm nor deny that.


@bmarvel @Tim.Covington Dear smartest of smart guys: Go and talk to any resident of New Hampshire or Maine and they will tell you of the marked differences they share with the influx of Massachusetts transplants that moved north because of the cost of living in their old home state. That will help your addled brain figure out what he meant by "contaminated".

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I thought, how stupid. That was before I got to Texas.

You really know how to charm the locals, amigo.

I lived years in the NE, we always called Massholes Massholes, it's got nothing to do with Texas.

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I absorbed Texas from my Texas grandmother and my Texas father, Ruddski. The one had never been west of Denton, the other spent a fortnight in Chicago once. Texas notions of what happens in the northeast were part of family lore.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Yankee notions of Texas are part of Yankee lore.

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Except (1) I m not a Yankee, and (2) I absorbed that lore from Texans. And (3) when I moved down here I found much of it confirmed. Just because it's lore doesn't mean it's not true, Ruddski.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bmarvel @TheRuddSki Refer to Myrna's comments for typical NE opinion on what comprises TX.

I'm sure you'll find everyplace in the US has it's preconceptions of what goes on in other places about the country.  To single Texas out, especially in response to a tongue in cheek comment on this board shows that whatever else happened to you in TX, your sense of humor got vaporized.

Michael in LH
Michael in LH

@bmarvel @TheRuddSki Statement #3 is in direct contradiction to statement #1. It is impossible for one to "move down here" and not be a Yankee.

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