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Rehydrating Texas: Regulatory Reform to Keep Water Flowing for Texans


Thursday, 16 October 2014 - 11:30am to 1:00pm
Texas State Capitol
Legislative Conference Center, E2.002
Austin  Texas  78701
United States



Over the last 15 years Texas has made great strides to ensure that the state’s water resources remain flowing and accessible for a growing number of Texans. The financing has been addressed, the plans have been laid out, and the environmental concerns have been considered. The 84th Legislature now has the opportunity to finish the state’s comprehensive water package by removing regulatory impediments to the free development, management, and trade of surface and groundwater. There is light at the end of the tunnel!


Join TPPF's Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment for a discussion on how this final piece of the water puzzle will help Texas open the taps to more efficient, long term water access. Register Today!