dcsimg LNG Exports: The Global Thirst for North American Shale Gas

LNG Exports: The Global Thirst for North American Shale Gas


Over the next five years, global LNG demand will grow 39% while LNG supply will only grow by 27%, creating opportunities in the global LNG market

The rapid pace of unconventional gas production growth in North America is about to transform the liquefied natural gas (LNG) import business into an export business, with important consequences for both the North American and global gas markets.

BENTEK’s Market Alert, LNG Exports: The Global Thirst for North American Shale Gas explains that North American LNG exports will be necessary as global LNG demand is expected to grow 39% (12.9 Bcf/d) over the next five years, faster than the projected 27% (8.5 Bcf/d) global gas supply growth.  Consequently, the global LNG market is expected to tighten, providing an incentive for North American suppliers to export LNG.

This Market Alert provides an overview of the market changes including the conditions in North America that have prompted plans for LNG exports, the current and expected global LNG market trends and the impacts of exports on the North American and global gas markets. It includes forecasts for U.S. and Canadian production growth, expectations for the gas supply and demand balance in the U.S. and Canada and the individual regions in which export terminals are being planned, and the impacts of North American  exports on the global LNG markets.

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