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Victory! Cleveland passes resolution against antibiotic misuse on factory farms. more wins »

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I support Food & Water Watch simply because I have a family and want them to be healthy, happy and do not want anyone to take advantage of them.

Cassandra Nguyen

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The action you’re looking for no longer exists, but don’t worry! Here are some other ways to take action to protect your food and water:

You have a right to know what's in your food!
We can all agree that we should be able to know what's in the food that we're eating. Fill out the form to sign the petition to legislators: I urge you to support legislation that would require the labeling of all genetically engineered foods.
Sign the Petition to Ban Fracking Now!
Fracking threatens our essential resources. From the excessive use of our fresh water to toxic chemical-laden waste water that we can't dispose of, fracking for natural gas unnecessarily endangers our health and future. We need to ban fracking now!
Tell Congress to Stop Obama's Secret Trade Deals
Congress just introduced fast track, and could vote at any time. Don't let mega corporations undermine our democracy and threaten the things we care the most about.