American Airlines, US Airways arrive at merger milestone with cargo operations

Oct 21, 2014, 12:58pm CDT

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Jason Janik | Bloomberg

American Airlines (NASDAQ:AAL) has received a single air waybill for its newly integrated cargo operations.

Associate Editor/Online- Charlotte Business Journal
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American Airlines Group Inc. (NASDAQ:AAL) has reached what it calls a "significant milestone" on its way to completing the integration of legacy American and US Airways.

Ten months after the two carriers completed their merger in December, the cargo divisions have combined under a single air waybill, Fort Worth-based American said Monday in a news release.

"Today is the culmination of a lot of hard work by our cargo employees," said Jim Butler, president of American Airlines Cargo, in the release. The cargo teams have combined 154 facilities and aligned products, making that unit the first operational division at the new American to be fully integrated.

"Becoming one cargo organization less than a year after we legally closed our merger is a tremendous achievement," said Robert Isom, the airline's chief operating officer. "Today's announcement provides great momentum in our efforts to provide our customers a seamless experience as we continue to integrate our passenger systems, route network and loyalty programs."

American's passenger operations continue to fly under separate certificates from the Federal Aviation Administration. A spokeswoman said the airline anticipates receiving a single operating certificate from the FAA in the second quarter of 2015.

The combined American Airlines, based in Fort Worth, Texas, is now the world's largest carrier by operations. Charlotte Douglas International Airport is home to its second-largest hub.

Jen Wilson coordinates the Charlotte Business Journal's online operations and social-media efforts, chronicles local events for CBJ Seen and takes photographs.


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