Goodfellow62's Channel
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Sep 18, 2006
Last Visit Date:
1 month ago
United States
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Channel Comments (141)
WindEnergy7 (2 months ago)
nice channel Goodfellow. Please LIKE my video if you support SOLAR POWER.
PalestineCitizen2009 (3 months ago)
Nice videos lol typing errors
PalestineCitizen2009 (3 months ago)
thanks you to and very nive videos you have.
cbluver22 (3 months ago)
Salam Alikum

Thank you for the reply back. I don't know any Iranians, so I never had the chance to ask questions about Iran. Since I don't trust western Media at all I was wondering if you can explain to me what the Islamic revoultion was about and how it started. And what roles do the Ayatollah(s) play in Iranian society?
cbluver22 (3 months ago)
Ohhh, I'm glad I came across your channel. Living in Canada, they always make it look like the Iranian all hate their president,and that Iranians are these poor desperate people that need to be liberated, so it's good to see some videos debunk that false information.

goonagoonn (4 months ago)
Listen arabzadeye hezbolahie SANDISKHOR: Grab your Islamic republic, your khomeini, your khamenei and your retarded ahmadinejad and shove them up your mother' ass or the other hole. SOON WE ARE GOING TO GET ARABZADEH AND GARBAGE LIKE YOU AND WE ARE GOING TO SEND YOU TO YOUR ARABIA SAUDI WHERE YOUR HASSAN AND HUSSAIN LIZARD EATERS CAME FROM. YOU GOT THE WRONG COUNTRY SANDISKHORE MOFTKHOR.!
jasonthemankiller (4 months ago)
Salam Afshin .Thank you for the invite and God bless you and your family .
nilo723 (4 months ago)
Your videos form an important part of history!
jimmybahri (4 months ago)
Peace for ALL who live!!! آزادی و صلح برای تمامَ جانداران روی زمین
multioym (5 months ago)
Asalam Alaikom
Nice Channel
Happy Eid Al-Ghadeer Mubarak
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