Selected Projects

Luna Park is a literary magazine sponsored by York College of Pennsylvania. We worked with them to develop both a logo and website.

HTMLGIANT is a literary blog run by Supreme Value co-founder Gene Morgan. HTMLGIANT receives over 500,000 pageviews a month.

Distinctive Living is a real estate development company in Houston, Tx. We worked with an existing logo to create both a website and print materials.

Auterra is a real estate holding company in Aspen, Co. We worked with them to develop both a logo and website.


Web Development

Website Design

Whether you've been on the web for a while and you're looking for an update or you're just getting up and running, our website design services give your business a level of polish and professionalism that will set it apart from the competition. It is our belief a well-designed interface and site structure go a long way towards both attracting new customers and establishing the strength of your brand.

Content Development

A proper development and implementation of video, images, original artwork and copy is vital to the success of your business. When these things come together in the best possible way, it gives clarity and legitimacy to your business. Through content development, we help make what you do known, quickly and effectively.

Social Media Integration

The simple act of being seen can get you ahead of the competition. We get your business advertising in cost-effective ways by implementing social networking in ways that both attract new customers and inform current ones. We strategize with you and research the best way these services can help your business.

Content Management Systems

Do you have multiple people contributing to your site? Do you want to change content quickly without knowing how to write code? We design sites that can be updated with a very limited amount of experience. We are also available for lessons and support, as needed.

Mobile Site Development

Having your information easily accessible on mobile devices is essential to a customer on the go. Using a company that understands the application of content and formatting it properly for a device make a lasting first impression.

Mobile Device Optimization

We test to make sure that your site and everything that goes with it is optimized for an array of mobile devices and platforms.

Creative Services

Branding & Identity

We research and develop a look that is truly unique to what you do, just like your business. We assess your print and web strategies to make sure you're putting your efforts in the right direction.

Logo Design and Development

A logo is the foundation of a successful business identity. We spend time with you and your business and come up with a fresh face for what you do. And if you have an existing logo, we can update it to meet your current expectations.

Marketing Strategies

We work to target your customers where they are and help you avoid wasting your money on dead leads. Social networking, Google Adwords, email marketing, contact relationship management, and print advertising are all valuable tools when used in the right way. We can show you how.

Print Development and Campaigns

Looking to boost interest in your field? Whether it's direct mailing or promotional materials, we can strategize and execute a great looking print campaign to get you the attention you deserve.

Asset Development

Don't know the difference between print and web resolution? Not sure how to get promotional videos onto your website? Don't have any dynamic media content? Let us manage and create those files for you, we'll make sure you've always got the proper format for any job.

Digital Image Retouching

Already have tons of images for your business but need a color correction or heavy editing? We'll handle that for you, so your images always look their best.

IT Services

Workflow Development

Not sure where all your time is going and if it is getting wasted? We can help you understand time better by evaluating existing structures and choose the proper software and hardware to get you working smarter.

Mobile Device Integration

Got a cell phone? Do you know how to make it a computer away from the office? Let us help you get business done on the go. We know mobile software and how to make it work right for you.

Cloud File Systems

Cloud storage is the answer to working collaboratively and efficiently across many computers and devices. We can set you up so that your business is able to access files anytime on and offline, sync your contacts and calendars, and store data safely and remotely.

Business Systems Evaluations

How old is that computer sitting on your employee's desk? Two years old? Five years old? We can assess your current hardware and make it work for you.

About Us

Supreme Value is a web services and design business based in Houston, Texas.

Jenny Morgan has extensive experience in print and design. Her previous experience with publications from layout to production has given her a keen eye for effective and innovative design. She has also worked with company branding at fine art galleries, from promotional materials, web interfacing to image handling and editing. Jenny is a visual artist, and runs the gallery Red White Yellow.

Gene Morgan has spent seven years designing websites for writers and writing projects. He is technically proficient with WordPress, HTML, CSS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Flash, and a number of other web-based technologies. Gene runs the technical and design side of the group literature blog HTMLGIANT.

Contact Information

Business Inquiries
Jenny Morgan /

Technical Questions
Gene Morgan /

Phone Number
(832) 429-7996

Fax Number
(281) 727-0865