Why Health Quality Measures Are Important

Testing for breast cancer: Women are more likely to survive if breast cancer is found early through a mammogram (x-ray of the breast).

Testing for cervical cancer: Women are more likely to survive if cervical cancer is found early through a Pap test.

Check-ups for new mothers: During a visit, providers can check a new mother's recovery from childbirth and answer questions.

Immunizations for children: Immunization shots prevent childhood diseases such as polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and whooping cough.

Blood sugar testing for people with diabetes: Controlling blood sugar levels can prevent complications of diabetes.

Eye exams for people with diabetes: Regular eye exams can reduce the risk of blindness from diabetes.

Source: 2000 New Jersey HMO Performance Report: Compare Your Choices. http://www.state.nj.us/health/hmo2000/

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