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Police Cars Packed Law Enforcement Leadership Summits
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NHTSA/MADD Impaired Driving Law Enforcement Leadership Summits

In 2004, NHTSA partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to facilitate a series of five Impaired Driving Law Enforcement Leadership Summits throughout the country. The focus of the summit is to engage law enforcement executives to support and plan State impaired driving crackdowns and highly visible, sustained impaired driving enforcement programs.

The summits’ purpose is to promote proven and promising strategies of high visibility, sustained impaired driving enforcement to State, County, and local law enforcement leadership throughout the United States. The expectation is that participants will return to their home States and implement the proven and promising strategies throughout their law enforcement communities.

A supportive purpose of the summits is to demonstrate to participating law enforcement leaders solid support from their State highway safety office, the media, prosecutors office, and MADD as they implement these proven and promising strategies of high visibility, sustained enforcement.

The summits will group the States according to the NHTSA Region they reside in. This will allow for continued support and coordination from the NHTSA regional offices and the State highway safety offices to provide the necessary resources to the participating law enforcement agencies.

South Central Summit
West and Northwest Summit





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Did you know...

About 97% of Americans see drinking and driving as a threat to themselves and their families.